I know this ancient god

Chapter 45 Artificial Bonds

"Hey, Sister Anya, I want to ask you for a favor, but please don't tell others about this first."

Tang Xuan stood on the roadside and made a phone call.

In just two minutes, he established an inseparable connection with Tang Miaomiao - a long (twelve) Alpine lollipops tightly bound them together.

Tang Xuan held the left side of the lollipop, and Tang Miaomiao held the right side. No one could separate them. And as time goes by, this connection becomes stronger and stronger.

Tang Miaomiao's hand got closer and closer to Tang Xuan's hand, until she and Tang Xuan grasped the left and right ends of the same lollipop.


Tang Xuan looked down at Tang Miaomiao.

Tang Miaomiao blinked her long eyelashes and looked at him.


The cuteness was endless, forcing Tang Xuan to let go.

Tang Miaomiao immediately hung the lollipop around her neck, and after the strawberry and taro flavors, she got another original Alpine lollipop.

"Aba Aba!"

Tang Miaomiao jumped on the spot, and her black leather shoes made a clicking sound when they made contact with the ground. At this time, her eyes began to wander, her steps were erratic, and she gradually tended to move away from Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan took out another lollipop from his backpack without changing his expression. Tang Miaomiao consciously held the other end without him having to say anything.

The two once again form an inseparable bond.

Tang Xuan looked helpless.

He has discovered that as long as he gives Tang Miaomiao food, Tang Miaomiao will think that he is a good person and will never leave him, and this state will continue until he gives Tang Miaomiao nothing to eat.

"What's the deal?"

Wang Anya's intellectual voice came from the channel.

Tang Xuan lowered his voice: "I found a little girl blessed by God in Chao Singxing. She is an orphan. She looks like she is only six years old. I want to take her back to the North Star."

Wang Anya was silent for a long time.

Tang Xuan whispered: "Sister Anya?"

Wang Anya came back to her senses: "No problem, which city are you in?"

Tang Xuan replied: "Chaoge."

Wang Anya said: "I'll call you later."

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Tang Xuan put down his watch from in front of him. He knew that Wang Anya must have had some thoughts during the period of silence, but as long as she was willing to help, she could explain any problems she had after she went back.

Tang Xuan's mood gradually relaxed, thinking that this [Women's Friend] was not in vain, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to help Tang Miaomiao get rid of the entanglement of the police system.


Suddenly there was a shout from above.

Tang Xuan looked up and saw two police flying motorcycles landing slowly. He knew that they must be here to deal with Tang Miaomiao's food grabbing incident on the street. But what he was curious about was whether the two motorcycles were the two red dots that he manipulated with the game board→←→←?

Thinking of this, Tang Xuan felt a little more apologetic.

The two policemen got out of the car. They walked up to Tang Xuan and looked down at Tang Miaomiao for a while before asking, "What is your relationship with this girl?"

"I am Tang Xuan, a junior researcher at the Institute of Ancient Gods." Tang Xuan took out a small green book from his arms, "This is my ID."

One of the police officers took the small green book, opened one page, and scanned it with his watch.

"Retrieval successful!"

"Confirmed to be junior researcher Tang Xuan!"

An ID photo with a blue background popped up on the watch, and it was exactly what Tang Xuan looked like. Because the photo was taken very recently, Tang Xuan looks almost exactly the same as in the photo.

The police gave the little green book to Tang Xuan.

He asked doubtfully: "Comrade, you are a researcher at the Ancient God Research Institute. Shouldn't you be in the Northern Star? Why did you come to our Chaoge? Do you know this little girl?"

Tang Xuan nodded and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you about this. Someone is already contacting your superiors."

The two policemen were stunned for a moment.

Does this mean confidentiality?

Their working hours are short and they have never encountered such a serious situation, so they don't know what to do at the moment. They can't call the director's communication and ask if anyone has contacted him, right?

Tang Xuan rescued them in time: "Let's wait here for a while. There should be communication coming soon."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Xuan's and their watches rang at the same time. The two policemen gave Tang Xuan a friendly smile, then walked to the side and opened the communication.

Tang Xuan also raised his watch to his ear.

"The local police system has deleted her case. Remember to take her with you when you come back. She has to come to the new department to register. I just applied for a temporary identity certificate for her. She can now take the spaceship. Are you Her temporary guardian."

Anya's voice came from the watch.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Tang Xuan paused, "But she's still young, so there's no need to register, right?"

Anya smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a registration, she won't be allowed to join. Registration will be good for her. Next time she uses her abilities in public, you won't have to ask for help."

She seemed to have seen the video of the little loli going berserk.

Tang Xuan nodded: "That's it, thank you. By the way! Sister Anya, Chao Singxing's Qiqiao Linglong Fruit is very famous. I will bring you a bag back."

Anya hesitated and said: "Qiqiao Exquisite Fruit?"

Tang Xuan asked gently: "What's wrong?"

Anya was silent for two seconds and then said: "I still have a lot of Qiqiao Exquisite Fruit, please bring me some Bigan tea."

Bigan tea is also a specialty of Chao Singxing.

Tang Xuan smiled and said: "Okay, see you at Bei Xing!"

Anya whispered: "See you at the Northern Star."

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

A smile appeared on Tang Xuan's face. Suddenly, he felt someone pulling something from his hand. He looked down and found that the durability of the lollipop he had just replaced was exhausted, and Tang Miaomiao had already put her hand on his finger.

Pull ~ pull ~

The lollipop packaging made a squeaking sound.

Tang Xuan let go of his hand, dumbfounded.

A few seconds later, there was another lemon-flavored lollipop on Tang Miaomiao's neck. She jumped forward with a happy face, the lollipop hanging around her neck swinging like braids on both sides of her body. Toss around.

Tang Xuan silently took out a baguette.

The moment she heard the sound, Tang Miaomiao's body seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and she paused in place. It wasn't until Tang Xuan stepped forward and handed one end of the bread to her hand that she started moving again and walked over obediently. Tang Xuan stood next to him and began to move his little hand slowly upward along the baguette, like the mushroom that swallowed the tombstone in Plants vs. Zombies.

The two policemen also finished receiving the communication from the leader. They walked to Tang Xuan and said, "Comrade, we have understood your situation. You can go, everything is fine here."

Tang Xuan nodded and thanked, then led Tang Miaomiao towards Chaoge University with a baguette. This semester is not over yet, and his dormitory is still reserved for him to provide them with a place to rest.

As Tang Xuan walked, he looked around to see if there were any bicycles passing by. He felt that his bag of food might not be able to support him in taking Tang Miaomiao to the dormitory, so he had to take a car to speed up.

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