I know this ancient god

Chapter 13 Wave Deception Skills (Please collect, recommend and invest in the new book!)

Veins popped up on Tang Xuan's forehead. He glanced at the dialog box, was distracted for a second, and then died.

After calming down, Tang Xuan started a new round of attempts.

After the first wave of artillery fire, the surface density of subsequent beams dropped significantly, and targeted sniping began at him. Predict his movement trajectory in advance, and then strike him accurately.

Fortunately, Tang Xuan had a God's perspective and could see the beam of light coming from a long distance away. Otherwise, he might have been thrown into the street at the first glance.

Tang Xuan called this stage the second stage.

The second stage of the attack is much sparser than the first stage, but its accuracy is enhanced. Almost every beam of light landed on his movement trajectory, so that he had to sway from side to side in the starry sky like a dance (forced to move).

This time he lasted for more than ten seconds, and finally accidentally hit the beam while swinging, causing the white light point to die and the game restarted.

The requirements for the operator's precision in the second stage are several times higher than those in the first stage, and any negligence will lead to game failure.

Although the beams are sparser than in the first stage, they still have to face hundreds of beams every second, which makes it difficult for the white light spot to move forward. In addition, it is also difficult to maintain a high degree of concentration. It is okay to persist for one minute or two, but it is not easy to persist for more than ten minutes or even half an hour.

In the following time, Tang Xuan kept trying, kept trying, and the longest time he persisted lasted for twenty minutes. But there was still a long way to go to the green area outside the planet, and he was less than half way there.

it's getting dark.

Tang Xuan felt dizzy.

This time, he couldn't even survive the first wave of intensive attacks. The [Golden Body] pressed 0.5 seconds too early, and the white light point appeared directly in the sea of ​​​​beams and was instantly killed.

Tang Xuan put down the game board helplessly: "No, my condition is getting worse and worse. I have to rest for a while."


Small golden letters: "Please note that this is a time-limited mission. You must clear this game within a week, otherwise the game will fail permanently and you will lose the opportunity to open subsequent chapters of this game. Please note that every game is precious."

Tang Xuan was stunned: "What will happen if there is permanent failure? Will mankind lose a piece of history?"

In small gold letters: “Sometimes it’s more serious than that.”

Tang Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "This game is too difficult. The white light spot keeps talking trash to distract me. By the way, can you shut up the white light spot?"

Small golden letters: "Yes, but the cooldown time of all skills must be doubled."

Tang Xuan was puzzled: "Why?"

Small gold letters: “For His power is connected with speaking.”

Tang Xuan rolled his eyes.

In this case, he was willing to endure it.

Tang Xuan feels that this game should be completed within seven days, because although the game is difficult to operate, fortunately it is not a puzzle-type game, and it has a very clear route to pass the level.

Today is the first time he has played this game, and his skills are still very unfamiliar. But seven days is enough time for him to play hundreds or thousands of times, making him perfect with practice. So it will definitely be completed before the end, the only difference is whether it fails a hundred times or more.

He hopes that he can complete the game within a hundred times, so that he can obtain the [Hero Power] that he did not get in the first game, which sounds like a super power.

He is also looking forward to the next game, because he guesses that [Hero Arms] will be the second-tier reward in the next game.

Tang Xuan turned to look at his watch and found that it was already nine o'clock in the evening. He closed the game board and put it on the table, walked into the bathroom, took a shower, and went to bed early.

Although he can continue to practice the game, he feels that he has played enough today and his condition has declined sharply. Playing the game at the wrong time may result in him not getting the second level reward [Heroic Power].

Tang Xuan lay on the bed, thinking about games and getting sleepy. However, for some reason, Lin Wan's face would appear in his mind from time to time.

No, no, does he really have feelings for Lin Wan?

Tang Xuan fell asleep in a daze.

the next day

Tang Xuan woke up naturally from his sleep and stretched out energetically. He didn't need to go to class today because he had completed the school's internship procedures and filled out the employment agreement for the Ancient God Research Institute.

After Tang Xuan washed up, he listened to music for a while, then opened the game board and continued studying.

White light spot: "Master is getting serious!"

I don't know if it was because he just woke up and felt good, but Tang Xuan passed the second stage in his first game today. He quickly glanced at the time. The second stage lasted for twenty-three minutes. So he could have survived yesterday's incident if he had held on longer.

After completing the second stage, he was halfway through the course. He felt that if his skills could be better, he might be able to go further at this point in time.

In the third stage, Tang Xuan quickly overturned.

This time he only lasted eight seconds.

After entering the third stage, all beams have a strong purpose, and the pressure is far greater than that of the second stage. At this time, the beam will not only predict his regular movement trajectory, but also predict the landing point of his skills, and even calculate the cooldown time of his skills.

Some of the beams seemed to be completely missed, but in fact they all hit Tang Xuan's [jump] landing point.

It would be difficult for Tang Xuan to escape just by using skills like in the second stage. At the eighth second, a beam of light accurately hit him who had just finished [jumping], causing his game screen to go black.

Tang Xuan fell into deep thought.

Something seems wrong

After a few seconds, he yanked off a strand of hair.

He murmured: "If I were the enemy and fought with empty guns for more than twenty minutes, I should really understand the movement mechanism."

"I should approach this matter from two aspects." Tang Xuan's eyes gradually brightened. "In the second stage, I should move forward as fast as possible to shorten the overall attack time; secondly, I should mislead the enemy. , causing them to misjudge the range of [Warp] and the cooldown time of all skills.”

Tang Xuan has realized that his survival time in the third stage depends on how well the enemy knows him. If the enemy knows him 100%, no matter how smooth his operation is, he will only survive for eight seconds next time he enters the third stage.

Tang Xuan took a deep breath and started trying again.

The moment he clicked the reopen button, he suddenly had an idea, and at the same moment as the white light point rushed out of the black fog, he controlled it to shrink back.

Swish swish swish——

Dense beams of light shot into the black fog.

Tang Xuan did not activate his skills. He held his breath and looked at the black mist that was hit.

At this time, the white light point is still within the strike range of the beam. If the beam can penetrate the black fog, the game will end immediately.

boom! (He made up the sound in his head)

The moment he was about to be hit by the beam, strange dark purple ripples suddenly appeared on the black fog. These ripples were layered on top of each other, covering the surface of the black fog like scales. After the beams hit the ripples, they were all bounced away, and only a handful of beams that were perpendicular to the hit point were shot in.

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