I know this ancient god

Chapter 183 Aatrox, God of Death Battle (Additional update!)

When Tang Xuan and the woman in the white dress handed over the neutron battle star, a drastic change was taking place in another part of the universe.

A new ancient god has resurrected.

Theoretically speaking, the ancient gods who resurrected during this period are generally weak, and the federation is fully capable of suppressing them. However, the problem is that this ancient god did not resurrect within the territory of the federation.

But it's the Mauryan Empire next door.

The Mauryan Empire seems to be powerful, but due to internal corruption and racial discrimination, its combat effectiveness is beyond praise.

The resurrection of the ancient gods is not a matter for one country.

The ancient gods once ruled the universe, and their growth rate is in line with an exponential curve. They must be contained at the beginning of recovery, otherwise they will become a disaster for all mankind.

The Federation was very worried that the Mauryan Empire could not suppress the resurrected ancient gods and tried to provide help, but was firmly rejected by the Mauryan Empire.

The diplomats responsible for contacting the Mauryan Empire were very angry.

According to what they reported, the Maurya Empire probably means that they are the number one in the universe and can defeat the ancient gods with yoga and cow urine. They will never allow federal troops to cross the border, otherwise it will be regarded as launching a war.

The Maurya Empire used strong words to prevent the federation from assisting, but they did not reject the intelligence provided by the federation, including the location, strength and weakness of the ancient gods, and combat suggestions.

The Federation basically taught the Maurya Empire step by step how to suppress the resurrection of the ancient gods, and lent its own homework to the Maurya Empire for copying. As long as the Maurya Empire took it seriously, suppressing the ancient gods should be a simple matter.


Now is the time to put the Mauryan Empire to the test.

On a planet in the eastern part of the Mauryan Empire, ferocious gaps opened in the earth. Countless people fell downwards in panic and were swallowed by the rising magma.

Scarlet blood mist spread outward from the gap, and there was also a harsh and hoarse sound like metal friction.

"Those who believe in me will live."

"My name is Aatrox, the god of deadly combat."

The Mauryan Empire's fleet floated quietly in space. They watched the planet below undergo changes, but did not make any move.

Messages spread among the battleships.

"General, what should we do?"

"General, Shiva Six invites you to fight!"

"General, many people are dead below."




The soldiers in the fleet were full of fighting spirit, but for some unknown reason, they could not receive the general's order for a long time. They could only see the light signal on the flagship flashing on standby.

A potbellied old man sank into a large sofa chair, listening to the voice coming from the communication channel. He felt anxious. He impatiently asked the sweating maintenance man next to him: "How long will it take to repair it?"

The maintenance man trembled and replied: "General, it's quick, it's quick."

The old man said dissatisfied: "Have you found out the reason?"

The maintenance man nodded repeatedly: "There are two screws missing inside. The guys in the repair shop must have missed them. I can just screw them in with two new ones."

Due to backward technology, low personnel quality, and imperfect systems, the Mauryan Empire's shipyards always had a few more boxes of screws after repairing warships.

The old man snorted heavily: "I'll give you three more minutes. If it can't be repaired, you can just wait to go to the military court."

At this time, the ground was already a scene like hell on earth.

In the haze-like volcanic dust, ferocious cracks are spread all over the world. A river of magma flows in the cracks, spitting out crimson flames. Every moment, someone falls in and is burnt to ashes amidst howls.

The sound that spread from the cracks now covered the entire world.

"Those who believe in me will live."

"My name is Aatrox, the god of deadly combat."

A peacock man was holding the edge of the crack with both hands, his whole body hanging in mid-air, and he might fall into the magma and die at any time.

Hot tongues of fire licked the soles of his feet through the air. His brain was shut down with fear, and his hands instinctively grasped anything he could.

The soreness in his muscles gradually disintegrated his strength, and the beads of sweat in his hands made it harder and harder to hold on. His body slid down centimeter by centimeter, and finally fell irreversibly into the sea of ​​fire.

At this critical moment, he heard the sound coming from the crack, and it was like grabbing the last straw.

"I want to believe in you!"

"help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

he shouted hysterically.

At this time, a hoarse voice filled his ears: "Recite my name: Aatrox, and I will save you from the sea of ​​fire."

"I believe in you!"


Suddenly seeing a glimmer of hope, he struggled to curl up into a shrimp, trying to contact the magma as late as possible. But his voice didn't cause any changes. He was still falling downwards, and finally fell into the magma with a plop.


The magma bubbled up, and the matter seemed to be over.

In space, roars erupted in the flagship.

The old man roared: "Didn't you just tighten two screws? Why hasn't it been fixed after three minutes? You're done. Wait for the military court!"

The repairman gritted his teeth and said, "I just found out that not only are two screws missing, but a chip is also missing. It must have been stolen and sold by the guy from the repair shop."

The old man said angrily: "Quia!"

The repairman lowered his head in fear.

The young secretary standing aside said coquettishly: "General, the calls from other warships are becoming more and more frequent. They want to send people on board to inquire about the situation."

"Damn it! A bunch of trash!" the old man yelled. "The communication system cannot be repaired. Send people by boat to other warships to inform them to release land troops immediately! The battle will be over within three hours!"

"Okay, General."

The young secretary sat lightly in the old man's arms.

A small spaceship flew out of the flagship and entered another battleship, issuing an attack order on behalf of the old man.

Tens of thousands of landing pods shot into the atmosphere like a meteor shower.

Gudu Gudu Gudu

In the cracks all over the planet's surface, strings of bubbles emerged from the flowing magma. Under each string of bubbles there was an increasingly obvious bulge, as if something was gestating.


It was as if a balloon had been popped.

A man wearing armor and holding a sword stood up from the magma bulge. His eyes were bloodshot and he was a little crazy, but his consciousness was still awake.

"I'm not dead!"


Feeling the power flowing through his body, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, shouting the name that saved him: "Aatrox! Long live!"

The same scenario plays out in many places on the planet.

More and more people started calling Aatrox's name, some of them were rescued from the lava by Aatrox, and some of them didn't want to fall into the lava.

The power of faith quickly spread across the planet.

A pair of scarlet, bloodthirsty eyes slowly opened.

Aatrox, the long-sleeping god of death fighting, woke up. He opened his mouth and breathed freely, swallowing the power of faith rolling in, and the blood in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

(The three chapters total 8,000 words, which is equivalent to the previous four chapters. This month, I will continue to add more chapters to pay off the debt. The results are quite dismal now. I hope everyone can come to the Qidian Reading APP to support genuine reading. It costs less than ten yuan a month. Please.)

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