I know this ancient god

Chapter 206 Return

Baipao Hongjun didn't want Tang Xuan to know so much from the bottom of his heart, because the more Tang Xuan knew, the smaller the space the immortals could use to gain benefits, but he also knew that only in this way could Tang Xuan safely interact with them. make a deal.

Trust is the foundation of everything.

However, he was not worried that Tang Xuan would unscrupulously exploit the immortals and negotiate unequal treaties with them just because he knew this. It's not because he believes in Tang Xuan's character, but because he knows what the Immortal means to the Federation at this time.

A helping hand strong enough to provide stable shelter.

Baipao Hongjun has been observing this era in this small world.

From the birth of human beings, to the rise of the ancient gods, and now to the resurrection of the ancient gods, he silently observed the entire process.

The Ancient Gods in their heyday were as powerful as the Immortals. With the current technological level of the Federation, it was impossible for them to protect themselves from the wave of the Ancient Gods' revival.

Even if you can survive the first few years with difficulty, if you encounter an ancient god with a strong foundation later, your country may be destroyed in a few days.

The Immortals desperately need the Federation's help to gain their freedom.

The Federation also urgently needs immortals to join in to enhance its strength.

It's a win-win thing.

Baipao Hongjun stared into Tang Xuan's eyes. His mood was both calm and exciting. After many years, the immortals could finally return to the main world!

"So, what do you need?"

Tang Xuan asked.

Like Baipao Hongjun, he also knows that there is no unilateral absolute advantage between the two parties.

Moreover, he is a simple person and does not want to play tricks, so he directly gives Baipao Hongjun room to negotiate.

"We have a cooperative relationship with the Federation. Immortals do not accept orders from the Federation." Baipao Hongjun has already thought about what the immortals need. "We can help the Federation eliminate the ancient gods in the territory, but everything else To discuss and decide.”

Tang Xuan nodded: "Okay, is there anything else?"

"Freedom, we want absolute freedom." Baipao Hongjun whispered, "If you can, please give us an autonomous area."

Tang Xuan asked doubtfully: "Can't you go out and enclose a piece of land yourself?"

"At the beginning of the advent, we must rely on your sub-god weapons, and we have no ability to act alone." Daozu Hongjun added, "Not only must you provide us with sufficient incense offerings, but also the holders of the sub-god weapons are with us. You must obey our orders until you gain the ability to act independently."

Tang Xuan frowned slightly: "The holders of sub-god weapons are also citizens of the Federation. It is impossible for the Federation to hand over its citizens to you."

Baipao Hongjun shook his head: "You misunderstood, we will not enslave them. If you feel offended, you can understand it this way - they will be our full-time escorts for a period of time."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly: "If that's all, fine."

"These three points are basic requirements and must be met. Other things can be discussed later." Baipao Hongjun paused, "Now let's talk about things that will help us come."

The requirements of the immortals are not excessive. They only need an equal and cooperative relationship, autonomy, the incense faith and a period of companionship that were originally given to them.

Although Tang Xuan cannot represent the Federation, he is sure that the Federation can accept such conditions.

Tang Xuan asked: "What do you need?"

"More sub-god weapons." Baipao Hongjun said bluntly, "We need something that is connected to us, so that we can leave here and go to the top."

"No problem, we will definitely expand the production of sub-god weapons in the future, but the specific production volume will be discussed later. I can't decide here." Tang Xuan nodded, "We can't help all of you return at once. To the main world, this is unrealistic.”

Baipao Hongjun nodded: "Okay, I will give you a list, and you can summon us in the order of this list."

A roll of silk book floated to Tang Xuan from the side.

Tang Xuan unfolded the silk book.

From top to bottom, at the front are the six saints, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and the chief disciples of each religion, and each of their names is like thunder.

Hongjun himself was not among them.

Tang Xuan asked: "Aren't you going out?"

Hongjun looked calm: "I will be the last to leave to atone for my failure back then."

Because he failed to resist the end, all creatures in the ancient world were almost extinct, leaving only some immortals in this small world, which made him feel guilty.

This is Hongjun's own choice, and Tang Xuan has no right to interfere. He asked another important question: "What changes can you bring to the sub-god weapons after you come out?"

"The basic power is increased at least a hundred times, and it comes with a magic weapon." Baipao Hongjun answered seriously, "You should have heard of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, supplemented by the Zhuxian Sword Formation. In its heyday, it was enough to rival the Four Saints. . Other immortals also have their own magic weapons."

Tang Xuan looked at the names on the silk book again.

Each name corresponds to a string of magic weapons in his heart.

He couldn't help but click his tongue.

If they were summoned and trained for a while, all of them would be ruthless characters capable of destroying heaven and earth.

With them here, the crisis in the Federation can definitely be resolved.

Tang Xuan asked: "How long will it take for you to return to your original strength?"

Baipao Hongjun lowered his voice slightly: "Times have changed. Our understanding of the Tao is useless in this era. How much we can recover depends on how much faith we have."

Tang Xuan was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"You can think of us as a big empty bucket." Hongjun explained with a metaphor, "Compared to people who have never been strong, we have no bottlenecks that hinder our improvement, but how strong we can be in the end depends on what's inside. How much water does it put in?”

Tang Xuan frowned slightly.

It sounds like it's not easy to let the immortals grow up.

Baipao Hongjun whispered: "Our strength depends on you."

Tang Xuan pursed his lips.

After a while, he said: "Next, we only need to produce sub-god weapons, and you can naturally rely on them. No need for us to do anything?"

Baipao Hongjun immediately added: "When making sub-god weapons, the list of gods must be next to it. It is the only channel between us and the main world now."

"Okay, I understand." Tang Xuan said, "If there is nothing else, then send me away."

Baipao Hongjun nodded: "I hope to meet my little friend again in the main world."

Tang Xuan smiled: "It will happen one day."

Baipao Hongjun shook his sleeves.

An irresistible force pushed Tang Xuan's body backward. Tang Xuan did not fall off the round platform, but crashed into a layer of soft material.


Snowflakes blew into Tang Xuan's collar with chill.

"Tang Xuan, are you okay?"

A familiar voice reached Tang Xuan's ears. At this moment, Tang Xuan finally felt relieved, and a touch of joy surged into his heart.

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