I know this ancient god

Chapter 47 The Federation will win! (Additional update)

"What's the use of being the strongest!"

"Is a nuclear bomb powerful?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"You're going to die!"

"The response department is the cannon fodder camp!"

Lin Yun cried and shouted until he was hoarse. An Bei held her quietly, no matter how she yelled in his ears or hit his back with her fists, his arms were firmly around her waist.

Everyone around them was taking pictures of them.

At this time, Lin Yun's watch vibrated slightly.

A voice came from inside: "Lin Yun, what are you doing? Now is not the time for Ying Si to appear in front of the world."

Lin Yun shouted at his watch: "Shut up!"

An Bei gently patted Lin Yun's back with the palm of his hand. He said softly in a coaxing tone: "Okay, baby, I'll be fine. The ancient gods nowadays are very weak, and they are still weak when fighting." No one will die if the infantry corps raids the formation.”

"You don't understand anything at all"

Lin Yun cried: "The Ancient God Factor has the ability to predict danger. It knows where to hide before the bullet comes out. The infantry legion can't even hurt a hair of the Ancient God. They can only test it for you. The abilities of the Ancient Gods. The Ancient Gods can curse, and maybe one curse can kill them all. Only the Ancient God Factor can fight against the Ancient God Factor at this level, and the technology is still far behind!"

After entering the interstellar era, the Federation's technology tree has been growing in the direction of giant ships and cannons. The so-called "more is good, big is beautiful", but intentionally or unintentionally ignores individual combat. At this level, technology can play a small role.

An Bei rubbed Lin Yun's hair.

"Okay, aren't there still battleships?"

Lin Yun whimpered: "It's useless!"

Anbei sighed silently.

The Federation wants to capture an ancient god alive for research.

This idea itself is correct. If you want to defeat your opponent, you must understand your opponent. Now is the early stage of the ancient god's recovery, which is the time when it is easiest to obtain samples. But in order to achieve this goal, the sacrifices the Federation will make are unpredictable.

These sacrifices are just a series of numbers on the federal report form, but in reality, they are the disappearance of fresh lives and the fragmentation of happy families.

Listening to Lin Yun's cries, An Bei felt dazed for a moment, and his thoughts were drawn back to the afternoon the day before yesterday when he was invited to the room for tea by the teacher.

The sunlight slanted through the glass onto the carpet in the room. The atmosphere in the room was solemn, and their discussion entered the final stage.

"Anbei, you are my best student. In your opinion, is there the possibility of coexistence between humans and ancient gods?"

Qian Yanyan looked at An Bei calmly.

Can humans coexist with the ancient gods?

Anbei fell into a long silence.

Qian Yanyan waited patiently for him to think.

At this moment, Anbei's thoughts became chaotic in just a few seconds, and then regained consciousness in the same few seconds.

He said firmly: "No way."

"Why isn't it possible?"

Qian Yanyan asked slowly: "Peaceful coexistence is actually very simple. Have you ever thought that the Federation only needs to give some orphans that no one wants after birth to the ancient gods. The ancient gods have a long life and give them a boy and a girl. , they can reproduce a population. If there are 10,000 ancient gods, the federation only needs to produce 20,000 orphans. Isn’t this very cost-effective compared to going to war with the ancient gods?”

An Bei's eyes showed surprise.

Twenty thousand orphans for peace?

Historically, every war fought by the Federation in its external expansion resulted in more than 20,000 casualties. If paying 20,000 people can avoid fighting a group of ancient gods with unfathomable strength, it does sound like a good deal.

Qian Yanyan looked at Anbei expectantly.


Qian Yanyan held his breath and concentrated, hoping to hear the answer he expected from An Bei.

"Why do you think so?"

An Bei had a puzzled look on his face.

Qian Yanyan was stunned.

"You proposed a trolley hypothesis, and such a question had already been answered thousands of years ago before the Federation was formed." Anbei said slowly, "No matter what the situation, no matter what the reason, no matter who. Rights determine the fate of others.”

Qian Yanyan frowned: "This is the optimal solution."

Anbei shook his head slowly but firmly: "The reason why we are human beings and not beasts or machines is because we sometimes do not choose the optimal solution.

This is not only a war of our generation, but also a continuation of the war of our ancestors countless years ago.

