Romney opened his hands.

Just like this, in front of the high-levels of this city, just like this, in the focus of all eyes.

Slowly gathered, and gradually pressed down.

"Since you dare to trample on the natural ownership of life."

"Then let me purify the filth and return the city to clean up."

Hold it with your hand, as if the whole city was integrated.

"Kacha, Kacha"

There was a sound of space squeezing, and bursts of cracks continued to occur.

Over the boundary of Nanqicheng, thunder, wind and rain, roared and vibrated.

Above the desert, a thunderstorm suddenly fell.


"You do...puff"

"Do not!!"

"Our eyeball clan will not let it go.....poof"


Under the boundless heavy pressure, bursts of blood mist exploded, and the high-levels who were still clamoring just now burst into blood foam one by one.

The terrifying attack horrified the aliens who were still coming to besiege.

The rain fell and washed away, but the filthy blood was washed away in a moment.

The aliens were horrified and inexplicably horrified. There was no careful study and no one shouted revenge. They dispersed in a rush, fleeing in all directions like birds and beasts.

"City Dangqing"

Ignoring the escape, Romney continued to gather his hands together, crushing them one by one, squeezing the slave owner who was devouring human rights.


The blood blossoms all over the city, like a magnificent welcome ceremony, welcoming Romney.

Romney quietly felt the people and things of the whole city, without joy or sorrow.

He spared some aliens and did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But those slave owners who deserved their sins, no matter what the race, he killed them one by one.

The whole city was scanned, three million people and three thousand slave owners.

These city people, these slave owners themselves are the masters of the equivalent realm.

But the iron rank called the Liberty City here is such a picture of unfree upper and lower honors, and slavery prevails.

Romney let out a sigh in his heart.

"From then on, the two-legged sheep you talked about have all been protected by me, Romney."

"They will no longer be two-legged sheep, but will be people in the realm of my fire soul, the fire soul people of the new era!"

"If anyone else enslaves them, even if they are far away in another world, I will definitely go to conquer them personally."

The flame fell, and the fire ignited.

Romney rescued a city of Fire Souls, two million people, all "humans", but they didn't know that they were saved.

A "human" who suddenly lost his jurisdiction, a new "fire soul man" who has just been claimed by Romney to protect him.

At this time, he was at a loss and was scattered and wandering in Nanqicheng.


At the beginning, the girl who looked at Romney with her eyes wide open had malt-colored skin and was very healthy and beautiful. The hair is not clear all the year round, and it is messed up together, but it can't cover the courage of this girl.

"You saved us, I Audrey Malt wants to serve you and be your maid."

Audrey is very humble. Behind her are other slaves who have witnessed Romney free the "human" in the city.

They gathered together at this time, instead of running around like those who were at a loss, but knelt down one after another and circled Romney.

"What are you guys?"

There was a two-headed ogre standing next to Romney, but his tall and stalwart body was not obscured by his height.

Instead, Romney's light was brought out by the stupid ogre.

"We need you, king!"

"Let us serve you. You are Immortal who saved the people!"

I don't know which girl started to shout, and a loud chant sounded clearly.

Romney looked around and saw that more than 400 slave girls in this neighborhood were singing.

He sighed in his heart, why bother.

But in the bottom of his heart he couldn't bear to refuse. This was the hope he brought to them, and it was also the light that those who had been enslaved for a long time had longed for.

"Since I have spoken out and the fire has been born, then so be it."

"Get up, if you want to serve me, then you will learn from the people in the realm of the fire soul and call me the king of gods."

"Fool Xiami, you take the lead to clean up the neighborhood. I want to see the Nanqicheng in good order before the sun rises tomorrow."

Romney held up the girls, accepted them, and at the same time took over the responsibility of saving the people.

This is a heavy burden, but it was also what Romney did when he wiped out the top.

He wants to shelter these people. Since the shelter has been completed, it is within his ability to save more.

"God King!"

"God King!"

The girls who had just stood up, now the goddess patron shouted Romney's honorific name, and knelt down again.

"Fine, and arrange their positions separately, and then report to me!"

Romney flew up and stood in the air, quietly looking at the entire South Seven City.

Not big, hundreds of kilometers in radius.

The population is not dense.

Barren, dilapidated, chaotic.

Is synonymous with this city before.

Romney didn't know what he would make this city look like, but now that he took it over, he had to give him a new look.

"From today onwards, Nanqicheng will be called Fire Soul City."

"Fire Soul City will abolish slavery and release all slaves from now on."

"In the past, it was a slave owner. My god King Romney will not blame him for the past. If he commits any more crimes, he will be severely punished."

"New city and new rules, if you want to be city residents again, they will register under the supervision of Audrey Malt and Xiami Fool, and become new city residents."

"Xiami fool, if anyone dares to riot, you will kill them on the spot."

Under the light of the two gods, Romney approached to bestow the title of Audrey Malt Goddess Attendant, Xiami Fool City Guardian, and used their supernatural power to Ascension their law and strength.

Audrey just served Romney, but she is very pious, accepting Romney's supernatural power is stronger than Xiami Fool, with a full thousand.

Xiami fools may not have good brains, or they may have been made into mounts first, and they only have ascension to 800.

The power of the law of the two is not high, but with the blessing of the law of Romney's supernatural power, it has become the top combat power of this new fire soul city.

Soon, after receiving the order of Romney, the god king, and the sacred wall he included as a reflection, the chaos in the city was quickly calmed down.

In this regard, the recalcitrant forces have been eradicated, and it is not difficult to regain control of harmless city residents.

On the other hand, it is naturally the coercion of the laws shown by Romney, and the divine light boundary wall that can cover the entire New Fire Soul City.

If this is in every domain that dominates own, it is easy, as simple as imagining some light in a person's mind.

But to achieve such a feat at the Iron Level, it is not as simple as The Underworld difficulty, but incredible, a miracle among miracles.

I think that the King of Eyeballs who ruled a city before, is only a thousand-year-old power of the law. But he may not even be able to cover a palace, and he has to set up defenses with others.

In such a comparison, the bewildered city dwellers knew how powerful this new benevolent but iron-blooded king was.

And those "human beings" who were rescued, those new "fire souls", from this moment on, there is also a warm sense of security and a kind of heartfelt touch.

That is the feeling of being illuminated.

It is a bright and moving one in a thousand-year dark room.

That is the epic myth that Romney suddenly came into the world and saved the people.

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