From this day on, Romney and others were completely firmly established.

The wealthy come to Finance finally found a way to obtain income without being classified as illegal.

At this time, the supervision belongs to the observer.

As long as Romney and others maintain this kind of legality, they will be able to maintain high-yield returns.

No matter how the upper echelon changes, Romney and others moved whose cake again, disrupting the old order, but the current situation is indeed very good.

The masters of the territories who have divided the rule currency are all happy, and once again continue to hand over the funds to Romney's ‘rich man to finance’ to take care of it.

In order to be able to continue to benefit from the follow-up.

And Kulolo Lusilu, after riding on Romney's high-speed flying car for entrepreneurial development several times, he has already paid off Romney's debts and received a huge income of an extra 300 Wanfa coins.

As for Lan Zhan and others, they received a total of 600,000 yuan of legal currency income, which is another step forward on the road to a consortium of hundred Wanfa coins.

Although Romney doesn't take special care of these people who are more familiar, he also pays more attention to it.

With loyal fans, there is a suitable method.

Then it is to continue to operate, iterate at all times, and train more teams.

While the fans are getting huge profits each, the wealthy people come to finance the fund market is getting bigger and bigger at the same time. Romney's own wealth has also risen to 3.2 billion rupi currency, and the total assets of other partners have also gone to 4.6 billion rupi currency.

The total wealth and current assets of the rich in the financial sector have actually reached 9 billion rule coins, which is close to the order of tens of billions.

The law currency of this scale finally ushered in some people from the upper realm. It's just that this time it's not the Central Administration, but an old acquaintance.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Lao Geng was full of surprises for Ning Yi's sudden appearance.

"Yes, Brother Ning, you came so suddenly!"

Li Peng glanced at Ning Yi suddenly falling from the mid-air where the rich came, his eyes kept looking back and forth in the space where Ning Yi fell. But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't insight into the world behind this.

"Ah, yes. MeSince asked me to come over to see you, to understand the method of your capital soaring, and at the same time, let me come over and observe the security of the lower level."

Ning Yi stood up, patted own body, and then spoke.

"Look at us? Well, brother Ning, let's have a drink?"

Feng Yuan was extremely happy to see Ning Yi's appearance.

"Yeah, look at us. If Brother Ning wants to understand how the rule currency surges, Luo Dage can help you out."

Li Pin took Feng Yuan's words and directed his gaze to Romney.

"We can't drink for the time being, and the capital's measures will be postponed. Now something is more serious."

"It's just that there is a realm that is cruising at the edge of the realm of the person who is positioning it. It seems to be waiting for an opportunity to annex another angelic realm."

After listening to Feng Yuan's words, Ning Yi didn't accept it, but moved out another bigger matter. This big event also happened to have something to do with Romney, or to say it had something to do with its realm.

"I don't know what's the big deal?"

Perhaps sensing the implicit meaning, Romney looked directly at Ning Yi and asked gently.

"Is such that."

"We secretly learned that your realm, Mr. Luo, is the closest entry point to the void."

"The dark realm chasing the angel realm is now invading the angel realm in the nothingness not far from your realm."

"So, we hope to go to your realm to observe, and in the days to come, we will deploy a large army in your realm to resist possible illegal invasions."

Ning Yi looked into Romney's eyes, did not conceal any more, nor twitched, and directly told the content of what was happening.

"So, it's no wonder there will be angels living in my place."

Romney was silent for a while after hearing Ning Yi's words.

After pacing back and forth, Romney suddenly opened a boundary channel with the power of the law.

"No problem, then come with me now."

Although Romney did not understand what the entry point is, what is the void of nothing, and what is the aggression, he just simply thinks that Ning Yi and this secret letter are credible, and if they are placed in his realm, there is nothing. harm.

"Good! Refreshing!"

Ning Yi didn't expect Romney to agree so readily, and he shouted happily.

Immediately, he did not greet him or delay him, and went directly to the Fire Soul Realm after he stepped in.

"Let's go!"

Romney watched Ning Yi enter the Fire Soul Realm, and then shouted to everyone present.

"Yes, go!"

"I haven't seen the realm of Luo Dage, it's just a feast for my eyes."

"I guess there must be a lot of law coins in it."


After passing through the realm channel, everyone soon came to the void of the fire soul realm. There is nothing here, only a huge passage of billions of realms exists.

But it was such a void, but it was called the Lord of the coming realms, so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Isn't it, that big?"

"Is this really a realm?"

"My mother, Mia, I think Luo Dage's boundary is at most the size of Lin'an City."

"It's incredible, my realm is only ten stories in size."

Everyone looked at Romney's realm, exclaiming and expressing emotion.

How can this huge void, star field, and core ball of light not surprise other colleagues in the same industry?

This is like a person who owns a room of ten square meters and suddenly sees a rich man who owns an entire manor. This shock is extremely strong.

Not to mention that this manor still looks prosperous, and many farmers are busy in it, showing a flourishing scene.

"No wonder, no wonder you can do such a big thing in the locator stage."

"Your foundation is really good. A realm of this size is not much better than a platinum-level realm lord's realm. No, or a diamond-level realm may not be as good as yours. Big, so potential."

Ning Yi's shock was much greater than those of the localizers who had never been to the Iron Grade Liberty City. He had seen the realms of some powerful people in the secret letter, and those realms were as big as a realm.

But Romney's Fire Soul Realm, but like a whole big world has been cut into it, there are more than a dozen star fields, which are the fusion state of star clusters.

This scale of territory cannot be expanded by the law of purchasing space with fiat currency.

It also needs the own law to be extremely complete to be able to carry this volume of scale. Otherwise, the larger it is, the easier it is to collapse.

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