I know this ancient god

Chapter 338 Miracle: Parting the Sea

After a long time, Tang Xuan and Lin Wan were still spinning in the air, and the distance from the star had only shortened a little.

The No. 1 support character said helplessly: "At this speed, it will take another two or three hours to float into the star. Forget it, let me help you."

He waved his hand and sent out a visible orange heat wave. This heat wave swept over Tang Xuan and Lin Wan, stopping their rotation and accelerating them towards the star.

Tang Xuan rubbed his temples and said, "Huh - thanks!"

He was really at a loss just now.

Assistant No. 1 pointed at the surface of the star and said, "Look, do you see those little bright spots!"

From time to time, moving bright spots appear on the star.

Lin Wan asked strangely: "Aren't those flares?"

Flares and solar wind are the most common stellar surface movements. Could it be that the No. 1 assistant character mistook these stellar movements as life activities?

The No. 1 support character asked, "Have you ever seen a flare like this?"

Lin Wan was stunned for a moment. She carefully observed the light spots moving on the surface of the star, and was surprised to find that although these light spots moved chaotically, they all had a fixed starting point.

They are distributed across the entire surface of the star, resetting their positions every thirty seconds and returning to their respective starting points.

Tang Xuan squeezed Lin Wan's hand and said loudly: "Go and have a look!"

His body swayed into a halo of light and dark. This halo isolated the strong light from the star from radiating to the human body, and carried them flying towards the light point on the star.

Minutes later, they drilled into the surface of the star.

Violent nuclear fusion is going on inside the star all the time, and its surface is a giant furnace where big explosions are constantly happening. The high temperature of up to 6,000 degrees can easily destroy any carbon-based living things.

An orange-red diamond-shaped crystal lit up between the eyebrows of the No. 1 support character. This crystal was obtained from Magma's godhead. At this time, it was shining brightly and absorbing the surrounding heat crazily.

The temperature within the halo's coverage plummeted to twenty-five degrees in just a few seconds, and the solar wind blowing in was as cool as an air conditioner.

Lin Wan looked at the No. 1 support character with envy. She also hoped that she could have such a powerful force. Tang Xuan saw Lin Wan's thoughts, gently scratched her palm, and whispered into her ear: "You have great potential."

The warm wind carrying body temperature blew into Lin Wan's ears. Lin Wan felt her body become numb and numb. She pursed her lips and nodded. The slight blush on her cheeks was not noticed because of the cover of the environment.

The godhead between the eyebrows of the No. 1 support character becomes brighter and brighter.

This godhead gradually revived in the high temperature, and spontaneously spread out the divine power with the breath of flames. Powerful coercion spread in all directions, and the stellar flames bowed down one after another as if they had met their own monarch.

The No. 1 assistant character closed his eyes and sensed it carefully. After a while, he opened his eyes and pointed to the east: "Where is the latest life activity!"

The three of them galloped towards the east, and the stellar flames on the road not only did not hinder them at all, but instead became the driving force to push them forward.

The No. 1 support role is really at home in such an environment.

Tang Xuan mastered the power of light and darkness, and keenly discerned a color that was slightly different from the stellar flames. He squinted his eyes and looked there, and sure enough he saw a figure flashing away.

He shouted: "I saw it!"

Although it is incredible, seeing is believing. There is indeed a magical creature on this star.

The No. 1 support character nodded: "I saw it too, it looks like a bird, somewhat similar to the phoenix in your mythology."

His divine power is better than that of Tang Xuan, and this is an environment suitable for him to fight, so the details he sees are richer.

Lin Wan pouted and said, "I didn't see anything."

All her energy was spent on maintaining her physical condition.

Tang Xuan said seriously: "Then let's get closer."

After hearing the description of the No. 1 support character, he couldn't wait to take a closer look at this creature.

It looks like a phoenix, maybe it is a phoenix?

Although he has met the immortals in myths and legends, the immortal civilization has almost completely collapsed. There are only immortals and no other creatures in the list of gods. This is a very big regret.

The three of them came to the place where the figure appeared just now and looked around, but did not see it.

Tang Xuan wondered: "Strange, where did he go?"

They were not moving slowly. After all, the surrounding star flames were pushing them forward. Logically speaking, the magical creature should not be as fast as them. But after arriving here, they saw nothing.

Lin Wan speculated: "If you really saw it, I guess it may have returned to where it started. Remember? The light spot will reset every thirty seconds."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

At this time, a question arose in his mind. If the light spot is a magical creature, how does it reset its position and why does it do this?

The No. 1 support character looked to the south: "I sensed it, it's over there!"


The stellar flames pushed the three people to the south, but when they arrived at the place sensed by the No. 1 support character, the magical creature was nowhere to be found.

The No. 1 support character stopped, frowned and said: "Our moving speed is too slow to keep up with the speed at which it resets its position. We have to find the point where it resets its position. Give me some time."

After saying that, He gently closed his eyes, and the Godhead on his forehead shone brightly, and a bright orange-red halo spread out in all directions like ripples.

Lin Wan looked at the nearby stellar flames, which were only separated by a thin layer of halo, and felt a sense of trance in her heart. Even though she had been flying on the stars for a while, she still felt that it was a strange thing for humans to walk among the stars without relying on any instruments. Very incredible thing.

Tang Xuan pushed her arm gently: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Wan came back to her senses and said: "If we can take away one of these creatures living in stars to analyze the composition of matter, it should greatly promote the advancement of materials technology in the Federation."

Tang Xuan was stunned. He said in surprise: "Research on Phoenix?"

The jarring image of a phoenix being handcuffed to the operating table for hair plucking, blood drawing, and dissection appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Lin Wan rolled her eyes: "What's so surprising about this? Aren't you instigating the Academy of Sciences to study immortals? This is even worse, right?"

Tang Xuan was about to argue when the No. 1 support character next to him opened his eyes and said: "Its reset point is actually nearby. Come with me. I won't get lost this time."

The No. 1 support character moved his feet: "Open!"


The raging sea of ​​flames slowly split open, revealing a gap without flames, just like the scene in the Bible when Moses parted the sea.

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