I know this ancient god

Chapter 17 Are you a serious researcher? (Please collect the new book, recommend it, and invest in i

Soft LED lights hang from the tall dome, and simulated insects and birds chirp from all around. A tree or a cluster of flowers is planted every few meters on both sides of the road. The designers put a lot of thought into making people think of this place as the ground.

Xuanniao Spaceport can be called a small town. Leaving aside the technical staff, there are as many as 20,000 service personnel staying here. Sometimes you even have to take a car to get from one place to another.

Tang Xuan and Wang Anya entered the spacecraft parking area of ​​Xuannio Spaceport, so there was no need to be so troublesome.

The people around them were either in suits or short-sleeved slippers, forming two contrasting extremes. The former are business travelers, while the latter are rich people who have money to go to space for fun.

Wang Anya suddenly said: "My spaceship is a bit special, I hope you won't be too surprised."

Tang Xuan smiled and said: "Pink paint? It's understandable for girls."

When he was on the ground, he often saw various objects full of girlish feelings, and sometimes found them quite cute.

Wang Anya shook her head: "It's not about painting."

Tang Xuan replied nonchalantly: "It's just because of its special appearance. It doesn't matter, I'm content with having a free spaceship."

Wang Anya whispered: "It can't be said that it has a special appearance."

The two walked into a metal corridor. They turned a few corners along the corridor, and no other passengers could be seen around them, because at this time they had entered their exclusive passage.

"The docking port for the berth is right in front."

Wang Anya reminded.

Tang Xuan nodded. This was not his first time.

The scene at the berth is spectacular.

The end of the metal corridor was inserted into an extremely huge spherical cavity, and then ended abruptly. There was only a fence to prevent them from falling. It was difficult for Tang Xuan to describe how big the cavity was. It was like hollowing out the inside of a mountain. He walked to the fence and looked down. He saw hundreds of huge spaceships parked on numerous disks in an orderly manner. He felt like a tiny ant at the foot of the mountain.

Tang Xuan murmured: "This is the power of technology."

Each gray disk holds a huge spaceship. The edges of the disk are lined with light strips, most of which are red, meaning that the spacecraft is not authorized to leave. However, there are also some gray disks with green light strips that move upward slowly, which means that their owners are about to drive them away from the port.

Wang Anya pressed a few times on the virtual screen.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

"Berth No. 0617 requesting docking!"

"Identity verification in progress!"

"Identity verified!"

"Start docking!"

"Xuanniao Spaceport reminds you that during the docking process, please stay calm, do not run or jump, and avoid falling from the docking port. Although Xuanniao Spaceport has complete rescue measures, please still pay attention to safety and do not take dangerous measures. "


The powerful mechanical sound made Tang Xuan feel excited. He saw the indicator light of a disk below turned green and approached them.

This disk holds a cat-shaped spaceship.

What, can the spaceship be built into a cat shape? Of course you can, but the energy consumption and operation difficulty will be increased.

Tang Xuan smiled slightly, thinking that this appearance was indeed special, but also very cute.

He smiled and said, "Do you like cats? I do too."

Wang Anya tilted her head: "Huh?"

The cat-shaped spacecraft simply skipped them and headed higher.

This is the ship for other passengers.

Tang Xuan was confused. Who was Wang Anya's spaceship?

Rumble, rumble, rumble

With a huge roar, a truly behemoth came into his sight. The volume of this behemoth is more than a hundred times that of the cat-shaped spacecraft just now. Tang Xuan had to take two steps back to look up and see the top of it.

The surface of this spaceship is painted in a cool black-gray paint, with a central axis main gun on the front and six chord cannons on each side. There are also densely packed unmanned carrier-based aircraft and automatic cannons on the deck.

Tang Xuan remembered seeing it on the cover of a magazine. It was an active main battleship and was often deployed in star-level troops.

Tang Xuan sighed: "I didn't expect that there would be such a big guy in the Chao Singxing garrison."


As he sighed, the gray disk carrying the Federation warship stopped in front of him, and stretched out its mechanical arm to start docking with the corridor.

Tang Xuan was stunned.

After a while, he turned to look at Wang Anya, his confused eyes full of questions.

? ? ?

When I put a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem.

Wang Anya whispered: "I said hello to you, and I don't want to drive this car. It was my grandpa who said it was unsafe on the road and insisted on me driving it."

Tang Xuan's shoulders trembled slightly.

Oh, it turns out that my family is concerned about it, so they drove the battleship over. This is love, it’s understandable. I understand, I understand!

What does your grandpa do?

Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Military District?

Can the battleship be launched as soon as it is launched?

If the road is unsafe, let alone self-defense, you can fly this spaceship to suppress bandits, okay? !

And why do you, a researcher from the Ancient God Research Institute, fly a battleship? !

Are you a serious researcher? !

Tang Xuan pointed at the battleship and asked, "Are you really good at driving this?"

Wang Anya shrank her head timidly: "My grandpa said that a girl who can't drive a battleship is not a good researcher. I can also operate a swarm of drones."

".alright, I got it."

Maybe these are the upper echelons of the Federation?

This class is too far away from Tang Xuan, and he cannot think about their behavior patterns.

At this time, the bridge has been docked, the fence has been retracted underground, and they can approach the behemoth.

Wang Anya whispered: "Xiao Mi!"

The lights inside the battleship all lit up, and a space vehicle flew from the deck in front of them and opened the door.

A crisp Lolita voice: "Welcome home, Master!"

Wang Anya nodded lightly.

At this time, Tang Xuan had entered a calm state, indifferent to what was happening in front of him, and sat in the car with a calm expression.

Wang Anya walked around to the driver's seat of the car and sat down. She looked at Tang Xuan quietly and felt relieved when she found that there was nothing unusual about him.

She used to drive this battleship to other places. When she came out of the battleship, people outside wanted to kneel down in front of her. This resulted in her not having any friends when she grew up, including in the institute, as if everyone was separated from her by an invisible wall.

Tang Xuan's calm appearance made her feel very comfortable.

Isn't it just a battleship? There is no need to take battleships too seriously, after all, I am just an ordinary person.

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