I know this ancient god

Chapter 376 Ukiyo Mew’s second invitation letter

When Tang Xuan and Tang Qianji left, Yin Huazang's legion had not yet arrived, but no one had disturbed the Kunlun Galaxy for thousands of years, so no accident would have happened even without them.

Tang Qianji left a thought on the star in the Kunlun Galaxy. If anyone makes trouble on this star, the incarnation of Tang Qianji's thought will appear. This incarnation of thoughts also has the ability to activate name skills, which is enough to protect the Phoenixes.

The return journey is boring and difficult.

"Tang Xuan, your mental state is very poor. Do you want to see a psychiatrist remotely first?"

Tang Qianji looked at the haggard Tang Xuan and felt very worried. In his impression, Tang Xuan had never been so slovenly as he was now. He didn't take a shower or brush his teeth. His hair was all greasy and he almost didn't come out. This was the only time he saw Tang Xuan recently. If he hadn't known that they were the only two on the spaceship, he would have almost not recognized him.

"I'm fine."

Tang Xuan turned around and looked in the mirror. The look in the mirror was completely different from the one he had seven days ago. Even when he was in Tacleus's prison, he looked much better than he does now.

"If things continue to develop, you will fall ill before we find Lin Wan." Tang Qianji sighed, "Don't think too much now, have a good rest. If it doesn't work, just go into the sleep cabin and lie down for a few days. When you get there, I'll wake you up."

Tang Xuan shook his head gently.

He stared at his decadent self in the mirror and realized that he couldn't go on like this. He had to do something to divert his attention, and then he remembered what [Ji Gu] told him - go to Ukiyo Mew's banquet when you have time.

He turned back to his room, walked into the shower room, turned on the nozzle and let the cold water wash his body from head to toe. He gradually became sober and raised his hands to clean the dirt on his body.

Half an hour later, he stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed, and although he was still depressed, he looked less worried than before.

He opened the closet, picked out a simple blue jacket and blue pants and put them on. As soon as he thought, everything around him suddenly became dark. When the light returned again, he no longer saw his room in front of him but rows of tall cabinets stretching into the distance.

Haven't been here for a long time.

He walked to the fourth cabinet, which was called Invitation from afar. The copper cup on the first floor has been lit, and four words are engraved on its thick base: Meet strangers.

Tang Xuan looked at these four words in surprise.

Meeting strangers.

He smelled something amiss from these four words. The bronze cup was engraved with "Strange Road", so what was engraved on the silver cup and the gold cup?

Tang Xuan didn't think for too long. He reached out and pulled out the purple invitation that was pressed under the silver cup.

The cover of this invitation is much thicker than the previous invitation. The thorn flowers that originally clung to the edge of the cover have grown to the center of the cover, and the edges of the petals are sharp and sharp, like thin blades. The second banquet was held when Ukiyo Mew took over as the leader of the mysterious cat clan. The thorn flower on this invitation symbolized Ukiyo Mew who was now able to stand alone.

This invitation only has a very short paragraph of characters. It is an extremely ancient text that can only be read by those with profound knowledge. Tang Xuan can also tell the general meaning by using [Common Language]: Sweep the couch to welcome guests.

This invitation letter did not explain the issue of time flow. It was probably a tacit understanding that anyone who could receive this invitation letter knew what the mysterious cat family was capable of.

Tang Xuan held a corner of the invitation letter but did not tear it open. He was a little hesitant. What if he was caught as soon as he entered this time? Fortunately, he ran fast last time, otherwise he would have been left behind.

After pondering for a while, he decided to believe [Ji Gu]. Since [Ji Gu] said that the mysterious cat clan would not embarrass him, then even if something went wrong, he would not be harmed.

The invitation turned into a piece of dreamy purple light dust in his hands. A gust of wind blew from nowhere, causing the light dust to spin lightly around him, as smooth as a ribbon, with dots of colorful light shining on it. .

The colorful light became stronger and stronger, and the scene in front of Tang Xuan gradually became unreal. Ten seconds later, the purple sand surrounding him suddenly lit up, and both the person and the sand disappeared.

Tang Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Mr. Tang Xuan, His Highness has been waiting for you for a long time." The gray cat butler was lying on the table and said in a gentle voice, "Please step aside to talk."

Tang Xuan looked around and found that he was in a luxuriously decorated medieval-style room. He was not directly present at the banquet like last time. I wonder if all the guests are like this this time, or is he being treated specially?

He whispered: "Please lead the way for me."

He was not surprised that Ukiyo Nya wanted to see him. He had expected this before coming. He also has a lot of questions, which we can solve together this time.

The gray cat butler jumped off the table gracefully and walked in front to lead Tang Xuan. He said gently: "Mr. Tang Xuan, our Highness is simple-minded and has no ill intentions towards you. If he said something outrageous, please don't let it go." In my heart. In addition, it was my negligence that you left without receiving the small gift from the last banquet. I will make up for it this time. Please be sure to attend the entire banquet."

Tang Xuan was slightly startled.

The gray cat would have forgotten about the gift if he didn't mention it. At the last banquet, he said that he would give each guest a gift suitable for him, but he ran away in a hurry.

Combined with what [Jigu] said before about attending the banquet being good for his health, that gift was probably used to improve his physical condition. The Mysterious Cats are a big family in the void, and they won't be shabby in their dealings. It would be great if they could get a replacement this time.

Tang Xuan said gratefully: "Thank you, I will definitely do it this time."

The gray cat butler led Tang Xuan to a huge arched door ten meters high. It stretched out a front paw and pressed it on the door. A light blue cat paw print lit up in the center of the door, followed by two pages of door leaves. Move back to reveal a crack in the door.

"Sorry, my authority can only open the door so far." The gray cat butler jumped to the side with a slight jump, "Please come in, His Highness is waiting for you inside."

Tang Xuan was a little surprised. He needed permission to push the door. What kind of door was this?

The gray cat housekeeper didn't answer this question for him. It circled around Tang Xuan and then walked deeper into the corridor against the wall.

Tang Xuan hesitated for a few seconds and then walked in the door.

The scene behind the door surprised him. As if he had traveled through space, it turned out to be a small floating island in the sky, not the gorgeously decorated palace that Tang Xuan had expected.

"Tang Xuan, long time no see."

Ukiyo Miao sat on the stone chair on the edge of the floating island with her back to him. She looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds under the floating island and said: "It may only be a few months or a few years to you, but to me it has already passed. Thirty thousand years."

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