I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 217 Big Upgrade Plan (1)

After the polar ice bear king roared and strongly supported the coastline dominance plan, Romney continued his other plan.

The content of this plan is about the big upgrade of the two groups.

The content of the big upgrade plan first delineates the standards of the strength level.

Based on the research done when Romney was still a magician, based on the strength of people divided into stepless, low-level, intermediate, high-level, sanctuary, and god-level, Romney re-delineated the power division of all two ethnic groups.

The first step of this strength division is to digitize the levels, that is, to classify 0-9 levels as stepless, and perform a calculation according to the strength of magic power, the strength of fighting spirit, the strength of Spirit Power, the strength of resentment, the strength of Star power, etc. .

The calculation algorithm is calculated by the magic count formation simulated by the power of Star, and the set program is newly formulated by Romney.

After the non-level has specific data and energy indicators, Romney divided the low level into 10-29, the intermediate level was divided into 30-59, the high level was divided into 60-89, the sanctuary was divided into 90-99, and the god level was divided into 100 and above.

According to this classification, Romney and the Polar Ice Bear King both existed at level 90 or higher, and his teacher was at level 100 or higher.

Based on the division of this level, Romney divided the people of the two races into ordinary, elite, sergeant, and general fourth-level.

Among them, the ordinary is at the level of 10-29, the elite is at the level of 30-59, the sergeant is at the level of 60-89, and the general is at the level of 90-99.

Because no one has reached level 100 or above, there is no level above all generals. At the same time, according to possible changes, Romney has set up some spare maneuvers in the entire hierarchy.

These intervals are 9, 29, 59, 89, and 99, and they are converted into the standard grade. As long as they are in this interval, they can be prefixed with a sub-character. For example, sub-low level, sub-intermediate level, sub-high level, sub-sanctuary, sub-divine level and so on.

In addition to the quasi-level, Romney presupposes the 110-119-level category for the possible existence of non-general division levels that are stronger than the god level.

If it is said that it is extremely difficult to advance to each sub-level above 90, then 10 sub-levels are considered as one level above 90, which is a testable counting indicator. Then there can be 90-99 sanctuary, 100-109 god level, 110-119 super god level Transcendent stratification.

The Super God level was added by Romney, and Romney had seen this level. For example, the fairy Long Yueyin, Romney estimates that he can reach this level. Romney couldn't imagine what it was like above the super god level, that is, above the 120 level.

That kind of level inevitably surpasses the endurance limit of the plane, and may need to go out of the plane to know it. Just like the civilization inside the planet where Romney was in the previous life, no one can imagine what it looks like outside of the planet without going out of the planet.

Even if you touch a point, you are still looking at the flowers in the fog, and you can't make any conclusions about the indicators, you can only discuss the development amidst disputes.

In this way, in accordance with such a new set of grade calculation methods, linking up with the old grade system in the past, Romney began to fabricate a registered strength division plan.

This fabricated in the book is to divide the three ethnic areas of logistics, alternates, and front lines.

All tribesmen at levels 1-29 are assigned to logistics and belong to the third-line battle sequence. All 30-59 level tribesmen are assigned to the alternate second-line battle sequence. All the people of 60-89 level are drawn into the front-line battle sequence. In addition, there is an elite army of trump cards, which is only joined by the people of 90-99 level, and exists as an elite army of the two races.

According to such a division, the warriors of the polar dwarves and polar ice bear tribes, except for babies, women, teenagers and elderly tribes, almost most of the adult tribes can enter the first-line battle sequence.

And because the females of the polar dwarves and the females of the polar ice bears are not inferior to the males and the males, as the first-line battle order corps is gradually formed, the male and female corps are established separately but act together.

The reason for the separate establishment is caused by the natural mechanism of gender. After all, the reproductive status is different, and it needs to be distinguished. And acting together, because strength and intensity are generally the same, so there is no redundant division.

If so, the old and weak women and children have entered the second or even the third line, while Jingzhuang has entered the first or even trump card. This will enable an integrated management of multiple aspects such as defending bases, going out to fight, training new recruits, running logistics, multiplying and multiplying.

Romney emphatically explained one of the links in the whole plan, that is, logistics. He stated that in order to ensure the sound development of a regime, the economic foundation is the key to it.

For the two-ethnic covenant, it is to ensure that the security and operation system of food production such as fishing, hunting, captive breeding, and planting is established.

Because of this demand, Romney divided the second-line battle sequence into two parts, one for the logistics economic corps and the other for the defensive alternate corps.

Both corps can be on the battlefield during the National War, but in normal times, the Logistics Economic Corps is mainly responsible for militarized economic production, including group fishing, hunting, farming, captive breeding, food processing, healing, and gathering. Herbs, fire and cooking, etc. The defensive reserve corps is responsible for base defense and stationing, patrolling public order, driving away beasts, and handling security affairs.

In this way, there will be two corps stationed bases, the logistics economy and the defensive alternate, and the two corps of the first-line legion and the ace legion will go out to fight.

After a clear hierarchy, a clear division of labor, and a clear function, it is the content of the delineation of positions, military ranks and powers and responsibilities.

According to personal wishes, talent abilities, and strength levels. The military ranks of the original Alec Empire are used as a reference. They are: 321st class private, lower lieutenant officer, junior lieutenant officer, junior lieutenant colonel, and junior lieutenant general.

In corps and corps, and even in all military sequences, in the ranks of the same clan, superiors can have command over subordinates. Subordinates have the right to hear orders from superiors. This rule is not mandatory during non-war time, but it will be mandatory during combat.

In addition to dividing command authority, military rank, military qualifications, combat experience, and status, these ranks are also directly linked to strength. According to the ranks of strength, ordinary, elite, sergeant, and general's strength ranks correspond to military ranks one by one.

Private soldiers generally have ordinary strength, that is, 1-29; non-commissioned officers and lieutenants generally have elite strength, that is 30-59; school officers are generally sergeant strength, that is 60-89; generals are generally generals Level strength is 90-99 level.

If the military merit and qualifications are up to the standard, but the strength is not up to the standard, the rank and rank cannot be Ascension. If the strength is up to the standard, and the military merit and qualification requirements are met, the rank and rank will be promoted.

Under the current two-ethnic covenant situation, there are only two generals, one is Romney, and the other is the Polar Ice Bear King. There are dozens of school officers, but there is only one colonel, the second stunned chief Luo of the Arctic Dwarf Ice Hammer.

Because the polar ice bear tribe does not have a tribal system, nor a civilization hierarchy, all ice bears listen to the roaring command of the ice bear king and do not have any second-level or third-level command.

Therefore, after the fall of the new system, a large part of the command power of the Ice Bear tribe will be temporarily included in the command system of the polar dwarves. After the polar ice bears are used to the new system, and newly appointed ice bears with the strength of school officers stand out, this part of the command will return to the hands of the polar ice bear clan.

In the case of Romney not playing, the command of the battlefield will fall under the control of the only general Polar Ice Bear King Roar. In the case of Romney joining the battlefield, based on the needs of the situation, separate command or unified command by Romney.

The basic situation, Romney is currently only formulated to this level, everything needs to be handled carefully, and it needs to be carefully polished one by one to achieve fullness.

If the development of institutionalization and the development of civilized order in the future is sufficiently perfect, the command system and legion system of the coastline bases have made considerable progress, then a state of upward and downward orders will be formed. At that time, there is no need to let the high-ranking officials work hard, but can start more thinking and development layout.

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