I know this ancient god

Chapter 216 The New God Resurrects

Shifting the order of arrival means that he will have to stay here for a longer period of time. Not only will he have to endure the pain of self-deception in the illusory Kunlun Mountains. Other saints will leave earlier than him, which is really embarrassing.

The anger and hatred in Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes almost overflowed from his eyes, but Baipao Hongjun turned a blind eye to it. He said: "Jiang Ziya, you have been removed from the order of descent. From today on, no one can hurt you, I I want you to see with your own eyes the day when the great wilderness will prosper again."

Jiang Ziya's eyes moved slightly.

He thought he would die, bid farewell to this dirty body and fallen soul, and return to eternal silence. But Baipao Hongjun not only refused to kill him, but also gave him shelter.

This surprised him.

Yuanshi Tianzun's brows knit together and he couldn't believe his ears. He didn't believe that Hongjun not only refused to kill this traitor of the Great Desolation, but also protected him to see the revival of the Great Desolate?

He had previously been dragged away by Hongjun to the thirty-third heaven in the illusion because of Jiang Ziya's incident and scolded him for a long time.

He questioned: "Master?"

Baipao Hongjun just glanced at him indifferently.

The cold chill seeped into Yuanshi Tianzun's body, and Yuanshi Tianzun's expression froze. Yuanshi Tianzun was very familiar with Baipao Hongjun's eyes, which were exactly the same as when he looked at the ants.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt unbelievable.

Am I just an ant in Master's eyes?

Baipao Hongjun didn't notice the change in Yuanshi Tianzun's mentality, or he noticed it but didn't care. He lightly stamped his foot, urging the illusion to engulf the consciousnesses of Yuanshi Tianzun and Jiang Ziya.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Jiang Ziya returned to the Yuxu Palace Dojo in Kunlun Mountain again. Yuanshi Tianzun said nothing as if he had lost his soul, only staring silently at the jade floor under his feet.

Jiang Ziya looked up at Yuanshi Tianzun without any respect, then turned around and strode away without any nostalgia for Yuxu Palace.

"No matter what the motive is for Jiang Ziya to do this, it shows that the Immortal actually has no good intentions towards the Federation. At most, he is just using his connections. Therefore, the terms we negotiated with Hongjun have to be overturned and re-drafted."

Tang Xuan's expression was very serious.

He originally thought that he had an interview with Taoist Hongjun and that promoting cooperation between the Federation and the immortals would be an easy matter. Unexpectedly, he made a huge mistake just after taking the first step.

There were a total of twelve diplomats, six of whom were mentally polluted. This was a bad diplomatic accident that shattered the shallow trust between the two sides that had no basis in the first place.

Tang Xuan twisted his hair with his fingers. He thought while saying: "Immortals now also rely on faith to gain strength. They are simply replicas of the ancient gods. We cannot give them absolute freedom, let alone define autonomous areas for them to prevent them from carrying us behind our backs." Engage in dangerous operations.”

Lin Wan sat aside and silently recorded with a pen.

She is the link between Tang Xuan and the top leaders of the federation, responsible for conveying Tang Xuan's suggestions and opinions, and most of the time she agrees with Tang Xuan's ideas.

While Lin Wan was recording, Tang Xuan complained. He said in confusion: "I still can't figure out why Jiang Ziya did such a clumsy thing. Does he look down on us and thinks we can't find out?"

Lin Wan replied while recording: "Not necessarily, maybe there is another purpose."

Tang Xuan nodded thoughtfully: "I think so. They have ruled an era after all. If they really want to brainwash our people, there should be a more covert way."

The Federation is just a technological civilization that has just started.

Compared with the Hill civilization that once created the neutron battle star, it is not worth mentioning. The Hill civilization failed to rule the universe, but the immortals did.

There is no doubt about the power of immortals.

Tang Xuan didn't believe it at all that the immortals didn't have more subtle brainwashing spells. It wouldn't matter if it were other nameless immortals, but Jiang Ziya was a disciple of a saint, so it was impossible for him to lack this kind of magic.

Jiang Ziya must have done it on purpose!

Tang Xuan frowned: "Deliberately using clumsy mental spells. Apart from arousing our vigilance against them, is there any other gain?"

"Maybe this is what Jiang Ziya wants." Lin Wan paused, "Holmes said that after eliminating all possibilities, the remaining answer will be the truth no matter how incredible it is."

Tang Xuan said in surprise: "You still read such an old book?"

Lin Wan nodded: "I was more interested in books in this area some time ago."

Tang Xuan blinked and brought the topic back on track: "So you think Jiang Ziya might want the federation to be wary of immortals?"

Lin Wan said softly: "This is just a possibility, but we can guess, if Jiang Ziya really thinks like this, then why does he think like this?"

"From Jiang Ziya's point of view, excluding neutrality, his attitude towards the Federation may be malicious or well-intentioned." Tang Xuan thought: "I have always assumed that he was malicious. But if he is well-intentioned and deliberately lets the Federation Be wary of the Immortal, that Immortal has bad thoughts about the Federation.”

Tang Xuan thought of another thing.

Hongjun is too talkative.

He met with Hongjun to discuss terms, and Hongjun accepted them all, with no intention of bargaining, as if he was eager to send the immortals out of the small world.

This was so abnormal that he felt something was wrong at the time.

No matter how generous Hongjun is, as the leader of the Immortal Era, he must consider the countless dying immortals living in the small world. How can he finalize the terms with himself so easily?

Beep beep beep!

At this moment, Lin Wan's watch suddenly rang.

Lin Wan looked up at Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan nodded.

Lin Wan answered the message.

A light screen popped up from the watch. The person in the light screen often appeared on TV, and it was the federal leader.

Tang Xuan asked in surprise: "What happened?"

Although they have often had direct or indirect contact with the Leader's Office during this period, the Leader's Office has been represented by think tanks and expert representatives the last few times. He was a little surprised when he suddenly saw the Leader.

The leader said with a heavy heart: "Well, bad news."

Tang Xuan was silent for two seconds and then asked: "The ancient god has revived?"

The leader nodded slowly and turned sideways to let out the big screen behind him. A star map was displayed on the big screen. The star map was rapidly enlarging until the perspective was reduced to a galaxy.

"An unforeseen violent magnetic field disorder occurred on a deserted planet in the Shaoyang galaxy. After on-the-spot investigation by the fleet, it was confirmed that an ancient god is about to resurrect." There was some worry in the leader's eyes, "Now that the God-killing Division has set off, I don't know what they are doing. Can you defeat a strong enemy?"

Tang Xuan felt a lot of pressure. He took a deep breath, knowing that the members of the God-killing Division were not equipped with sub-god weapons and could not pose a real threat to the ancient gods.

However, the cooperation with the immortals came to a standstill.

"Since it's a deserted planet, I suggest sealing it off with a space buoy first, and then decide whether to send people down to clean it up based on the situation." Tang Xuan suggested, "It's best to blow it up directly with a space bomb."

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