I don’t know how the ancestors defeated the ancient gods countless years ago, but I guess they must have tried their best to free their descendants from the fate of slavery. Countless people fell one after another, using their indestructible will and flow. Chenghe’s blood and bones bought us the dignity and freedom we have today.

There is no way we can let the blood and sweat that our ancestors once shed in this starry sky turn into a joke.

The baton of our ancestors has been passed to our hands. This time we are strong, but the ancient gods are weaker than ever. No matter how much it costs, we must drive out all the ancient gods, complete the unfinished work of our ancestors, and free mankind from the shadow of slavery forever! "

Qian Yanchen kept looking at Anbei, hoping to find a trace of wavering on Anbei's face, but there was no one. Because Anbei believed what he said from the bottom of his heart.

Qian Yanyan let out a long sigh in his heart.

He thought for a while and then said: "Anbei, today's discussion is over. But I hope you can promise me something."

An Bei hesitated and asked, "What's going on?"

Qian Yanyan asked seriously: "I hope you don't go to the battlefield. You are my only disciple."

He and Anbei have been masters and disciples for many years, and he regards Anbei as his own son, so he does not want Anbei to participate in dangerous battles. Although Anbei couldn't accept his ideas, it didn't matter. He could still lobby others.

An Bei was stunned. He didn't expect that this was what Qian Yanchen wanted him to agree to.

"If it's other things, I'd be happy to help you, but this one won't work." He said after two seconds of silence: "War is inevitable. Since some people are confused about this, and since some people need to sacrifice for this, then I am willing to walk in front of you. Before everyone, be a shining light that guides the way in the dark night.”

Qian Yanyan sternly rebuked: "Confused! How much use can a little firefly do? Don't be too stubborn!"

"Teacher, I have followed you for ten years and have always respected you. I think you are a knowledgeable elder and treat you like my father. But this time I really have different views from you and I am not unhappy about it." An Bei took a deep breath, "Fireflies can also shine a little in the dark. There is no need to wait for others to shine. Because if no one else shines, I will be the only light!"

His eyes were extremely firm, his voice was extremely calm, and the sunlight shone on his razor-sharp face, making him look like a majestic statue.

Human beings are not creatures with collective consciousness. They do not have average levels of consciousness. Some people are morally corrupt, while others are as clean and pure as saints. The former is deposited at the bottom of society, while the latter continues to lead all mankind to climb to a higher level.

In a daze, Qian Yanyan saw countless faces of human sages on An Bei's face, and he couldn't help but avoid An Bei's sight. And when he belatedly realized that he couldn't look An Bei in the eye, an unknown fire rushed up his spine to Tian Ling Gai. He gritted his teeth and said: "Then if I say, if you die, human beings will never die. What if we can’t win?”

An Bei was indifferent. On this matter, he was so determined that he was almost indifferent.

"I have been polishing myself for decades just to be on the stage to fight for humanity today, so I would rather die than give up at this time."

"In my opinion, death is not terrible. What is terrible is to stop moving forward out of fear or even want to go backwards."

"There will be thousands of me after I die."

"The Federation will win!"


I'm trying to create an epic feel, and these chapters are a start, but I don't know how much I can achieve by the time the first volume is finished, or will it be awkward.

In fact, we humans on earth have made it this far because the blood of our ancestors who have fought against nature and other races for countless years flows in each of our bodies.

If you feel depressed one day, you should give yourself a little confidence, because your existence itself is a great thing, which at least proves that your ancestors have won countless wars in a row. So when you get the baton, you should move forward bravely.

In addition, I will slow down the pace of adding updates next month. I will add one update every 500 yuan. On the one hand, updating too quickly will make this book lose an important recommendation position; on the other hand, I want to put it on the shelf. 100,000 more words will be released to make you happier.

Don’t start raising it from now on just because I said I want to put it on the shelves and make it worth 100,000 yuan. I have a lot of small side stories, all of which are very interesting, and if you don’t watch them for too long, you may not remember the plot, and I will lose you. The editor will also look at my reading data. If you don't look at it, I will be miserable.

The chapters will be updated and will remain unchanged until they are put on the shelves. The latest update every day will be updated once the average number of chapters reaches 50 within 24 hours.

Love you~

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