I know this ancient god

Chapter 243 Achievement System

Tang Xuan's eyes were slightly confused.

In fact, he did not understand the strength of the sub-gods, let alone the power of the server group composed of sub-gods.

Upon seeing this, Lin Wan intervened and explained: "A server group composed of one million sub-gods is enough to support a god's favored person to launch three consecutive star-destroying attacks."

Destroy stars three times

It sounds pretty good, like a space bomb that can be fired three times with no preparation time. But having said that, when did the star become the unit of measurement for combat power?

Tang Xuan nodded slowly: "I understand. You can leave now. I look forward to the end of the month."

The two said goodbye to the scientists in the laboratory, then left here and took a speed car back to Lin Wan's luxurious villa on the snow-capped mountains.

Tang Xuan went to the study on the second floor and dialed the channel of the leader's office.

The think tank members picked it up: "Mr. Tang Xuan, the leader would like to express his gratitude for your outstanding contribution in relieving the crisis in the Shaoyang Galaxy."

"Where is the leader? I have something important to discuss with him."

Tang Xuan wanted to talk to the leader about decoupling from the immortals. This matter was not something that the think tank members could decide.

The members of the think tank smiled bitterly: "Mr. Tang Xuan, the Shaoyang Galaxy incident has aroused public opinion, and the leader is busy mitigating the impact of this matter. However, the leader has said that if you have important matters to ask him, I can inform him to put down his hands. on. Are you sure?”

Tang Xuan was slightly startled.

public opinion

The losses to the Shaoyang Galaxy are very heavy. It is almost impossible for the Federation to suppress this matter. The leader must have a huge headache now.

The matter of decoupling from the immortals was important, but there was no rush. We could wait until the leader was busy and forgot about the matter before discussing it.

"No, I can wait." He paused and then added, "But please be sure to remind the leader to contact me when you are done."

The think tank members bowed slightly: "Thank you for your understanding."

Tang Xuan hung up the communication.

He pushed lightly on the ground, and the chair beneath him spun around. After a few turns, he stopped, his mind touched the trophy button in the lower right corner of the vision, and his spirit began to sink.

Ninety percent of the surrounding light evaporated in just a few seconds, and he seemed to have left the study and arrived at a place where light was denied entry.

Here is the achievement system.

This function was turned on after dying once during the crusade against Magma, completing the achievement of facing life and death (bronze), thus turning on the assist function and getting the help of the No. 1 assist character.

Later, because things happened one after another, he temporarily forgot about this function. Now he is free to see what he can get from here.

There are no lights or candles here. Only a faint light coming from nowhere illuminates this place, like the last ray of light at dusk.

Giant display cabinets gradually appeared in front of him.

These display cabinets stretch into the distance as far as the eye can see, full of an ancient and vicissitudes of feeling, as if they are the infinite extension of a story or a concept.

Tang Xuan went to the display cabinet closest to him and looked up.

The display cabinet has three floors, shrouded in bronze light. Each floor contains a trophy, namely a bronze cup, a silver cup and a gold cup.

The copper cup is luminous. This is his achievement: facing life and death (copper), and the silver cup higher up is also luminous.

He reached out and touched it lightly. In an instant, a layer of silver light as sharp as a blade rushed up from bottom to top, covering the entire display cabinet.

A rich male voice sounded in his ear: "You have achieved an achievement - facing life and death (silver)!"

The silver cup shone brightly, and the sharp silver light instantly suppressed the dim yellow light lingering on the copper cup, becoming the most dazzling thing on the cabinet.

The monthly activity time of the No. 1 support character is doubled!

Tang Xuan's eyes changed slightly.

The reward for the Bronze Award was to activate the assist function and the No. 1 assist character. He thought that the Silver Award would give him another assist role, but it turned out to extend the activity time of the No. 1 assist character.

Originally I could fight for three minutes every month, but now I have six minutes. Being able to do more things is a reward that is better than nothing.

The fog that shrouded the silver cup was broken by sharp silver light, and he saw the same words engraved on the base of the silver cup as those on the base of the copper cup: Without knowing death, how can one know life?

Tang Xuan's eyes lingered on the bases of the two trophies.

Compared with the crooked engraving on the copper cup, the engraving on the silver cup is very straight, which shows the seriousness of the engraver. From this line of writing, Tang Xuan felt as if he had read something, but he seemed to have read nothing.

He looked up at the golden cup higher up.

The words on the base of the golden cup were obscured, but it should be the same sentence. He was a little confused about the meaning of [Jigu] engraving three identical sentences on the base.

However, he did have different feelings when he saw the words on the silver cup and the bronze cup. Perhaps he was not mature enough and could only understand the deep meaning of "extremely ancient" in the future.

The partition under the golden cup is engraved with the following requirements:

Save an ancient god

What does rescue mean? Does it mean to spare an ancient god, to rescue an ancient god when his life is in danger, or to redeem an ancient god spiritually?

The meaning of salvation is somewhat too broad.

Tang Xuan stared at this line of writing for a long time, sighed softly, turned around and walked around the window to the next one.

The theme of the second window is Famous Yunei.

The Bronze Award requires him to gain the recognition of at least 100,000 people. This is not difficult. He will wait until he goes out and make a call to the leader's office, asking the leader to take it with him when he informs the entire federation about the resolution of the crisis on Shaoyang Star. His name will do.

He stopped here and did not continue to walk back, because the display window behind was separated by a thin layer of gray fog. These gray fogs will distort into a line of characters when he gets close: Key 2/4.

He still needs two more achievements to move on to the next window.

Tang Xuan's thoughts moved slightly.

The display window quickly moved away from him, the light embraced him again, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

He contacted the leader's office again.

"Mr. Tang Xuan, what's wrong? Didn't we just talk on the phone?" The think tank members were a little confused. "Did you forget to talk about something before?"

Tang Xuan was silent for a while and then said: "Please add my name to the press release about resolving the crisis in the Shaoyang Galaxy and introduce me and my achievements. This matter is very important to me."

The think tank members were stunned.

Is this what this newsletter is for?

Do young people want to be famous?

He did not hesitate and agreed without hesitation: "We had originally planned to have you appear in the press release, so you can rest assured about this."

Tang Xuan said seriously: "Thank you!"

He hung up the communication and started browsing interstellar hot searches to observe recent major events.

The Peacock Empire declares war (explosion!)

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