I know this ancient god

Chapter 220 Weird Scene

Lin Wan was a little confused. She felt that needing energy was normal and energy was needed to do anything.

She wondered: "If they want energy, just give them energy. They have to give it anyway, and isn't the power of faith itself a kind of energy?"

Tang Xuan's expression became serious: "Do you know how much they want?"

Lin Wan asked confused: "How much?"

Tang Xuan opened his arms to indicate a large area: "It's not enough to drain the entire federation. What they want is the energy of the whole world."

"Can they eat the whole world?"

Lin Wan raised her eyebrows.

She didn't expect the immortals to be so greedy.

In her impression, the immortals were indifferent to the world, and they shouldn't be so greedy in this matter. Besides, why do they need so much energy?

Tang Xuan boldly expressed his guess: "Do you remember what I told you before? In order to survive the end, the immortals built a small world independent of the main world. Now their small world is on the verge of collapse, but They don’t want to give up that little world.”

Lin Wan frowned: "The outside world is not better than their small world, why do you always want to restore the small world and then hide in it?"

Tang Xuan shook his head slightly: "I don't know, maybe I don't have confidence in the final resistance."

Lin Wan snorted disdainfully: "I can't even see the shadow of the end. I'm afraid of being like this. I'm still an immortal. I might as well be a turtle with my head down."

Tang Xuan said helplessly: "They have personally experienced the end. Maybe the end is really powerful enough to make them despair."

Lin Wan restrained her emotions. She knew that Tang Xuan was right. She has never seen the end, and the ignorant are fearless. Only those who don’t know what the end looks like can despise the end, and the immortals have already been destroyed by the end once.

The immortals who have ruled for an era have come to an end. The fate of the Federation may not be better than that of the immortals. They may be destroyed by the resurrected ancient gods before the end comes.

Lin Wan worriedly asked: "Can we defeat the end?"

"It should be possible." Tang Xuan paused for a while and then said: "It must be possible."

His voice revealed some unconfidence.

Lin Wan's eyes showed a trace of worry about the future. She stopped asking Tang Xuan this question and clicked on her watch to contact the leader's office.

"We met again. Is there any new progress in the negotiations?"

The person on the other side of the screen is not the leader, but a member of the leader's think tank. This person was mainly responsible for contacting Tang Xuan during this period.

Tang Xuan had no ink. He gave the recording of this negotiation to Lin Wan to upload to the other party, and then said: "First produce the sub-god Zhao Gongming, and he will serve as the immortal's envoy to inspect the situation of the Federation. In addition, in the next round, The negotiation will be much more serious, you have to prepare a negotiation material for me.”

The first two times I met Baipao Hongjun, the talks were about verbal conditions, and they were basically the conditions that Tang Xuan took for granted, without the participation of the federation.

Future negotiations will have to finalize the specific details. The Federation is more professional in this matter, so Tang Xuan can rest assured to leave it to them.

Members of the think tank said sincerely: "Mr. Tang Xuan, thank you for your selfless help to the Federation."

So far, Tang Xuan has not received any benefits from the federation, not even a single credit point.

Tang Xuan didn't take it seriously.

He simply wanted to help the Federation, and the so-called deal was just an excuse for the Federation to accept help with peace of mind. He didn't want to get anything from the Federation, and besides, the Federation couldn't give him what he wanted.

Tang Xuan asked: "How long will it take to produce the sub-god Zhao Gongming?"

The members of the think tank did not hide anything: "The materials for producing the sub-godhead have been prepared for a long time. If it is quick, the finished product can be produced in three days."

Lin Wan's eyes were complicated and she said, "It would have taken us a month to do it."

"The Federation collects materials faster than you, Lin's, which saves a lot of time." The members of the think tank lamented, "Lin's is the best company in the federation and has deep research on ancient gods. It would be great if you were still here. "

After receiving Lin's technology gift, the Federation realized just how far Lin had gone in the fields related to ancient gods. That was a level beyond the reach of the Federation.

In fact, if [Jigu] hadn't destroyed the way for new gods to be born, it would have been possible for the Lin family to become a family of gods. Their departure was indeed very painful for the Federation.

Lin Wan remained silent.

The think tank member's words evoked sadness in her.

Upon seeing this, Tang Xuan immediately said: "If there is nothing else, just hang up and contact me again when you activate the sub-god, Zhao Gongming."

"Okay, bye."

A huge fleet with over 10,000 ships sailed into the Shaoyang Galaxy through a space jump.

Every battleship in this fleet is an absolute active battleship, capable of sweeping any small interstellar force outside.

They were the Fuxi Legion that was on an expedition here.

In order to understand the situation of the planet where the ancient god lurks, the Fuxi Legion used their own observation methods to conduct observations while contacting the local garrison.

"This is the Fuxi Army!"

"Call Shaoyang Military Region!"

"Please reply!"

The powerful long-distance communication signal penetrates thousands of light-years and covers the entire Shaoyang Galaxy.

"This is the Fuxi Army!"

"Call Shaoyang Military Region!"

"Please reply!"

"This is the Fuxi Army!"

"Call Shaoyang Military Region!"

"Please reply!"


In the empty deep space of the universe, Fuxi Legion is a signal source, constantly sending out signals, but not a single ray of signal returns.

"General, no answer."

The communications soldier was confused and said to Yin Huazang, who was holding a water glass. He had been in the army for three years and had never encountered a situation where he could not contact the local garrison after jumping to a certain place.

The communications soldier guessed: "Their communications system may have malfunctioned."

Yin Hua Zang grasped the water cup. His keen sense of smell, honed through long battles, made him realize that something was wrong. He immediately issued three orders: "Raise the fleet alert level to wartime, release space buoys to the target planet, and head north." Star reports the situation.”


Yin Huazang's order was implemented, and the large but not bloated fleet slowly began to move like a resurrected giant.

"General, the observation results are here!"

"The target planet has changed a lot!"

The reporter's voice sounded very surprised, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Yinhuazang took a deep breath.

He raised his hand and pushed the frame of his eyes, and many pictures and videos appeared on the lenses. In the image, the originally desolate and uninhabited planet turned out to be bustling with activity. The surface, which was completely unsuitable for human survival according to various data, was covered by countless large and small playgrounds.

"Haha, you really can see everything if you live long enough."

Yin Huazang was not frightened. He smiled mockingly and issued another command: "Release the near-earth detector and find out what's going on up there."

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