I know this ancient god

Chapter 237 Repatriation of Zhao Gongming

The Puppet Ancient God deliberately targeted them and gathered millions of soldiers on other battleships except Fuxi to play the game.

Ninety-nine percent of the soldiers were killed in the first round, and 99 percent of the remaining one percent were killed in the second round. By analogy, there are only single-digit survivors left at this moment.

As the commander of the Fuxi Army, Yin Huazang bears a heavy responsibility for the entire incident. In order to calm the public dissatisfaction, he is likely to be dismissed as soon as he returns home.

The Federation has never experienced such a heavy loss of personnel. Even in the era of war-torn external expansion in history, the Federation has never suffered a tragic situation in which it lost more than one billion ordinary people and one million soldiers in just a few days.

Not only Yin Hua Zang, but the leaders are also responsible for this.

The leadership system of the People's Federation is a term of office every five years, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. At this time, the leader is in the third year of his third term. He may directly take the blame and resign, allowing the next leader to take over.

In addition, the interstellar society will truly put the issue of the resurrection of the ancient gods at the top of the list of issues that need to be considered.

What exactly is an ancient god?

How much negative impact will their resurrection have on mankind?

Is the Federation capable of protecting its people?

These issues related to their own security will trouble the people of the Federation for a long time. If the leadership of the Federation cannot comfort the people with practical actions, there may be a certain amount of chaos within the Federation.

The so-called actual actions, including but not limited to the high-profile and easy victory over the resurrected Ancient God, proved that this defeat was only due to carelessness or negligence, and that the Federation could still protect the people.

Until then, people's hearts will continue to float.

Tang Xuan and Zhao Gongming will take the spaceship to return first.

Wu Liang stood at the door of the spacecraft and waved: "Goodbye!"

Wu Liang's cheeks hurt from playing the suona. When he said goodbye, his mouth was only open a little, which looked weird. General Yin Huazang didn't come, and his report hadn't been finished yet.

Tang Xuan nodded: "North Star is waiting for you."

After saying that, he and Zhao Gongming walked into the spacecraft.

After sitting down, the spacecraft engine started, spitting blue flames into the vast space, and headed towards the Northern Star along the planned route.

Zhao Gongming leaned on the comfortable leather chair and thought about the three things Hongjun told him before coming: first, to find out the prosperity of incense in the main world; secondly, to find out how and where the energy is stored in the main world; finally, Observe the strength of humans in the main world.

He failed to accomplish any of these three things.

He only knows that there are many people who believe in him in the main world, but he doesn't know about other gods.

As for how and where energy is stored, he noticed that a lot of energy is stored in the stars in the sky. In the prehistoric era, although there were many stars in the sky, the number was limited, unlike here where you can see endless stars at a glance.

However, he was not sure whether all the energy in the main world was stored in the stars, nor did he understand in what form this energy was stored.

As for the last point - observe human strength.

He is a little confused now.

He felt the power of Fantian Seal on the Northern Star. Logically speaking, it should be easy for humans in the main world to take down the puppet ancient gods with this level of power, but here he saw tragic sacrifices again.

Millions of soldiers died, and more than a billion people died.

Such a huge loss was enough to attract attention even in ancient times.

Question marks were swirling in his mind. He needed time to figure these things out, but he didn't know that he would be deported soon.

"What? You want me to go back?"

Zhao Gongming heard these words from Tang Xuan as soon as he stepped onto the ground of Daxing Space City.

Tang Xuan nodded slowly: "Yes, you have been here for two days and know something about us. Now you can go back and report to Hongjun."

This was what he and Hongjun had agreed upon. Zhao Gongming came to understand whether what Tang Xuan told Hongjun in the small world was true. After understanding it, Zhao Gongming had to go back and report to Hongjun.

Whether the bridge should be demolished and the connection with the immortals should be cut off in the future, we need to discuss it with the top officials of the federation.

However, Hongjun did not tell Zhao Gongming about their agreement.

Zhao Gongming felt very unhappy. He suspected that Tang Xuan was taking advantage of Honghuang unilaterally. Given his violent temper in the past, he would have taken action with the twenty-four Dinghai Pearls now.

He asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

If he hadn't been pressed once by Neutron War Star before, he might now use the twenty-four Dinghai Pearls to teach Tang Xuan a small lesson.

Tang Xuan's heart moved slightly.

Why does this guy look so reluctant?

He tried: "Don't you know?"

Zhao Gongming asked, "What do you know?"

Tang Xuan's brows wrinkled slightly.

This guy really doesn't know why Hongjun didn't tell him. Is he planning something else? Hongjun wants him to have a conflict with me, right?

Zhao Gongming is also thinking about this issue.

Hongjun seems to be hiding something from me, but why would he do this?

The two looked at each other in silence for a long time with their own questions.

Finally, Zhao Gongming broke the silence and spoke slowly: "Daozu didn't say that I would go back immediately after I solved your trouble."

Tang Xuan said in a deep voice: "Then what did he say to you?"

"He asked me to come and see if the incense outside is prosperous, to understand your strength, and..."

Zhao Gongming paused here.

He suddenly realized a question. Why did Hongjun want him to understand the energy distribution of the main world?

Hongjun must be thinking.

Zhao Gongming's eyes gradually changed.

He fell silent again.

Tang Xuan asked: "What else?"

He was sure that this point that Zhao Gongming did not say must be the most important.

Zhao Gongming was silent for a while and then said: "It's nothing, I will go back."

When Tang Xuan asked him to go back, he had the slightest urge to take action. If Tang Xuan hadn't used the Neutron Battle Star to hit him before, he might have taken action directly.

He just suddenly thought of a possibility.

If the Federation is weak, he may attack Tang Xuan, and then naturally take away the God List and connect the small world on his own.

If the Federation is strong, then he will not take action and go back obediently, and nothing will be affected.

Thinking of this, a chill rose up behind him. He suddenly realized that Hongjun had been plotting against him from the moment he left the small world.

He is truly worthy of being a Taoist ancestor!

He wanted to go back and ask Hongjun what he wanted to do.

Tang Xuan spoke slowly: "Send hello to Dao Ancestor for me."

He didn't know what Zhao Gongming didn't say, but as long as Zhao Gongming was willing to go back, he could pretend that he didn't hear that sentence just now.

Anyway, the immortals have only a few plans: get rid of federal control, be completely free, and repair the small world.

Zhao Gongming nodded: "I will."

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