I know this ancient god

Chapter 25 Ancient God Museum (New book, please collect, recommend and invest!)

There is no difference between the elevator of the Special Affairs Department and the elevator of the Ancient God Research Institute. They both look ordinary.

Wang Anya and Tang Xuan took the elevator all the way up to the top floor.

Wang Anya introduced: "These items still have the power of the ancient gods. In order to prevent them from rioting, we store them on the top floor."

Tang Xuan was curious: "Can these things still cause riots?"

Wang Anya nodded: "The newly excavated things are unstable and sometimes explode and attack us. Fortunately, they will fall silent after being irradiated with high-energy lasers for a period of time, but there is no guarantee that there will be no problems."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

The power of the ancient gods is unfathomable, which can be seen from Anbei. Countless years have passed, but the descendant of the God's Blessed One still has a terrifying power of five hundred tons with one punch.


The elevator door opens.

A solemn atmosphere infected Tang Xuan, and his mood suddenly became heavier.

Tang Xuan turned to look at Wang Anya.

Wang Anya's expression also became serious: "Don't worry, this is a normal situation, and the impact will be relieved after leaving here. The things here have been in close contact with the ancient gods, and their auras remain on them."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

He suddenly felt that the ancient god was like a strong radiation source.

Wang Anya walked out of the elevator first: "Follow me."

This floor is arranged like a museum, let’s call it the Museum of Ancient Gods. In the corridor, exquisite semicircular glass covers hold the ancient gods' creations full of traces of time underneath. Most of the ancient gods' creations have lost their charm. They are mostly fragments of buildings, similar to the broken corners of the obelisks that Tang Xuan had seen before. But there are still some that still exude a magical brilliance.

For example, a pair of fist gloves surrounded by thunder.

Wang Anya walked to the counter where the gloves were stored, and she forced a smile: "The ancient god factor on these gloves has the same origin as the ancient god factor in An Bei's body. We infer that this is the weapon of his ancestors."

Rumble, rumble, rumble

Tang Xuan could hear the faint thunder through the glass cover.

He asked: "Can Anbei use this?"

Wang Anya nodded lightly: "The ancient god factor attached to the glove is more than the ancient god factor in Anbei's body. Anbei can barely control it for three minutes. During use, Anbei's physical qualities will increase tenfold."

Anbei itself can produce an impact of 500 tons. On this basis, if it increases ten times, it is simply a humanoid battleship. Logically speaking, Tang Xuan should be surprised by this. But his emotions were so suppressed by the inexplicable solemnity here that he just nodded slightly.

Wang Anya added: "What you want to interpret is in front."

She skipped the counter and continued walking.

The deeper you go into the Museum of Ancient Gods, the larger and more terrifying the objects in the glass covers on both sides of the corridor become.

Tang Xuan even saw a blood-red skeleton nailed to a cross. When they passed by, the skeleton turned to look at them.

Wang Anya said calmly: "Normal situation."

Tang Xuan replied calmly: "Oh."

The two calmly continued walking deeper and passed more and more strange things. The headless female corpse spurting blood, the flashing crystal ball, the twisted golden arrows, the dark empty portal, the huge rotating eyeballs, and the strings of skull beads. Every time they passed by, Wang Anya would say "normal situation" lightly. , even if being stared at by huge eyeballs.

Tang Xuan asked: "If they leave the cover, what will happen here?"

Wang Anya replied calmly: "Before they are placed here, they will be sent to the laboratories of the Lin Group and the military for research. The ones who can get here are more honest than the other. Even if the cover is removed from them, they will I don’t dare to act recklessly. I just don’t want them to run around on this floor.”

Tang Xuan walked to the counter with a closed door.

He found that although the door was open, the door frame was completely dark, and he didn't know where it led.

Tang Xuan asked: "What's inside this door?"

Wang Anya raised her head: "I don't know. No one who went in came back. They must be dead."

Tang Xuan tilted his head: "Then why did it open the door to us?"

Wang Anya was stunned. She looked at the door carefully, and then forced out a surprised expression: "This place has a great impact on my spirit, and I almost ignored it. It probably wants to be studied in the laboratory. ”


The door slammed shut.

Tang Xuan's calm heart rippled.

Are you afraid?

But Wang Anya didn't care whether the door was closed or not. She walked to the counter and pressed a button.

"Collection No. 0735 is open to me."

"Please send it back to the lab."

A voice came from above: "Understood."

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

The door in the cover opened and closed frantically, making a series of closing sounds, as if begging for mercy. But it was too late. With the sound of rotating gears, its counter slowly sank into the ground.


The floor closed.

The sound of the door closing gradually faded away from my feet.

Wang Anya looked around at other nearby counters.

The headless female corpse struggled to suck back the blood she had just sprayed out. The crystal ball stopped flashing, the golden arrows straightened, the huge eyeballs turned to stare at the ceiling, and every skull on the skull rosary was exposed. An honest smile.

Seeing this scene, even though Tang Xuan was forced to calm down, he couldn't help but twitch his eyelids twice.

Wang Anya said calmly: "Keep walking."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

So the two of them came to the deepest part of the museum, where there were many large building fragments, and many inscriptions were engraved on each fragment. If you stare at these inscriptions, you will find that there are streams of gray-black air flowing on the surface of the inscriptions.

Wang Anya led Tang Xuan to an obelisk with a broken corner. She said: "This is it. Time is tight. You can translate as much as you can in half a day, because the legion will set off in half a day. After they entered the warp navigation , the information we send will not be able to catch up with them, and there will be a long delay.”

Tang Xuan noticed a scaffolding nearby.

He nodded and said, "I'll try my best."

In fact, it didn't take him half a day to translate the inscription on this pillar, but in order to cover up the unreasonable fact that he fully understood the ancient god's inscription, he had to hide his clumsiness. In half a day, he would only provide the most important part of the information.

This obelisk with a broken corner is about ten meters high. Tang Xuan climbed up the scaffolding and could just see the top.

A few minutes later,

He translated the first sentence according to the speaking habits of normal people: "Space is my arms, and distance is nothingness to me. After the catastrophe is over, I will be the first ancient god to revive, and I will use my abilities to harvest faith crazily. Become the strongest in the new era.”

Wang Anya silently recorded with a pen.

"If the catastrophe does not cause the doomsday scene I predicted, my believers should wake me up in time with songs and clean water. Otherwise, it is not necessary. I should continue to sleep until the end of the catastrophe."

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