I know this ancient god

Chapter 209 Goodbye Guolis


After walking out of the police station holding the bank transfer text message, Guolis's waist gradually bent down. There was no sound in his mouth, but in fact he was laughing so hard that tears flowed out of his eyes.

Guolis suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed: "The sky has eyes!"

He took out two red plastic banners from his pocket, which were the props he placed on both sides of the small bench to attract the audience when performing in the square.

Rain or shine, Xiaoguo Plaza is waiting for you!

Cloudy or sunny, Xiao Guo’s heart is sweet for you!

Guo Lisi looked at these two banners and felt something in his heart, disgusting!

So fucking disgusting!

He grasped both ends of the banner tightly, and winding blue light veins appeared on the back of his hands. The light veins suddenly lit up, and the banner instantly broke into hundreds of pieces and floated away in the wind.



Guolis strode forward proudly, he had never walked so freely before!

Let’s go ahead and make a fuss!

Walk a thousand miles again!


Hahaha. Ugh!

"Littering, you'll be fined 200 yuan!" A patrolman walked up to Guolis with an expressionless face and blocked his way. "Spitting on the ground will result in a day's detention!"

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the federal government has cracked down on leaving bodily fluids in public places.

Hearing this, Guo Lisi's face fell instantly. He hesitated and said: "Comrade police, I didn't intentionally damage the environment. I was just too excited. Can we discuss it?"

The patrolman said with a cold face: "What do you think?"

Guo Lisi walked out of the police station happily, but within a minute he went back crying.

About three hours later, someone came to see him.


A handsome young man walked in.

"How are you?"

The young man sat down and asked familiarly through the bars.

Guolis looked excited: "The organization is here to get me?"

This young man was Tang Xuan. When he heard Guo Lis' words, he was a little confused at first. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he remembered that he still had an 'organization'. He said in a dumbfounded way: "That's right."

He found that whoever he approached would cause trouble.

When looking for Pinellia, Pinellia was caught soliciting prostitution without paying; when looking for Guolis, Guolis was arrested for spitting.

If he goes to find [Ji Gu], I wonder if [Ji Gu] will also be in trouble.

The thought only flashed for a moment and then dissipated.

Tang Xuan stared directly at Guolis and asked: "I came to you on business. Let me ask you, is the fall of your gods into a deep sleep related to the [Jigu] cutting off the birth of new gods?"

Guo Lis did not answer immediately. Instead, he stared at Tang Xuan suspiciously and asked slowly: "Why are you asking this? Didn't [Jigu] tell you?"

Tang Xuan noticed that Guolis was doubting his identity, but at this moment he didn't care. With the Neutron War Star as his backing, there was no problem in dealing with an ancient god who was reduced to playing erhu in the square.

"You don't need to care about this matter. I'll ask you questions, otherwise you'll be locked up here forever." Tang Xuan said calmly, "Spitting is a one-day detention, but obstructing official duties is unlimited."

Guo Lisi's eyes suddenly became hesitant.

He originally thought that Tang Xuan's backstage was [Ji Gu], but now he has vaguely realized that Tang Xuan might have deceived him, or that Tang Xuan had some bad intentions towards [Ji Gu].

Whether he was deceived or involved in unknown events related to [Jigu], he should not continue to answer Tang Xuan's questions, especially when it involved the catastrophe of the year.

That incident was a disgrace to all the ancient gods.


He felt that Tang Xuan was not threatening him. If he refused to answer, he might really spend a long time in jail for this matter. Is it worth paying the price of losing your freedom for a long time in order to hide a secret that everyone knows?

Guolis took a deep breath and straightened his back.

Light blue veins spread upward from the darkness under the collarbone, instantly covering his entire face. The light blue veins were shimmering with blue light, as if there was some kind of liquid flowing in them.

The aura on Guolis' body changed, and a murderous aura from an apex predator filled the small interrogation room.

The policeman standing outside the door suddenly felt out of breath, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his body.

Tang Xuan's expression remained unchanged: "So this is your choice?"

"Maybe I'm too gentle, so you misunderstood me, mortal."

Guolis's voice is layered, reaching people's ears like a demonic sound from the abyss, evoking the darkness and fear deep in people's hearts.

Tang Xuan leaned forward slightly.

The dim sunlight came through the window and fell on him. The light was split by the bridge of his nose, casting a thick shadow on the other side of his face.

"Maybe I'm too gentle, so you misunderstood me." Tang Xuan's eyes became deep and he said the word in a calm tone, "God."

In an instant, Guolis felt a strong sense of oppression coming towards his face.

It was hard for him to believe that an ordinary human could bring him such a strong sense of oppression. It seemed that he was not facing a human, but a god more powerful than him.

The light blue veins on Guolis's face dimmed quietly.

He said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

Tang Xuan turned a deaf ear to Guo Lis's question. He looked at Guo Lis's face, and his calm tone was full of power: "Have you thought about how to answer it?"

Guolis choked.

As always, just like when he was found by Tang Xuan while performing in the square, he once again couldn't figure out Tang Xuan's details, and his own momentum gradually dropped in silence.

In the end, Guolis compromised and said, "Okay, it does matter."

The light blue veins on his body dimmed.

It's not easy to accumulate the power of faith. He only has one believer now, a little boy, and he is unwilling to waste the power he finally accumulated on someone he doesn't need to offend.

He wouldn't say he was scared.

Tang Xuan no longer stared directly into Guo Lis's eyes. He moved his gaze to other places and asked lightly: "Tell me in detail."

He made a special trip here to interview Guolis just to clarify his suspicions.

How much does the ancient god's slumber have to do with [Ji Gu]? What did [Ji Gu] do and why did it do that?

Is it related to the end?

Guolis pursed his lips.

He looked up uneasily, but he didn't see the terrifying face, so he felt a little more relaxed.

"Actually, I don't know what happened specifically." Guo Lisi shrank his head, "I only know that [Jigu] seemed to have discovered some secret, and this cut off the way for the New God to be promoted."

swish swish

Tang Xuan carefully wrote down Guo Lisi's words with a pen. He raised his head and asked, "Didn't He explain it to you? Are you just letting Him do whatever you want?"

He was very curious, how could the other ancient gods allow [Ji Gu] to do such a thing that could be called genocide?

"No explanation. A strong man like him doesn't need to explain." Guolis's eyes were filled with envy. "No one can threaten him, so he doesn't care about the opinions of other gods at all and can do whatever he wants."

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