I know this ancient god

Chapter 53 The meeting ends

Although Wang Anya is not a favored person by God, her status in the response department is no lower than that of An Bei, because she is the eldest sister of civilian workers and is in charge of equipment distribution, foreign affairs, personnel transfer and salary payment.

She slowly said: "There are still seven days before the minimum recovery time of [Magma]. That planet is relatively far from the Northern Star. Even if you take the military's fastest shuttle ship, you can use wormholes along the way. It will take about two days, so we only have five days left.”

A shuttle ship is a type of spacecraft specially used for traveling. The military's top shuttle ships can travel at a speed more than thirty times that of ordinary warships. [Magma] The sleeping planet is in the edge area of ​​the Federation. Its distance from the Northern Star is twenty times that of Chaoge Star and the Northern Star.

Wang Anya looked serious: "In these five days, we have to complete the formation of the new department, the God-killing Division, get to know other new members, become familiar with the military's combat plan, and conduct at least three combat rehearsals. The time is very tight and the matters are extremely important. . So I hope everyone will cooperate well in these days and never let anything slip. "

The young executives chorused, "Got it!"

The Federation recruits many God's Favorites, among which the Northern Stars are the strongest and most disciplined. They have the same perseverance and obedience to orders as soldiers.

Wang Anya's face softened a little: "I'll get everyone into the group later. The group will have the address of the new department. You will get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning and report to the new department before seven o'clock. The first day is the social day, let's meet Other new members.”

The executives nodded.

An Bei continued: "In our Northern Star Response Department, except for Executive Officer Tang Xuan and Executive Officer Anya, everyone else participated in the operation. In addition to us, the Federation also deployed some outstanding gods' favored people from other star fields to cooperate with us. Action. I hope everyone can live in harmony.”

There was a slight change in the expressions of the executives.

An Bei smiled: "We have different treatment from them. We are better than them in terms of weapons, equipment, salary and benefits. They may be unhappy because of this, so please try to be more tolerant. After all, it is only five days."

Anbei paused here.

The executives stared at him.

An Bei looked around at everyone: "Survive first."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became heavy.

One executive smiled to himself.

It is indeed the case. If you have any conflicts, you have to survive this operation first, and after surviving, there may be no conflicts anymore, because the person with the conflicts may die, or die himself.

An Bei picked up the document in his hand: "Next, let me briefly introduce our combat plan and target planet. First of all, this is a coordinated land and air operation."

An hour later, the meeting ended.

Lin Yun handed An Bei a glass of hot water.

Wang Anya concluded: "The basic situation has been introduced. Detailed information is available in the group. If there are no other questions, this meeting will end here."

The executives said nothing.

Wang Anya nodded: "The meeting ends here."

Soft pure music sounded in the conference room, the chairs moved back automatically, and the executives stood up and stretched their bodies.

"You must not die in front of me."

"What, do you have an explanation?"

"I'm afraid I'll get sick if you die."

"Get out of here, Gay is so angry!"


Executives left the conference room in twos and threes.

Wang Anya called to Tang Xuan: "Let's go together."

Tang Xuan nodded.

They both wanted to go downstairs.

After walking out of the conference room, Wang Anya's expression became obviously relaxed. She said to Tang Xuan: "The new department is called the God-Slaying Division. It is expected that there will be one hundred and two gods' favored ones. The North Star Response Division will have twenty-two 80 people from other star regions.”

Tang Xuan asked curiously: "Why didn't all the gods' loved ones gather to the North Star before?"

Wang Anya smiled bitterly: "Funds are limited."

Tang Xuan was stunned.

He didn't expect that the three words God's Favorite could be associated with lack of money.

Wang Anya said helplessly: "Even if other expenses are not included, the housing price alone is very stuck. Do you know how much our building costs?"

Tang Xuan asked doubtfully: "How much?"

Wang Anya opened her hands exaggeratedly: "So many zeros!"

Tang Xuan pursed his lips: "That's quite expensive."

Land in Northern Star is prohibitively expensive.

Wang Anya sighed: "This building is worthy of an ordinary planet in the edge area. If we want to move all the other gods' favored people to the Northern Star, how to resettle their families will be a big problem."

Tang Xuan asked: "Will the federal government not allocate funds?"

Wang Anya shook her head: "In the past, the Federation did not pay attention to the God's Favorite. It just didn't want the God's Favorite to cause trouble everywhere, so it established a department to manage the God's Favorite. Therefore, it was relatively stingy in funding. It should be much more generous in the future."

Tang Xuan nodded.

From the perspective of a violent machine like the Federation, the role of God's Favored Ones is indeed not very big. It was not until recently that his translation of the Ancient God's inscriptions made the Federation realize that the God's Favored had great potential, and that facing the threat of the Ancient God's resurgence and the higher demand for individual force in small-scale encounters, the Federation began to pay attention to the God's Favored.

Tang Xuan said: "Sister Anya, I brought you Bigan tea. I will bring it to you when I go back to the room."

Wang Anya smiled: "Thank you!"

The two walked into the elevator side by side.

Tang Xuan asked: "In the Ancient God Research Institute, besides us, is there anyone else who will join the new department?"

Wang Anya replied: "Deputy Director Qian Chongchong."

Tang Xuan was stunned: "Is the deputy director here too?"

Wang Anya nodded: "Although Deputy Director Qian Chongchong does not understand the ancient god inscriptions, he has been studying other things produced by the ancient god ruins for decades. He has a deeper understanding of the ancient gods than anyone else in the institute and can help the members of the God Killing Division understand the ancient gods."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

Wang Anya added with a strange look: "Deputy Director Qian Chongchong said that staying in the Ancient God Research Institute is like a still water. The daily salary is very bad. It has been a long time since he felt like he could do whatever he wanted. So in order not to extinguish his ambitions when he was young, he is eager to change to a job with a daily salary."

Tang Xuan tilted his head after listening: "The deputy director's Chinese is good. Although it is a bit incoherent, it is also amazing that he can use so many idioms in a row."

Wang Anya nodded silently: "Yes"

The elevator door slowly opened, and the corridor was empty. The two returned to the dormitory shoulder to shoulder.

Tang Xuan took out his ID card.

He smiled and said, "Sister Anya, I'll go in first."

Wang Anya nodded gently.

Tang Xuan pasted the ID card on the door.


Sweet synthesized voice: "Welcome home!"

Tang Xuan pushed the door open and walked in, holding a transparent white fur ball in his hand.


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