I know this ancient god

Chapter 368 The Third Episode of Riwan: The Way to Return to the Future

"Are you powerful enough to resurrect them?"

Tang Xuan looked worriedly at Melenisse standing in the colorful light. He found that not only was Melenisse's body bursting with colorful light, but his body was also transforming into the seven-colored light. It looked like it was disintegrating.

Melenisse smiled lightly and said: "You can always believe in hope."

His body gradually became illusory. Tang Xuan wanted to stop it, but he didn't know why, so he could only watch as his body became more and more transparent.

"I really enjoyed my time with you."

"thank you all."

Melenisse turned into a burst of light under everyone's gaze and floated into the wind. The colorful bridge also gradually collapsed from this end, forming a dreamlike landscape in the sky.

Witnessing this scene, the joy of defeating Tacleus turned into a touch of sadness. Lin Wan looked up at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, and something crystal clear was shining in her eyes. Tang Qianji also remained silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

Tang Xuan turned to [Jigu] and asked: "You knew he was going to do this, right? Why didn't you stop him or help him? Although you don't have the ability to bring the dead back to life, you should be able to recharge him. have it?"

To Tang Xuan's surprise, [Jigu] simply nodded and admitted, and said honestly: "I can indeed recharge him."

Tang Xuan was puzzled: "Then why are you..."

"Some people are alive, but they are actually dead. Some people are dead, but they are actually still alive." [Jigu] said with a smile, "For him, death is better than life."

After Lin Wan heard this, she looked away from Hongqiao and asked [Jigu] with a calm expression: "It is better to be dead than alive. What kind of nonsense is this?"

Although his expression was dull, his dissatisfaction was all in his words.

[Ji Gu] tilted his head. He looked quite cute as a young man, but at this time, no one present felt any fondness for him. They only felt an indescribable complex emotion.

"Why do you think I'm a bad guy?" [Jigu] suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "How long Melenisse will be in chaos depends entirely on when your man can remember that he still has the ability to lift the coffin board of the dead."

Tang Xuan shook his head, and he suddenly remembered that he had a famous skill that he had not used for a long time. He once used this famous skill to resurrect all his colleagues from the God-killing Division who died in the Magma crusade.

【Lord of Heroic Spirits】!

Resurrect all those who fight alongside you!

Tang Xuan suddenly felt annoyed. How could he forget this ability? He didn't have time to thank [Jigu] for the reminder, and hurriedly said silently in his heart: [Lord of Heroic Spirits] activates!

As his thoughts were flowing, a majestic golden palace slowly emerged from the air behind him. The bright golden light shone on the place where Melenisse was standing just now. A hazy humanoid outline took shape in the golden light, revealing the familiar face. face.

Melenisse looked around in confusion.

Tang Xuan walked up to him, gave him a big hug, and said warmly: "Welcome back!"

Melenisse said in surprise: "I'm not dead?"

Tang Xuan smiled and joked: "You have to believe in the power of hope——"

As soon as the words came out, Tang Xuan's expression suddenly changed. He turned to look at [Ji Gu], as if he was hesitant to speak. [Jigu] Put your finger up to your lips to make a hissing sound. Tang Xuan pursed his lips with a complicated expression and gently let go of Melenisse.

"Although Tang Xuan can resurrect him, this shouldn't be the reason why you don't help him, right?" Lin Wan paused, "I'm just a little curious. It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer."

[Ji Gu] replied nonchalantly: "Actually, it's a small test to see if he is still willing to die for his people."

Still - it seems that [Jiu Gu] has come to this point in time more than once, but why does he want to test Melenisse?

Tang Xuan couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean?"

[Jigu] touched his nose and smiled: "That's literally true! By the way, I'm going to take him away. He can't go to your era with you."

Tang Xuan asked warily: "What do you want to take him for?"

[Jigu] replied covertly: "Do what adults should do. You will know when you grow up."

Tang Xuan asked again: "Mine."

"Stop! Stop!" [Jigu] said helplessly, "I told you not to ask, the water here is very deep, you can't control it! Otherwise, we will be hit now before you can go back!"

Tang Xuan said suspiciously: "Okay -"

Snap——[Jigu] snapped his fingers crisply

Tang Xuan suddenly felt that he had lost the spiritual connection with Melenisse. He was a little surprised and curious about what method [Jigu] used to steal other people's heroic spirits. Rounding it off is equivalent to NTR!

[Jigu] smiled at Melenise and said, "I have saved you and your people. You won't feel wronged if you hang out with me in the future, right?"

Melenisse was flattered and replied: "No injustice! It is my honor to serve a strong man like you."

"It doesn't matter whether you are honored or not, the most important thing is that you don't have any evil intentions." [Jigu] turned to look at Tang Xuan, "By the way, I forgot to tell you how to go back."

Tang Xuan noticed that [Jigu]'s eyes were a little playful, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He hesitated and asked: "How to go back?"

"Did you see that sun?" [Jigu] said with a smile, "You guys go in, and I will activate the space-time coin to set up a space-time loop for you, which will be automatically canceled the moment you travel through it."

Tang Xuan looked at him in shock: "What?!"

This is the way to go back to the future. If this is true, doesn't it mean that when they were looking for Phoenix on the star before, they themselves were actually in a certain corner of the star?

Lin Wan and Tang Qianji were also stunned.

"Is it difficult to understand?" [Jigu] glanced at Melenniser, "By the way, bring his people to your era. This era will soon become dangerous, and his people will not be able to survive. ”

Melenisse was also confused this time. He carefully considered his words and asked: "Your Majesty [Jigu], I don't quite understand what you said. Can you explain it to me?"

[Jigu] said patiently: "This world will soon fall into chaos. The level of chaos is comparable to overthrowing and remaking. Your people have abilities that do not match their strength and can easily become victims of chaos. I asked him to put your people Bringing it to the future, it will be a rare period of peace.”

Melenisse frowned slightly. He had heard Tang Xuan tell him about time travel before, but he didn't take it to heart at that time. He didn't expect that it would really affect him now.

He looked at [Ji Gu] and said, "Can I trust you?"

There are two more chapters later

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