I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter Two: Magic New Base (two chapters in one)

The outside world is very lively, and everyone spreads Romney's name.

But Romney was quiet, sitting steadily in the new magician base.

He was so busy.

The new base is big and big.

Not only can it build a laboratory that can hold 30,000 people to do magic research at the same time, but it can even open up a dormitory area, a dining area, a entertainment area, an academic exchange area, a talent training area, a supervisory office area, a semi-open visit area, and products. Functional areas such as test area, material storage area, etc.

It can be described as a behemoth, with everything available.

Because of its size, Romney, who is still inadequate, has recently been having a headache on how to recruit enough talents, or magicians.

The support of materials and equipment, magic crystals and tools, knowledge reserves and collections of classics, etc., is very easy to solve because of the backing of the entire empire, but the problem of talents cannot be supported by the empire.

Just talk about the magician.

The official magicians in each empire have their own position, not that they can be recruited by recruiting.

In some particularly critical locations, such as war wizards guarding the border, they are not even allowed to leave the station for a while.

In the past, the Nine-pointed Star Fusion Technology Research Institute, because it was close to the Saint-Yaman Magic Academy, had the strong support of the magic gods, even when all kinds of magicians were in short supply, they could still arrange for some free magicians to come to help.

But now the new base is thousands of miles away from Saint-Yaman, and across several provinces, it is extremely difficult to have a temporary magician researcher to exist.

Trapped with insufficient reserves of magicians, Romney was thinking about change when he was poor. He actually started the idea of ​​establishing a new type of magic technology academy and cultivating talents by himself.

Doing what he thought of, Romney quickly applied for the permission to establish the Magic Academy from within.

This time-consuming is probably the same, the time for the magic video to connect with Dologe the Great.

With permission, Romney immediately boldly moved forward and ran to find the own mentor dignitaries.

Reluctantly, knowing that the own lover wants to establish an own academy, he will basically not return to the Saint Yaman Magic Academy again.

Fashen endured the pain and assigned all the magicians who were not waiting to be seen to Romney.

At the same time, it also promised to build a two-way magic portal to connect Saint Yaman College and Romney's newly built college in real time.

With permission, teachers, channels, bases and resources.

The management system and scientific research methods are still in mind.

Within a month, Romney established the "Sacred Romney Academy of Magic and Technology Fusion", which is referred to as the "Magic Academy".

At the same time, Romney also officially established the professional level and exclusive career path of the "Magic".

He fully integrated his previous scientific system and way of thinking, scientific research methods and academic methods into the local magic exploration.

Created an epoch-making professional system of magic and science.

A new profession, a freshman academy, the youngest dean in the history of the mighty empire.

After the establishment of this academy, all the high-ranking officials who were moved by the empire sent all their sons and daughters, regardless of age, to Xinshanjin Town.

The outside world is very enthusiastic, but what Romney needs is talent, top talent.

Therefore, most of the noble descendants who have been selected by the line are lamenting the bad luck, and at the same time, they are more eager to join this "Magic Academy".

After Romney was in the limelight on the mainland for a while, the "Magic Academy" in the territory of the Alec Empire, and the territory of the territory radiated by the Alec Empire, can also be described as powerful and unparalleled.

But these Romney didn't care.

He only cares about talents and base construction.

Naturally, Romney thought of the special talent trial scene he started.

Based on the reputation of system production and quality assurance.

As soon as Romney thought of the trial scene, he immediately designated the city to the north of the Magic Academy as the construction site for the trial scene.Just after successfully building a trial scenario through the system.

A ten-meter-diameter golden circular magic circle immediately appeared on the open space in the northern city of the Magic Academy.

He successfully stripped off his own system, and Gao Shu, who was judged by Romney's system as the "Protagonist attribute Death", was thrown in, and Romney began to wait for the first trial.

Good guy, Gao Shu just took half a minute to go in and follow out.

But the moment before, the clothes were intact, full of energy, and a bit rich and fat, but when he came out, he was already ragged and skinny.

As soon as Gao Shu came out, he held Romney's heel and wept bitterly.

Angrily speaking, he spent a full 30 days in the tragic experience.

In the trial scene, there are not only skeleton ghosts, revenge zombies, but also the ghost of death that occasionally pops up.

Crying bitterly, frightened.

Gao Shu hid in the corner, digging roots to eat, gnawing leaves to replenish water, and spent the difficult 30 days half-dead.

This practice of overcoming the trial scene made Romney Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and at the same time moved the idea of ​​increasing the number of people who entered.

