I know this ancient god

Chapter 374 The first bomb of the day: Nahras

Tang Xuan silently reached out and picked up Lin Wan's gun and letter. He was startled and found a deep slash mark on the other side of the gun body. There is no doubt that Lin Wan has used this gun to fight with people at close range.

Tang Xuan remembered that this gun could be activated twice, so he pointed at the open space next to him and pulled the trigger. He only heard a click but did not activate the pulse beam.

He probably guessed what had happened. Lin Wan used this gun to shoot at the enemy. The opponent successfully dodged and approached Lin Wan and waved the weapon at her, so Lin Wan blocked it with the gun. Fortunately, he blocked it, otherwise Lin Wan would definitely be dead.

We encountered danger just after we escaped from the time and space cycle.

Was the person who took action a personal guard of Tacleus?

He remembered that the arena of Tacleus was created for the purpose of selecting personal guards. Among them were followers of Tacleus and followers of Tacleus. It was entirely possible for them to discover and attack Lin Wan.

Tang Xuan let out a long sigh. It was useless for him to think about it anymore, because this happened billions of years ago. The top priority is to find Lin Wan first and see how she is doing now.

He inserted the gun into his waist and carefully opened Lin Wan's letter. This letter was written in a mixture of Chinese and ancient divine language, which shows that her memory was very confused when she wrote the letter.

"After becoming a god, my memories become more and more blurred over time, and I have gradually forgotten who I am. Before I got the god name Nahras, I seemed to have a mortal name. No, I must still have a mortal name. But I can’t remember it anymore.”

"I must have been very happy when I was a mortal. In the dead of night, when I try to recall that past, a faint joy always arises in my heart. But every time I try to pursue more, a fog appears in front of my eyes."

"A gloomy, impenetrable fog."

"I desperately want to go back through this fog and go back to the past, but I can't. The difference between what I think in my heart and reality tortures me deeply, making it impossible for me to gather my thoughts and sleep peacefully."

"As a god, I started to have nightmares, and my personality also changed dramatically. I became moody, forced my will into my followers, and killed those who disobeyed me at will."

"My name became another word for fear. The remaining humanity told me that I must let go of the past, otherwise I would be doomed."

"Actually, my past is not long, but someone gave this past meaning. Although I can't remember his name and can't see his appearance clearly, I clearly know that he exists."

"So I write this letter to you, the one I have forgotten."

"I am no longer the person you knew. The years have changed my mind and appearance. I am becoming more and more like Nahras than myself. Godship is not a crown, but a curse. If it is possible , How I wish to throw away this useless divine power and return to the carefree life of the past, with you. "

"But I really can't do it."

"The power of the Godhead is too powerful. It affects my thoughts, makes me speak insincerely, and makes me unable to do what I want. As a result, everything I do every day is not what I want in my heart."

"I regret becoming a god."

"Now I can't remember anything about the past. I just remember that I knew where I came from before, but now I don't know anything."

"I don't want to completely become a slave to the godhead, so I have to let go of the past and make myself stronger again."

"The only remaining feelings about the past exist because of you. You must be the most important person in my life. So if you can read this letter, please don't come to me, because I am no longer me, I do not want to hurt you"

The divine power attached to the letter disappeared quickly as the envelope was opened. When Tang Xuan read the entire letter, the letter turned into a few wisps of fine sand and scattered to the ground.

Tang Xuan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He didn't know if he was the person in the letter, but he had been with Lin Wan for so long, and he had never heard her mention anyone of such importance. Even her sister was often ignored.

He was almost certain that the person mentioned in Lin Wan's letter was him. For the first time, he discovered that his status in Lin Wan's heart was so high. He emotionally asked Tang Qianji, who was still comparing star maps in the spaceship: "Will becoming a god cause a god to lose his nature and become a slave to his godhead?"

He has met indifferent gods, but he has also met many gods with personality, such as Tang Qianji and the salary increase maniac Qian Yanren, Guo Lisi who plays the erhu in the North Star Square, and Ai Li who loves his sister. , Noel who loves his grandma deeply, and the Calamity of the Ancient God [Extreme Ancient].

Is there a way for gods to avoid personality changes?

Tang Qianji replied while comparing the star charts: "This is related to personal aspirations. The more attached a god is to the past, the easier it is to have cracks in the soul, and the easier it is to be affected by the negative power of the godhead. If you can't let go of the past in time, devote yourself wholeheartedly to it. If you accept your new identity as a god, you will eventually become devoid of humanity.”

Tang Qianji's eyes were filled with memories. He had encountered many such gods in his long life. Those gods are more evil than each other. Although they are all powerful, they seem to have lost their own thoughts and have completely become puppets of the godhead.

This is the drawback of the method of conferring gods.

The more ancient natural gods do not have such a problem. They are gods as soon as they are born. There is no problem of identity at all. Their minds are perfect and flawless, and they can control their power easily.

He asked worriedly: "Has Lin Wan encountered this problem?"

"She left me a letter. The situation stated in the letter is not optimistic. I guess she doesn't remember us now and has completely turned into Nahras." Tang Xuan said with a heavy heart, "Your Does this mean that all gods must forget the past?”

"No matter whether they can retain their humanity or not, gods will inevitably forget the past." Tang Qianji said slowly, "The only exception may be [Ji Gu]. He has always been an outsider, and he may not be able to frame the rules of other gods. Stay in Him.”

The path of [Jigu] cannot be replicated.

Tang Xuan asked: "Is there any result from the star map comparison?"

"It will take some time." Tang Qianji paused, "Now that Lin Wan has become Nahras, what should we do after we find her?"

Tang Xuan was silent for a few seconds and then said: "The God-Slaying Division has raised a group of immortals. They may be able to remind Lin Wan of the past."

Tang Qianji was noncommittal.

As far as he knew, there was a threshold for becoming an immortal and forgetting one's feelings. This was similar to how the ancient gods forgot the past. He was skeptical about whether the immortals could help.

Tang Xuan said firmly: "In short, find her first!"

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