I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 73: Look back

   Familiar scene, but the enemy is different.

   Gray smiled slightly. He didn't know how many times he had rushed into groups of enemies like this. When he flipped his palm, a spear appeared in his hand.

   "Come on, scumbags, let me see what you guys are?" Gray flipped the spear in his hand, looking at these unruly zombies, only knowing the rushing zombies, his fighting spirit was reduced by one.

   This kind of scum, in addition to not being afraid of being injured and infecting the injured, it is a moving target that will not resist, and there is really no sense of accomplishment in killing.

   pierced a zombie's throat with a shot, and then wanted to collapse on the side, and directly smashed half of its neck, but the zombie was not affected at all, it was still alive and kicking, and after stabilizing the body, it threw its teeth and claws toward Gray.

   Gray's gun was pulled back horizontally again, and the zombie's skull was smashed with one shot. The undead zombie fell straight down. Although there were still some convulsions, it was obviously dead.

   "It's really a zombie, except for the head, it's not afraid of ordinary injuries." After finishing the experiment, Gray's remaining doubts were swept away, and the thing in front of him was definitely a zombie.

Kill the zombies that rushed in front, and four more zombies leaped towards behind. Gray snorted, and the spear trembles as he steps on his feet, and every spear hits the zombie’s head. Smash its skull directly, or pierce its head with a shot.

   Within a few seconds, the zombies that rushed up were completely dead, and there was no chance to get up again.

   Gray looked at the zombies on the street in front, some were still eating the living, and after the living people were bitten, the zombies would stop eating, and the ones who had just eaten would get up and join the zombie family.

   "Little Jasmine." Gray called out loudly, not afraid of attracting zombies to be besieged. Although there are more zombies and trouble, Gray will not give them a chance to attack in groups, so he will clean up directly when encountering zombies.

   The zombies noticed that this living person exuding a delicious breath rushed over, but they were all rushing to their own, unorganized and undisciplined, and they went straight to the smell of Gray.

   The speed of the zombies is not too different from the speed of the living people, and there is nothing like the novice village mobs should have.

They rushed over very fast, but Gray cleaned up faster. They had no wisdom and would only rush up to deliver the heads of the zombies one by one. Gray was even lighthearted when fighting. Basically, it was stabbed or shot by one shot. Sweep out, you can pierce/sweep the skull of a zombie.

   Killing can only lead. It’s easy for Gray, but for those who don’t know the truth, it’s difficult to realize it. It requires not only wisdom, but also a little luck.

   This is also the reason why the zombies can be swept right after they appear. Without him, you can't kill them until you find the right method, and you are not afraid of pain, you can rush up to hug you in three or two, and then a new zombie is born.

"Little Jasmine." She shouted, and Gray shot a zombie's neck directly, and its head fell to the ground with a grunting head, but it was not dead and its mouth was still open and closed, wishing to have a pair of feet on its head. , So I rush to bite.

   Gray kicked it against the wall like a ball, breaking it into a pile of red and white.

   "Little Jasmine, where are you, come out soon." Gray was sure that Little Jasmine had also followed, but the little guy's ability prevented him from easily finding it.

   The last time I didn't find her in time, the little guy was angry with him for many days, he didn't want to come out to see him, and still teased him behind his back.

   In the car.

   Anna hesitated again and again, always feeling that she couldn't leave the other person alone. Now when she goes back, the other person can at least sit in the car and look for it, and the zombies can't keep up with the speed of the vehicle, so they won't be so dangerous.

   wiped the red eyes that were about to cry because her husband was chasing her daughter to death, Anna turned the front of the car and drove in the direction she came.

   Next, Anna vowed that she had never seen such a person in her entire life. Even the powerful warriors in the TV series could not be compared with the people in front of them, probably only those superheroes could compare with them.

   I saw the spear wielded at random by the person in front, and the zombies that rushed towards him were broken their heads one by one and fell to the ground, truly dead.

   She didn't know why such a powerful person was hit by her own car, but the scene before her told her that she might be able to live with this person.

  Anna is thankful that she retains the last kindness, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do if she is alone.

   Gray was steadily advancing, and every few steps he took, he would shout out Little Jasmine's name again.

   Feeling the sound of the engine coming from behind, Gray was sure that it would take a while for the zombies in front of him to reach him, so he turned his head and took a look.

The familiar white car roared over and Gray smiled. No matter where you are, it’s always a pleasure to meet someone who is willing to help you, especially when it’s possible for others to take their lives. Under the circumstances, it is more worthy of joy.

"Gray?" Anna drove the car to Gray, looked at him sideways, and made sure that she was not mistaken. The bright red leather armor, long golden hair, handsome face, tall and tall posture, heroic and extraordinary. The tolerance, and the calmness of killing monsters at will, all indicate that this is the man who just got in her car.

   "Anna." Gray nodded, killed the zombies in front of him, and asked relaxedly, "Do you remember where I hit me? My friend should be there."

"Ah, it's not far ahead." Just after speaking, Anna shut up immediately, and her face turned red. Not long ago, she said that she didn't know who hit Gray ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Glancing at him carefully, but fortunately he didn't care too much, Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then she thought of a strange place. Gray seemed to have jumped out of the house at the time. Could he not even remember where his home was? Isn't it the one who knocked him into amnesia?

   But it's impossible. The other party clearly remembers to go to his friend. The memory should be fine.

   "Grey, do you need help?" Anna looked at the dead bodies along the street in the rearview mirror and asked carefully.

   "Thank you, but I won't use it for the time being. I will trouble you to take me a ride later." Gray smiled. If the zombie woman can't deal with it, she can solve it by herself, so don't let her risk it.

   "Okay." Anna nodded, thinking that Gray is really amazing and manly, "Then I will drive with you."

   Gray was about to reply when he suddenly felt something fell on his head. Gray's face was happy, "Little Jasmine?"

   shot her head up, and she touched a small green figure, sitting on her palm, looking at him happily.

   "This is?" Anna looked surprised, Gray's friend is this little thing? Is there such a creature in the world? Am I crossing?

   "Little Elf, Jasmine, Little Jasmine, this is Anna." Gray introduced that since he saw it, there was no need to hide it.

   "Hello, Jasmine." Anna laughed.

   "Hello." The elf uttered a word, then flew over Gray's head again without speaking.

   "Then let's get out of here." Gray smiled and killed the zombies that rushed with a shot. He opened the door to enter the car, but at this moment he suddenly stopped for a while before getting into the car.


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