In view of the fact that there are monsters in the scene in Gaoshu's initial trial feedback.

In the second experiment, the magical apprentice level or above, that is, the official magician with at least level 10 or above in digitalized magic power, plus twenty low-level knight guards of level 15 or above, to form a complete set of thirty people. Squad.

In addition, it is also equipped with ten bottles of physical potions, enough to eat a month's dry food and drinking water, simple tents and cooking tools and other sundries.

After another half a minute, the thirty-man combat team that entered the trial scene for the second time came out intact.

Not only did it come out, now after Romney turned on the level vision, he clearly saw that the magicians had risen to 12 levels per capita, while the knights had risen to levels ranging from 6-9.

After this team came out, they explained that they appeared at the outskirts of the old Flash Golden Town at first, destroying ghost skeletons and rotten zombies all the way, and went to the city.

In the center of the city, I encountered the ghost of death.

Fight hard and destroy it.

As soon as the god of death was wiped out, they heard a non-human and non-weird sound in their minds, "The next scene opens the level of difficulty Ascension".

Then it was teleported out of the scene.

Based on this explanation of the combat team, Romney surprisingly discovered a secret.

That is…

This trial scene is actually a copy that can be spawned!

Such a discovery is really incredible.

In order to further explore the real situation of this mob spawning copy that can be used at any time.

Romney let the combat team enter again.

I thought that all the staff would come out this time, but I never thought that it would reduce the staff to eight guard knights and three real magicians.

According to the members of the combat team who entered for the second time.

The monsters they face have become stronger, but they can still be defeated one by one, even if the monster's concentration is ascension.

But when fighting against the god of death, the strength of the god of death has a remarkable Ascension.

If it weren't for the last fight to destroy the god of death, then the whole army might be wiped out.

Knowing that this copy of the scene is not without Death mode, but when it is Death, Romney's experiment has become a lot more cautious.

But he is still trying.

For example, send ten teams of 30 people who have never been in at the same time, or send a team of 100 people, a team of 200 people, a team of 300 people, and so on.

After ten days of trying, Romney discovered most of the characteristics of this copy of the scene.

The first point.

The trial in the scene dungeon can directly Ascension the trialer's level, and this level also directly affects the concentration of magic power.

Every member of the squad who has killed a monster can clearly feel the infusion of magic or grudge after killing the monster.

This magical power or vindictive energy does not need to be refined, it will directly become a part of itself, such as the command of an arm.

Although the magic building proficiency cannot be directly Ascension through killing monsters, the accumulation of experience and techniques when facing the enemy still allows every member of the squad magician to ascension to a certain extent its own casting speed.

The members of the Cavaliers team, after gaining the infusion of grudge, quickly improved their own melee skills in battle.

In other words, as long as you fight in the trial scene, kill the monsters, and come out alive, every team member will have significant strength Ascension.

Although there is no equipment to drop, Romney doesn't care.

A copy that can directly Ascension magician and knight level is already amazing!

In the past, only on the battlefield and gradual cultivation could bring ascension of strength, and it was not ascension of soaring strength.

But this copy of the scene can be converted into a trial scene within half a minute, and the strength of the trialer can be greatly increased within a month.

This kind of incredible, once again defined as a miracle is all right!

The only regret is this copy of Death, which represents the real Death.

Second point.

In the trial in the scene dungeon, the maximum number of people that can be entered at a time can only reach 300 people. Regardless of the configuration of personnel attributes and occupations, it is only calculated based on the number of people.

According to the number of people entering, the difficulty of the scene copy will automatically Ascension.

For example, changes in the density of monsters, the emergence of elite monsters, the increase in the strength of the god of death, the appearance of harsh natural phenomena, etc., have brought the difficulty of the entire trial dungeon higher.

The third point.

For the trials in the scene dungeon, the highest difficulty can only Ascension five times.

In other words, starting from the 10 restricted access levels, every 10 levels is an Ascension level of difficulty.

Reaching the fifth level, that is, the entire scene is in the 50-60 level range, which is the limit.

Romney personally tried this difficulty.

To this end, he spent a full 300 days, that is, 5 minutes, trying to brush a copy every half a minute, and it took a total of ten times before the strategy was successful.

In addition, Romney drank a total of nearly 600 bottles of stamina potions, and also exhausted the thousands of fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows, earth shields, lightning strikes, space cannons, etc. he had desperately stored within a few months.

The result is good.

After the trial, Romney officially entered the level of the pinnacle-level great magician.

At the same time, the sword skills of the melee knights have also made great progress in actual combat.

