I know this ancient god

Chapter 4 Major Progress (Please collect, recommend and invest in the new book!)

"Yi what are you doing?!"

Two guards rushed towards him in panic. Tang Xuan controlled the little man in gray to fall sideways, directly crushing the rooster next to the duck.

By the time the guards caught the little man in gray, three of the six animals had gone.

"Yi! You are in big trouble!"

The two guards jumped anxiously.

They didn't expect that the elder's son came here to cause trouble. They are responsible for guarding the sacrifices. Now that such a big mistake has been made, they will definitely be severely punished.

"You go and inform the elder, I will guard him!"

"Why didn't you go?"

"Because I am more experienced!"

"You have a shitty experience!"


Tang Xuan controlled the little man in gray to sit aside and watch the two guards arguing. None of them were willing to report the matter to the elders, as they were all afraid of being punished by the elders.

At this time, a man walked into the alleyway. He saw the chickens, ducks and sheep lying in a pool of blood. He was stunned for a moment and then a shocked emoji popped up above his head.

"How is this going!"

It can be seen that this person is also very nervous. While they were nervous, Tang Xuan felt relaxed. He thought that killing livestock would indeed have a big impact on the sacrifice, and he finally found the right way this time.

The guard said: "The elder's son killed the sacrifice!"

After hearing this, the man turned around and ran out, apparently to inform others.

The two guards sat there.

After a while, the little man in red came.

As the elder who presided over the sacrifice, half of the sacrifice was killed by his son, so he had to come and see.

The little man in red asked the little man in gray with an angry expression: "What did you do? Why did you do this? Is it because I'm not good enough to you?"

Tang Xuan said in a sincere tone: "Father, I dreamed that you were swallowed up by the black mist. Please postpone this sacrifice."

The little man in red was extremely angry: "That's it?!"

Tang Xuan explained: "Father, I."

The little man in red interrupted: "Come here, execute me and the two guys who neglected their duties!"

Tang Xuan's eyes widened.

If we talk about the two ways of death just now, he can barely accept them. Now that the little man in red directly ordered others to execute him, he felt very confused.

This father may have really gone crazy!

But he can't die yet. He wants to see what follow-up reaction will be caused by killing the sacrifice. He wants to know whether the sacrifice will be postponed?

The little man in red added: "Then bring the spare sacrifices over! Fortunately, this elder has been prepared."

After the words fell, the guard who stabbed Tang Xuan to death with a spear last time slowly walked out from behind the little man in red. Tang Xuan was about to die again.

Are there any spare sacrifices?

Tang Xuan looked a little angry.

He felt that the difficulty of this game was too high. He was about to fail for the sixth time and still had no idea of ​​completing the task. No wonder this game board was scrapped and sold on a street stall.

The original owner must have been furious.

Looking at the little man in red who was huddled behind the guard and bent on killing his son, Tang Xuan suddenly felt evil. He thought to himself that this father was not only irresponsible, but also put his son to death "repeatedly". It was really not true. What a good thing.

He wanted to say something!

So he controlled the little man in gray to pick up the stone he had just used to hit the sheep, and then threw it at the head of the little man in red. Neither the little man in red nor the guard protecting him reacted. The stone accurately hit the little man in red on the head, splitting his head open on the spot.


As the little man in red fell to the ground, an eye-catching message refreshed at the top of the screen. Tang Xuan was stunned. He didn't even react when he was stabbed to death by the guard or when the game screen dimmed.

This message is as short as ten words:

[You killed the ancient god Willistan]

For a long time,

Tang Xuan silently pulled off a piece of hair.

The game screen gradually dims.

This was the fourth time he killed the little man in red, but each time he could not escape the pursuit of the angry believers. The fourth time he almost escaped, but in the end he got caught and got lost because he didn't know the terrain.

The little man in red is [Willistan], which he had never thought of before.

No wonder when he first tried to dissuade the little man in red, the little man in red said that this sacrifice was not only important to the gods, but also to them.

Tang Xuan has figured it out now.

This sacrifice is not a sacrifice to awaken the ancient gods at all, but a sacrifice to anoint himself as an ancient god. This is the red man's own ascension ceremony to the gods.

In fact, this was hinted at in the previous CG.

The little man in red cut his palm and let his blood flow into the emblem representing [Willistan], and then the black mist pouring out of the emblem enveloped him.

Tang Xuan suddenly asked: "Why don't you make the task prompts clearer? You can directly tell me that the little man in red is [Willistan]. This will save me a lot of time."

A line of small golden words scrolled out on the dim game screen: "Limited by the rules of the game, this machine can only selectively provide you with a small amount of information. If you want to directly tell you who [Willistan] is, the key you get is The description of sexual tasks will be greatly shortened, which is not conducive to completing the task. The following is an example: "红是礻".

Only two and a half words.

This task description contrasts with the original: 'As you can see, this is the first link in the chain of tasks. Now you are just an ordinary person with the heart of an ancient god, and the village you are in has been occupied by other ancient gods. If you want to become an ancient god here, you must send your predecessor on his way.'

These two and a half words couldn't even tell Tang Xuan that he wanted to kill the ancient god who occupied this place.

Tang Xuan had other questions: "The rules of the game are so strict, but what about the plot? Why can an ordinary person become an ancient god by hosting a sacrifice? Isn't this unreasonable?"

Another line of small golden words scrolled out on the game screen: "In a long-gone era, the boundaries between humans and gods were not as clear-cut as they are today. Humans can become gods, and gods can turn back into humans. In addition, your guess is Wrong. The time when the little man in red became [Willistan] was long before he became the father of your game character. The sacrifice you experienced was a sacrifice for [Willistan] to accept the divine power again, not his seal. Divine ritual.”

Tang Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Are the ancient gods transformed by humans?"

Small golden letters: "It has been more than 10 billion years since the birth of mankind. Technology is the ultimate path chosen by mankind, but it is not the only path."

Tang Xuan frowned and said, "Do you have any basis for what you say?"

In small gold letters: “This is what I know to be true.”

Tang Xuan was speechless. He thought to himself that the facts that the game intelligence knew were the background knowledge instilled by the game makers. Why should he be serious about this? He might as well discuss the plot with it.

Tang Xuan asked slowly: "Why did [Willistan] change into a human being, and why did he change back?"

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