I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 249: Chasing soldiers

From the Astin Wasteland to the northern swamp, the road is very difficult to walk even if it is the easiest river to the north, and now the northern swamp is thawed, the land is soft, and there are many invisible mire swamps on the ground, making it even more difficult to school

  Walking to other places, either climbed over a large mountain, or detoured from the bottom of the mountain, no matter which one, Gray and the white witch's pursuers can open a huge distance.

   Flying over the mountain where the snake people lived before, Gray lowered his head and glanced down, and found that there were countless black spots on the ground moving fast.

   Among them, the most attractive is the long line and the pursuers approaching quickly.

   "Your Majesty, they are the residents of Narnia and the army of the White Witch. They should have been chasing after them." The Eagle Clan's eyes were very good, and he quickly said to Gray behind him.

   "Go down!"

  Since they intend to enter the northern swamp, it means that they will be their own people. There is no reason to see them in danger at this time. That is not in line with His Majesty’s noble and honest spirit.

  The Eagles and the Griffins around him heard Gray's command, and without any hesitation, they started to lower their flight altitude and flew toward the group of people.

When    came to them, Gray jumped back gently on the back of the eagle tribe, and got off his back, then fell heavily to the ground from a height of more than ten meters, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

   Pursuing this group is a team of werewolves and tauren, all of them are very fierce. Seeing someone stopping them, their eyes burst fiercely, and they immediately rushed up with their weapons.

   Gray danced with a spear, and a spear seemed to split into countless avatars instantly. The moment they rushed up, they pierced a tauren into a hornet's nest.

   Another tauren wielded a weapon like a giant axe and hit his head, and Gray quickly pulled back his spear to block.

With a bang, Gray felt a huge force coming from his hand and the spear bends sharply. These tauren are indeed magical creatures, much more powerful than the castrated version of tauren he encountered in the ink heart world before, at least strength. It's much larger, and we need to look at the others.

   And the werewolves are a bit ordinary, probably only comparable to the few werewolves under his castle, but the healing ability and speed are good, slightly stronger than them.

   But Gray is not alone in the fight. Several griffins and eagles are attacking this chasing team, making them unable to besiege Gray alone.

The strength of the eagle clan is much stronger than that of the griffin. Although the eagle has only one pair of claws and one pair of wings, and two legs less than the griffin, their claws are very powerful and sharp. After being caught, it is like being caught by a steel knife. Scratching the same, can draw a hideous wound.

   While the griffon fights basically relying on its wings to take advantage of the flight to sneak attack, entangle the enemy with flexible limbs, and then pierce their skulls with a sharp and hard beak.

   Gray moved flexibly between the werewolf and the tauren. With his strong self-healing ability, he was shocked to fight some injuries and kill the enemy, playing a desperate manner.

   It is precisely because of this style of play that caused the more than 20 teams in this line of strong strength to be dragged here by Gray.

   In the front line, Papa Black Bear heard the sound of fighting coming from behind and looked back curiously.

   The chasing soldiers were very close to them before. At this time, there is obviously no one to meet them. Who are the people behind to fight?

   Looking back, the black bear found that it was a ‘thin’ young man who was fighting, as well as a few griffins and an eagle clan. Although there were only five or six people, they firmly held back the pursuit.

   Black bear slowed down, and finally stopped completely.

   "My dear, tell me you don't want to do that." Mother Black Bear quickly grabbed his thick arm and said worriedly.

"My dear, I have to do this. You take your son first and I will be back soon. Don't worry, I am the most powerful warrior of Narnia." Father Black Bear patted his chest and comforted, facing the baby Black Bear: "Dad go to beat these bad guys, you have to protect mom."

   "Don't worry, dad, I will protect my mother." Baby Black Bear replied loudly.

   The black bear nodded, stopped talking nonsense, sent the baby black bear to his wife's arms, turned and ran towards the battlefield.


Coming to the battlefield, the black bear first let out a deafening roar, and when the enemy was dizzy, he punched a wolf in the back and flew him directly into the air. He fell a few meters away and couldn’t get up for a while. Up.

   Then, without waiting for their reaction, he grabbed a giant axe left by a dead tauren from the ground and officially joined the battle.

   "Come on, cubs, come and lick Lao Tzu's toes." The black bear cursed, slashing an axe on another bull's weapon, and with a bang, the two weapons broke apart.

   In the encircling circle, Gray threw away the spear that had been broken in two, took out the sword in the lake and broke a werewolf with one sword, almost cutting him in two.

   No matter how strong the vitality of Langrao is, it will be useless to face such an injury, and he will die directly.

   Fighting here, the Twenty Rao chase team only reduced its staff by six or seven, which shows that the strength of these magic creatures is not weak.

   But many people were injured in the aerial attack of the Eagles and Griffins, but a few Griffins were also hit and seriously injured.

   "The recipients retreat, Jasmine will go to treat them, don't participate in the battle for the time being, go and find the corresponding army." Gray took a moment to say to the Griffins.

   He was afraid that the Griffin would fight forever, but it was completely unnecessary. Even if these magic races had good combat effectiveness, they were still a little different from him.

Moreover, he has a strong self-healing ability. Some injuries do not need to be cared about, but he can exchange some injuries for the other party's serious injuries or even death. In the end, he must be victorious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jasmine's obedient flying out of Gray's collar , Came to a seriously injured Griffin.

   Half of the wings of this griffin was almost broken, and it flew crookedly in the air at any time, and might fall down at any time.

   Jasmine hurriedly treated her, the green light of life flashed, and the wound on the griffon's body healed quickly. Although it did not fully recover as before, it was not as serious as before.

   Healed one, and Jasmine quickly flew to the next one until he had healed all the griffins. She looked down and saw the rampant black bear.

   The black bear had a lot of wounds on his body at this time, but he picked up a weapon and fought stubbornly.

   Jasmine flew over and sent life magic to the black bear.

   The black bear suddenly felt that his injuries were no longer so painful, the loss of physical strength was also replenished, and his strength was abundant, and suddenly he smashed a wolf to half his shoulder, and he could not survive.

When    Jasmine acted, a white head appeared from Gray's collar again. It looked around, and it sprang out of Gray with a swish, fell on a tauren, opened its mouth and bit on his leg.

The tauren originally felt a slight pain in his leg, and he continued to attack without paying much attention, but when he stepped and danced his weapon a few times, he found that his whole body was soft, his eyes were staring at gold stars, and the world in front of him turned around and crashed. on the ground.

   Looking again, you can see that the tauren is full of lavender, but it is not obvious under his originally black fur.

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