As long as there is a breakthrough in the liquefaction of magical power in the body, Romney will enter the ranks of wizards.

If Romney can become a wizard at the age of sixteen, not to mention that there is no one to come, but it must be unprecedented.


Within 3 minutes of the entry time after the scene dungeon is opened, everyone who enters the scene dungeon together will be counted as a team.

The parallel teams in the scene dungeon can only reach 36 teams at most.

If the parallel team reaches the limit, the trial dungeon cannot be opened again until the old team comes out.

The duration of each trial is limited by the death time of the god of death, or a total length of 30 days.

You can get a copy by killing the god of death.

At the end of the copy time, a copy can also be issued.

Sixth point.

It is also the simplest point of this copy.That is, the killing experience is evenly divided, and the single experience is exclusive.

The more people participate in the dungeon, the higher the difficulty of the dungeon, the more unit experience you can get, and the more experience you can share.

The upgrade speed that is down year-on-year will affect the strength of the tester Ascension.

Therefore, in many subsequent experiments, Romney continued to explore the best number ratio.

It was found that only in the range of 120-150 people, the promotion speed, the consumption of supplies, the amount of casualties, and the speed of dungeon research are the best.

Seventh point.

It is the highest damage attribute in the trial scene, falling on the two major attributes of light and fire.

Whether it is death, ghost skeleton, or rotten zombie.

In terms of attributes, they are all necromantic, or dark.

Therefore, after many feedbacks and summaries, Romney discovered that he would be able to pass the personnel attribute configuration of this trial dungeon as soon as possible.

This configuration is the all-member light system, or all-member fire system.

After experimentation, the raiders speed of the dungeon of all members of the light system is at the level of 120 people; the fastest can be 3 seconds, that is, 3 days, the dungeon can be attacked without damage.

As for the full fire system, at the level of 120 people, the fastest can be 3.5 seconds, which is 3 days and 12 hours, the copy can be attacked, and it is also non-destructive.

For other attribute configurations, at the level of 120 people, the fastest speed must be 11 seconds, that is, at least 11 days before the copy can be attacked, and it is also non-destructive.

With the experience of configuration, it is reasonable to say that all the fire and light systems must be tested efficiently.

However, in order to prevent the "Magic Academy" from being biased, Romney imposed great restrictions on the attribute configuration of the trial.

That is the total proportion of the fire and light teams, which should not exceed 30%.

The trial of a special single team cannot exceed a team of 120 people each month, which means that a trial of all members of a single attribute can only occur once a month.

After summarizing all the characteristics and experience, Romney personally arranged and formulated a detailed trialer plan.

It not only planned the control range of the battle damage ratio, the attribute configuration of the personnel, the limit of the number of teams, the deployment of the time course of the trial, the best trial interval, the best trial player enters the dungeon trial level, etc. Detailed arrangements have been made.

After Romney implemented this plan, it immediately became the most important core project of the "Magic Academy".

Because the value of this trial is too high, Romney also issued a secrecy order to avoid unpredictable spy.

"Anyone from the "Magic Academy" is not allowed to disclose any information about this trial copy. Violators will be punished with the highest penalty in the empire."

Such a rule has been in the hearts of every member of the "Magic Academy" since the implementation of the plan.

In order to further ensure the safety of the dungeon trial scene, Romney also arranges to be stationed daily. A 500-person low-level knight guard, as well as 5 great magicians and twelve official magicians, are stationed at the entrance of this dungeon on duty. .

After everything is arranged, it is like a sect with perfect rules and able to operate on its own, with its own Dongtian blessed land, cultivation secret realm.

After the "Magic Academy" vigorously implemented the trial plan, within a very short period of time, it has trained a group of highly capable combatants.

This group of combatants not only filled the gap of official magicians, but also greatly increased the number of "Magic Academy" great magicians.

Although it deviated from the original intention of training researchers, Romney was still very satisfied.

Because he knew that the magicians under his command were strong enough, and the accumulation of scientific research was only a matter of time.

But if the strength is insufficient, no matter how much scientific research is accumulated, it will encounter the lack of cognition caused by the magical barriers.

Even if you wanted to engage in scientific research at that time, because the level of insights and reach was not high enough, the researched things were completely inconsistent with reality.

After Romney solved this part of the problem of the lack of talents, and properly arranged all the operations and development of the "Magic Academy".

Without stopping, he immediately brought out a figure he had been imprisoned for a long time.

Initiated the interrogation personally.

This character is the one who betrayed Romney...

Ninth Knight of the Empire.

Alan Sid.

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