I know this ancient god

Chapter 128 The Rising [Avery]

After Tang Xuan was carried several hundred meters away by Lu Qiqi, he suddenly heard a loud shout coming from the direction behind him.

"Punch Grandpa!"

Tang Xuan had a bad feeling in his heart.

No way, no way, there is no such thing as a fool who would stay where he is after seeing everyone run away, right?

Baldhead: Born to be fearless, I'm sorry.

Tang Xuan lay on Lu Qiqi's shoulder and looked back, seeing the bald head wrapped in dim yellow light rushing straight towards the black mist.

He believed that the bald head released some kind of ability to stimulate the body, because when he observed before, he found that the bald head used the dim yellow light very sparingly, and never did such wasteful actions as wrapping the whole body.

Will this punch work a miracle?

Tang Xuan looked at the bald head hopefully.

Although the enemy is strong, I will go!

Suddenly, a huge head covered with pitch-black scales poked out of the black mist. The two nearly ten-meter-long pupils on the head swayed left and right, and then it suddenly jumped forward and swallowed the bald head in one bite. In the mouth.

The bald man was swallowed before he could resist.

Tang Xuan's eyes were filled with question marks.

Will you deliver it after the strengthening is completed?

He expected the bald head to be like the characters in the anime. Being swallowed was actually the bald head's plan to defeat it from the inside. Soon the bald head would punch through the monster's head and emerge intact.

However, no.

The monster's throat twitched, swallowed a ball, and then retreated into the black mist.

Tang Xuan said dryly: "Your friend was eaten."

Lu Qiqi, who was running wildly, was stunned for a moment. She put her feet together, leaving a long mark on the ground, and stopped.

She turned to look at Heiwu: "Hey! Twenty-six?"

A loud spitting sound came from the black fog.


Lu Qiqi cursed: "Damn, isn't it? This guy has survived for so many years, and is he eaten so easily?"

"It will take a while to digest it in the stomach." Tang Xuan sighed, "Let's run out of the attack range of the battleship first, and then we will find a way to save him later."

Lu Qiqi didn't have any petty tempers such as having to go back to save people. She had experienced the most painful period for mankind and was used to seeing life and death. Although she was worried, she knew what she should do now.

Lu Qiqi continued to run forward carrying Tang Xuan.

A bright spot appeared in the sky.


An energy beam with a diameter of a hundred meters poured straight into the black fog. The black fog was directly penetrated, and the outline of the monster was revealed.

Lin Wan, who had already escaped to a safe area, calmly ordered: "Enter a quiescent state, close unnecessary modules, allow access to the sub-god - Queen Mother of the West, and fully detect the target situation!"

The scarlet eyes of the black dragon suit turned into bright blue and white.

Lines of data flashed before Lin Wan's eyes.

"Strange, why does the data curve change like this?"


The monster writhed in the black mist and roared in agony.

Battleship attacks appear to be effective.

Tang Xuan had huge doubts in his mind. He saw that [Ai Li] was clearly beaten and unable to resist, but now [Ai Li] suddenly became so strong that he even ate the bald head in one bite.

Just by swallowing some light and dark erosion bodies transformed by humans, you can gain such powerful power. What is the secret of weak humans?


The monster let out a louder scream, and its struggling movements became slower and slower, as if it was about to die.

Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can kill [Avery], he can start the time loop and enter a state of absolute safety after the first phase of the task is completed.

At this moment, Tang Xuan suddenly heard Lin Wan's anxious voice: "Stop! He is lying to us!"

"He is using the battleship bombardment to replenish himself with energy!"

The commander was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Lin Wan stared closely at the data curve displayed by the black dragon suit. In these ten seconds, the monster's energy level increased by about 5%.

The monster also heard Lin Wan's cry. He simply stopped pretending, stood upright, raised his head and opened his mouth to actively absorb energy.

Everyone saw an impressive scene.

The lizard monster with a body length of more than 100 meters lay half of its body on the tall building next to it, its upper body raised to the sky and swallowing the energy from the battleship's beam. This was a scene that only appeared in childhood nightmares.

The commander received a communication from the battleship: "The target is absorbing the energy of the battleship. We can no longer control the energy system. We are now using other methods to release energy. It is expected to end in ten minutes!"

The commander looked up and saw a bright star appearing in the daytime sky. He knew that it was the battleship releasing energy.

Even the battleships in space were driven out of control!

There was some fear in his eyes when he looked at the monster again, and he murmured: "What the hell is this?"

"Can't let Him go on!"

"Wu Liang! Chen Guang!"

Lin Wan called out on the communication channel.

"We're here, special class!"

Lin Wan ordered: "Come together and interrupt Him at all costs! If this continues, no one on this planet can stop Him!"

It will take half a day for the federal follow-up support to arrive. If they are defeated, [Avery] will be able to do whatever he wants in the next half day, and the consequences will be extremely serious!

Lin Wan's team was not actually sent to deal with [Ai Li]. They were just because when the federation received the news from Ziwei Star asking for help, Lin Wan was taking them to Ziwei Star to find Tang Xuan, the God-killing Division closest to Ziwei Star. member, so he temporarily took over the task of investigating.

Fuxi Legion and dozens of members of the God-Slaying Division are on the road. They are the main force in dealing with the resurrection of the ancient gods.

Wu Liang said with a grimace: "I'll look for an opportunity."

His mastery of the sub-god, Zhan Tan Merit Buddha, is not enough. Once launched, it is a range attack, sometimes damaging the enemy by 1,000 and damaging himself by 10,000.

Here we must mention the formation of sub-god weapons. Sub-god weapons do not have whatever you want. When a sub-god is bound to a source of faith, the sub-god will automatically generate a prototype of the weapon. Lin can only make limited influence and intervention.

The sub-god-like Tanzanite Merit Buddha was originally expected to generate a Zen staff or a cassock, or at the worst, an alms bowl. These can help Lin study different forms of sub-god-level equipment, and improve the defense against sub-god-level armor and sub-god-level functional equipment. understanding.

But no one expected that the final incarnation of the weapon would be a suona, and they could do very little to interfere, at most, painting the suona. Unlike Lin Wan's sub-goddess, the Queen Mother of the West, thirty-three embryos are generated upon birth, allowing for very free weapon shaping and planning.

Lin Wan and another of her subordinates were already close to the monster transformed by [Avery].

"Jiang Ziya is here!"

The sub-god Jiang Ziya was activated, and the black briefcase quickly melted, turning into a gorgeous list with many names densely written on it.

(I went to the hospital today to take a chest X-ray, and the examination revealed that it was just a muscle strain, not a pneumothorax. Two updates a day for the past two days is really too little. Sorry everyone, normal updates will resume tomorrow)

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