I know this ancient god

Chapter 194 Conversation

"Your family has left the Federation." The leader said slowly. "They believed that the Federation might not be able to protect them, so they launched an escape plan and planned to maintain a space jump state until this disaster has passed."

Lin Wanru was struck by lightning.

She stood there blankly and didn't speak for a long time.

Tang Xuan frowned and said, "Escape plan?"

The leader nodded: "Lin took away most of the family members without warning, and only sent me an email to inform me before leaving."

Tang Xuan's face looked a little ugly.

After spending some time with Lin Wan, he already understood the importance of Lin to the Federation. Lin had mastered almost all the technologies related to the ancient gods.

Without them, the Federation would no longer be able to manufacture sub-god weapons, let alone create artificial gods.

"But they kept all the technology." The leader added, "It will not affect the plans formulated by the federation."

Tang Xuan's face relaxed slightly.

Although Lin's departure dealt a heavy blow to the federation's overall scientific research strength, they retained the technology and minimized the impact on the federation.

Lin Wan asked blankly: "My dad is gone too?"

The leader nodded silently.

Lin Wan asked further: "What about my sister? Who else is left in our family? They can't all leave, right?"

The leader whispered: "Your sister, General Lin Lei and Commissioner Lin Taining, these are all the people in the Lin family now."

Tang Xuan didn't know what to say for a while.

The huge Lin family, the number one giant in politics, military and business in the federation, disappeared without a trace overnight. Now, including Lin Wan, only four people are still in the federation.

There was a tear in Lin Wan's eyes.

She couldn't believe that her father would leave her alone. She wanted to cry loudly, but her self-esteem did not allow her to do so in front of the leader and Tang Xuan.

She bit her lip tightly.

Tang Xuan felt a little distressed when he saw Lin Wan. He asked the leader: "Did her father leave any message for her?"

"I didn't leave a message, but I left a safe." The leader nodded slowly, "I'll have someone bring the box to you later."

Lin Wan took deep breaths and raised her hand to gently wipe away the tears that overflowed from her eyes: "Can you give me the box now?"

The leader nodded: "Of course."

He reached out and pressed the green button on the table.

"Your Excellency, Leader, what are your orders?"

The leader whispered: "Go to my warehouse and bring item 01025 to my office."

"OK, just a second."

Lin Wan's eyes were red and her lips were pursed tightly.

Tang Xuan sighed secretly.

[Friends of Women] activate!

[Hero Arms] Activate!

A piece of paper appeared in Tang Xuan's hand.

He calmly took the piece of paper and took a look at it, and was surprised to find that it was actually a page from Lin Wan's father's diary, which wrote about the psychological struggle before leaving.

Lin Wan's father had the idea of ​​resisting when he left, but for the sake of the continuation of the family and for the Federation to seriously search for Lin Wan, he finally had to compromise with the clan elders.

"Lin Wan, look at this."

He handed this page of diary to Lin Wan.

Lin Wan picked up the diary, looked down at it, and immediately recognized it as her father's handwriting. She didn't ask Tang Xuan where he got this. After looking at it carefully for a few seconds, tears burst out of his eyes.


I grit my teeth when I read this word.

Tang Xuan couldn't tell whether Lin Wan was moved or angry.

After a while, Lin Wan wiped away her tears, carefully folded the diary page into squares and put it in her pocket, her mood calming down.

"I have arranged for people to pick up the box. Now can you tell me what you have experienced?" The leader asked in confusion, "I saw two planets, one of which is Ziwei Star. What is the other one? "

Tang Xuan gently patted Lin Wan on the shoulder. He did not answer the leader's question, but said first: "I cooperate with the ancient gods."

The leader's pupils shrank suddenly.

ancient god

He regretted that he invited Tang Xuan to the office.

No wonder the Ziwei star disappeared out of thin air. It turned out to be related to the ancient gods. After being silent for a while, he said bitterly: "So that's it. Has the ancient god recovered enough to move the planet now?"

He suddenly understood Lin now.

In places unknown to the Federation, countless ancient gods have awakened from their slumber, regained a lot of strength, and began to deal with humans.

A strong feeling of powerlessness came over him.

If there is an ancient god who has recovered to the strength recorded on the inscription, then what does he and the Federation's previous efforts count, is it a dying struggle?

Are humans destined to become slaves again?

Tang Xuan explained: "Don't be nervous. Ancient gods are also divided into good and bad. The ancient god I work with is kind to humans."

The leader took a deep breath: "I hope so too."

He didn't know whether what Tang Xuan said was true or false, or whether the ancient god who cooperated with Tang Xuan was good or bad, or whether he deceived Tang Xuan.

But he couldn't ask directly.

Tang Xuan knew that the leader might not be able to accept this answer for a while, so he changed the subject and asked: "What happened to the Ziwei Galaxy after we left?"

The leader replied with a wry smile: "The entire galaxy has fallen into an irreversible two-dimensional state, and the two-dimensional state is still slowly spreading to other areas. Does this have anything to do with the ancient god you are working with?"

Not only was the Ziwei Galaxy sliced ​​into thin slices, the surrounding areas were also involved in two-dimensionalization, and the scope of influence was getting larger and larger, but the Federation still had not found a way to contain it.

Tang Xuan hesitated and said: "It has something to do with it."

The leader's heart became increasingly heavy.

He knew that the ancient gods could not be kind to humans. The source of their power was to enslave humans. How could they be friendly to humans?

The leader said solemnly: "Are you here to negotiate with the Federation on behalf of that ancient god? What does he want?"

In his opinion, the two-dimensionalization of the Ziwei Galaxy is a threat from the ancient gods. Tang Xuan was probably a lobbyist and traitor who relied on this threat to negotiate terms with the federation.

Tang Xuan knew that the leader had misunderstood.

How could he commit adultery when his heart is devoted to the motherland?

He immediately explained: "The reason why the Ziwei Galaxy became two-dimensional was because another ancient god attacked me because he didn't like the ancient gods cooperating with humans. In the end, the ancient god who cooperated with me helped me transfer the entire planet. Ziwei Star protects everyone in the Ziwei Galaxy.”

He didn't know the origin of the giant who carried out the long-range dimensionality reduction attack on him, so he could only use the more understandable term "ancient god" to explain to the leader.

The leader looked confused: "Another ancient god?"

Tang Xuan nodded: "That's right."

He didn't want the federation to misunderstand him.

The leader's mood did not lighten.

He thought to himself that having one powerful ancient god was already a very bad situation, but he didn't expect there to be two. However, there seems to be a conflict between them. Although I don’t know if it is a matter of attitude towards humans, can the conflict between them be used to provide a glimmer of hope for the federation?

Tang Xuan frowned slightly. He felt that the leader had a strange idea. At this time, an idea popped into his mind.

Rather than being suspected, it is better to

He looked directly at the leader and spoke slowly: "On behalf of that ancient god, I came to negotiate a deal with the Federation that will determine the survival of mankind."

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