I Kill The Protagonist

#224-Chapter 224

"Come on, Lord God Envoy, what's the matter!"

Just after Romney shouted Chao Duo Fu, there was the Great Sacrifice Chao Duo Fu Ice Hammer rushing over.

"What is the 25 on my forehead? The god of war?"

Romney looked at Chao Duo Fu, who was running at a speed much faster than usual, and without delay, he pointed to the number on his forehead to inquire.

"Ah! This is, this is the serial number of God War!!"

"My lord, you are recognized!! Now you are a participant!!"

Chao Duo Fu Ice Hammer first glanced at Romney's forehead, and then shouted in shock. After the shocked shout, the high priest told Romney what the 25 means in surprise and a little joy.

"Serial Number of God Battle?"

"I...like a trial grabbing a number plate..."

Romney heard the blessed words, he thought and touched his forehead unconsciously. The hand feels fine and smooth, and the word 25 cannot be felt at all.

"Yes, Lord God Envoy! This is the proof of your participation in the war, but I am not 100% sure whether this is a symbol of the position of God, but it is most likely. If you can contact the witness, then in the witness From there, you will be able to determine for yourself whether or not you have the position of God!"

Chao Duo Fu was both happy that Romney had won and was worried about the risks of participating in the war. His heart fluctuated constantly, but he didn't delay his lips. He started to tell what he knew.

"Yeah. How do you contact the witness?"

Romney hummed, put down his hand rubbing his forehead, and asked the key question.

"I have come."

At the moment when the question was asked, Romney suddenly left the Ice Phoenix tribe and went to a palace on the bottom of the sea.

This palace is extremely magnificent, it looks dark when looking up, and the surrounding sea water can be seen by the naked eye with ripples caused by deep-sea swimming fish. Romney shook his head and looked around, and saw a huge monster.

"Naga God!"

He blurted out, shouting out the name Chao Duo Fu once told him.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to recognize me as soon as you joined the war."

"Yes, I am Naga God!"

All the light was blocked by the body just now. At this time, the Naga god wandered hundreds of meters ahead, revealing all of his body.

Romney looked at the huge body of the Naga god, which really covered the sky and covered the sun, as if the height of the polar glacier was different. Facing such an unfathomable existence, Romney intuitively felt that as long as it moved his fingers, he would be wiped out.

This is an existence who is older than himself, Pro Dognos, and even stronger than the fairy Long Yueyin!

"Why, not speaking?"

Romney was caught in own shock, but the god Naga in front of him had already asked the question first.

"I, I don't know what to say."

"You are so stalwart!"

Romney expressed his own feelings from the bottom of his heart, saying that you are too stalwart, and he blurted it out without thinking.

"Hahahahaha, I know this too!!!"

"You little fellow, you are sweet!"

"Several times better than that stinky black fish, not bad, not bad!!"

Naga God obviously liked the sentence too stalwart, and he looked happy and laughed.

With this joy, Naga God's mood for telling stories arose.

He didn't see anything, Romney was brought into a historical world by him.

Within this world, Romney has witnessed the known rise and fall of this world.

From the moment the Father God appeared in this world, after tens of thousands of years, until this moment, he completely walked through this dreamlike illusion.

He saw the Father God, who moved the mountains and the sea, ruled the plane, from the initial nothingness to the gradual vitality.

He saw that the descendants of God the Father ruled all living beings, multiplying various races on the earth and ocean, and creating countless magnificent civilizations.

He saw the dusk of the gods, saw the melee of the gods, and saw the gods rushing to each other to fight for the position of the father god, and finally all fell into the melee.

After everything was over, he saw a scene where the power of the world fell into the hands of mortal creatures after the original gods fell. The transcendent masters, those who break through the shackles of their own levels, have contributed to the prosperity of the new plane.

Afterwards, the starlight from outside the sky fell, and countless gods who had resurrected from the dead awakened again, starting another battle for the seat of God the Father.

In this battle, he became one of the chosen ones.

Fortunately, he left.

But in the end, he joined the war again.

When the screen reached this point, it suddenly jumped to a figure that was soaring over the sky.

He is the Father God, the earliest God in the world.

Afterwards, the picture flew into a fiercely burning light in the chest of God the Father, passed through the colorful light, and came to a son of God the Father.

He had the appearance of God the Father, but he was a size smaller, and his body was pitch black, and even the light in his chest released a black light.

An inexplicable voice sounded at this moment, and someone told Romney that this was the youngest son of God the Father.

Fortunately, he survived the dusk of the gods, and after the gods fell, he became the guardian of the plane, guarding this plane for nearly ten thousand years.

He, who has always protected the world from the evils of the outside world, felt that he was about to die a few decades ago.

So he personally prepared the battle of the guardians of the new plane, but he hadn't died yet, everything was only preparing for a full-scale outbreak, and only piloting in a small area.

And a few months ago, after his true death, the battle of the gods began in an all-round way. His former friend and steward, God Naga, serves as a witness to carry out and promote the entire battle of selecting guardians of the new plane.

The entire polar region, the entire polar sea, will be included in this magical battle.

The new election cannot be selected, and the battle will not end.

The creatures in the world can already be well cultivated and reproduced naturally, but the plane needs the protection of the guardian.

The reason is that there is an unknown threat outside the plane, and it is always ready to swallow the plane.

There is also the issue of own within the plane, whether it is people, things, or belief systems that are gradually collapsing.

In order to save all of this, the new guardian of the plane must have extremely strong strength and be willing to dedicate everything to the plane.

Therefore, when they become a member of the candidates of the battle, they will be marked with the serial number of the battle to observe and record everything they experienced in the battle.

Romney, on the 25th, was also a participant who came in halfway through the game.

The difference between the battle of the gods on the road to seize the inheritance of the plane is that the battle of the polar sea gods is fighting for the position of the guardian of the plane.

The heirs of the planes control the kingdom of the gods of the planes, grasp the authority of the gods within the planes, and are also the seat of the Father God understood on land, and are the power of authority.

The guardian of the plane guards the plane itself, which means that the plane also guards the plane. It is a protected position, and even more like a guardian deity.

In the past, God the Father had two positions, which were unique and unique.

Later, the position of successor fell through, and the guardian was taken up by the youngest son of God the Father.

Today, the ancient god system has declined, and the blood of the Father God no longer remains.

The resurgent old gods and new bodies are still vying for the right of inheritance, and the selection of the guardian has also begun in the polar sea.

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