I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 219 Big Upgrade Plan (3)

The explanation of the implementation details started when the Polar Ice Bear King had completely fallen asleep.

Because the explanation was too devoted, Romney did not notice that the polar ice bear king who was listening to the lecture had fallen asleep.

Naturally, he didn't notice that seven small half-human high ice bears quietly came to sit next to one person and one beast, and were really listening intently.

The explanation continues while sleeping and listening to the lecture.

There are three main elements of implementation details.

The first point is the food needed for the promotion of the whole people, which is the origin of the nutrients for promotion.

Because of the experience of swallowing the ice crystal Phoenix egg, Romney has a desire to swallow the Magical Beasts in the polar regions. It's just that this desire is not obvious now, and it is suppressed by the mercy of the civilized Romney.

But this does not prevent Romney from letting polar ice bears and polar dwarves eat as much magical Beasts as possible in their recipes, and devour all kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures that help grow their bodies.

After all, Romney's short-term research found that the ice bears and dwarves who had eaten dragon crabs in the coastline dragon crab battle had a certain degree of strength Ascension.

This kind of Ascension is not obvious, but it can bring bit by bit of Ascension in the subtle accumulation. Over time, the strength of the ice bear and the dwarves will be able to have an Ascension.

The second point is the battle required for the escalation of the whole people, that is, the activities required to digest nutrients.

Still based on the recent coastline dragon crab crusade as the research object, Romney found that the ice bears and dwarves who participated in the battle were better than the ice bears and dwarves who stayed at the base. The strength here is that one has the feeling of a hundred battles in the breath, and the other is the release of the overall strength.

To put it simply, in terms of combat experience, combat proficiency, and the mastery and application of their own abilities, ice bears and dwarves who have experienced combat and have just experienced combat are better than those who have not experienced combat.

This is easy to understand. The division of the hundred battles is stronger than the alternate army. The reason is naturally that the aura, strength, experience, combat skills, formation, etc. will be stronger than the unexperienced.

Therefore, in the big upgrade plan, the most important point besides eating is war!

In this way, one fight, one battle, is just in line with Romney's new development strategy for external expansion needs, that is, to conquer the coastline, obtain wild meat resources, and use the method of conquest to ascension the quality and level of the whole people.

The third point is the establishment of a professional system.

According to the cultivation methods and methods mentioned before, the cultivation path and the rank content of the legion and the legion, the big upgrade plan needs to build a professional system belonging to the ice bear and the dwarf.

Because the characteristics of dwarves and ice bears are very obvious, one is good at throwing, the other is good at group charge. Therefore, Romney constructed a series of professional divisions based on the characteristics of throwing and charging.

Among them, the dwarves can have dragon crab cavalry, which is the cavalry regiment formed by Romney himself. Weapons are all kinds of throwing objects, ice axes, snowballs, dwarves themselves, etc.

On the ice bear side, a meteor armor ice bear can appear, that is, the ice bears can wear a full body armor made from meteorite by Romney, and then produce a heavy cavalry blasting effect when the group reunites.

The cavalry here can be used as mobile and long-range arms, just like the lightweight off-road combat vehicles in the previous world. The Meteorite Regiment can become a heavy armored force on the battlefield, just like the tanks of the previous world.

With the division of functions and occupations, subsequent major upgrade plans can be targeted for training and ability Ascension. Combining the two aspects of eating and fighting, the prototype of a complete two-ethnic professional system upgrade appeared.

Speaking of this, Romney finally found the roaring sleep of the Ice Bear King. He didn't know where he fell asleep when he heard the roar, so he slapped the roar and explained the whole content again.

When his roaring eyes were red, and he was ready to be told that he was dead at any time, Romney reconnected to the place he had mentioned before.

That is, the specific offensive strategy.

This offensive strategy is based on the information provided by the polar ice bear king roar.

The first thing that needs to be clarified is that on the entire polar coastline, there are two hundred and twenty-one species of Magical Beasts of different sizes.

The Magical Beasts group here has at least one sub-saint-level Magical Beasts. And those Magical Beasts that do not have Asages are not considered to be races, they can only be wild Magical Beasts, which belong to the monsters that can be played casually.

The Magical Beasts are distributed on the three coastlines of the southwest and east. Among them, there are 61 species in the west, 97 species in the south, and 63 species in the east.

Among the 97 species in the south, the known polar ice bear family and the coastline dragon crab family occupy a piece of territory at the center line of the western end of the southern coastline.

There are six ethnic groups living on the west side of this territory, and the remaining eighty-nine ethnic groups on the east side.

In Romney's plan, first conquer the southern coastline, then fight the west, and finally fight the east.

Therefore, he took the lead in targeting the six ethnic groups at the westernmost end.

The six ethnic groups are: Coastal Glacier Eagle, Coastal Glacier Salamander, Coastline Clam, Polar Coconut People, Polar Starfish, and a small polar dwarf tribe.

Among the six ethnic groups, the small polar dwarf tribe is the closest to Romney and others, and can be directly absorbed by the Icehammer tribe, so Romney’s next primary goal is to bring this closest to them and very close to the coastline. The polar dwarf tribe won.

The glacier eagle and the glacier salamander are located on the westernmost glacial cliff. The two clans have fought for years and competed for the glacial territory of the coastline. It is a feud.

Because this kind of feud can easily benefit the fisherman, Romney plans to pick up this cheap one and let them fight for a while.

Coastline razor clams and polar starfishes live on the seabed, but they will occasionally go ashore. Therefore, the timing of attacking them needs to be accurate, otherwise it will be easy to empty. Therefore, Romney arranged the two groups in the middle offensive position.

Then came the Polar Coconut Clan, which was said to be distant relatives of the Elf Tree Clan in the Western Continent, belonging to an ancient wood species. Good at throwing ice and stones, slow to move, but hard skin.

The Polar Coconut Man with obvious defects naturally became Romney's second goal. After all, there was the long-range attack of the polar dwarves, the charge of the polar ice bear, and the occasional set fire.

The conquest of the Polar Coconut People is not much slower than that of the Little Polar Dwarf Tribe.

In summary, the big upgrade plan will first attack the nearby polar dwarf tribe, then the polar coconut tree man, then seize the opportunity to eliminate the coastline razor and the polar starfish, and finally attack the glacier salamander and the glacier eagle.

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