I know this ancient god

Chapter 57 Love Across Mountains and Seas

A certain white-haired dumpling flickered, and the memories of everyone present were affected and corrected to a certain extent.

Lin Wan raised her eyebrows in surprise. She felt like she was dazzled just now, and then all five people fell down.

There might be something wrong with the motorcycle engine.

Lin Wan put the helmet on her motorcycle.

Beep (helmet lock)!

"I am Lin Wan of the Lin family." Lin Wan raised her chin proudly, "If you dare to mess with me again, your mother will have to double the groceries she buys, and the whole family will be cut off from water, electricity, and natural gas."

It doesn't sound painful or itchy, but it's scary when you think about it.

Lin Wan turned to look at Tang Xuan. In the process of turning her head, the frost on her face seemed to be illuminated by the warm spring sun and quickly melted into a pool of spring water filled with love.

Lin Wan got off the motorcycle and said to Tang Xuan with a smile: "Let's go in."

Tang Xuan was startled.

Lin Wan forgot what she just said?

For some reason, Tang Xuan felt relieved but also a little disappointed.

He nodded and the two of them walked inside together.

Lin Wan smiled and said: "Do you know why we still have a social day when we are very pressed for time?"

Tang Xuan already had a guess at this time.

He hesitated and said, "I don't know if my guess is correct."

Lin Wan sighed: "The Federation looks glamorous on the surface, but it is too big. The will of the top cannot penetrate into the grassroots. There are actually many dark places in the corners."

"There is racial discrimination in some places, and patriarchy is preferred in some places." Lin Wan paused, "Official corruption, collusion between officials and businessmen, and favor trading. Even if the central inspection team travels around the federation every year, there are always things that cannot be taken care of. The place."

Tang Xuan whispered: "Overall, it's still good."

"This has led to the poor quality of people in some places." Lin Wan spread her hands: "In order to prevent them from shrinking in the face of battle, many of the people selected this time are tough and brave, but without discipline."

The vast majority of federal citizens have not participated in large-scale bloody conflicts, and the same is true for the God's Favored. Therefore, in order to prevent the God's Favored from causing trouble due to fear, in addition to the best among the God's Favored, the Federation also specially selected a group of fierce-tempered ones.

Tang Xuan thought deeply: "So today I am here to beat them."

"There is a bonfire party tonight, and there will be a lot of fun there." Lin Wan asked curiously, "But speaking of it, you men are really interesting. You will be honest after being beaten. Do you worship violence in your bones?"

"How can you make us sound like masochists? We don't know each other without fighting, and we cherish each other." Tang Xuan looked helpless, "Besides, there are many people who will hold grudges. If we don't handle it well tonight, we may directly The morale of the army collapsed.”

Lin Wanmei's eyes turned slightly: "Then if I am."

Tang Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "Do you want revenge?"

Lin Wan covered her mouth and chuckled: "What?"

Tang Xuan said helplessly: "I know you want to hit me."

Lin Wan snorted softly: "I won't let it go."

The atmosphere between the two became subtle again.

Lin Wan suddenly said: "Tang Xuan, I have chased you to the God-killing Division. Can you tell me what you are thinking now?"

Tang Xuan was silent.

He recalled that day when he followed Wang Anya to leave Chaoge University, and when he looked down and saw Lin Wan wearing a shirt that said 'Wait for me', he once secretly said in his heart that if Lin Wan could come to the Institute of Ancient Gods, he would Give Lin Wan a chance.

Although the process of her arrival was different from the plot of "a brave girl breaking into the Academy of Sciences for love" he imagined, the result was the same. Lin Wan was now standing in front of him.

How about giving it a try?

Tang Xuan frantically checked the information attached to the "Friends of Women" in his mind, and sadly discovered that the "Friends of Women" focused on the word "friend". It did not teach how to fall in love at all, but only how to be friends with women. If he follows the rhythm of [Friends of Women], it is guaranteed that he and Lin Wan can only be friends.

Falling in love may have other special names.

(For example.)

Tang Xuan was immediately confused. Without the help of his name skills, he was just an innocent little virgin, and he was majoring in science and engineering.

So what should he say?

Tang Xuan was silent for a long time, and Lin Wan misunderstood. She thought Tang Xuan was still not interested in her.

Lin Wan sighed and said: "My love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas can be flat. I will not give up. I believe that one day I can influence you and let the icebergs melt into hot springs for me."

Tang Xuan whispered: "Maybe."

After saying that, he felt a little regretful. Maybe, maybe, wouldn't it be better to just say, "Let's try it"?

Lin Wan's eyes were sad and firm.

She said that her sister Lin Yun was stupid for falling in love with a cannon fodder who was bound to die, but deep down she actually envied Lin Yun. Because no matter what, Lin Yun has already tasted the sweet love, but she herself is still in the endless long-distance running. She doesn't know when she will reach the end, or even whether there is an end.

However, she had fallen in love with Tang Xuan for more than a day or two, and a moment of frustration was not enough to repel her. Unless Tang Xuan is with someone else, she will never give up.

"By the way, you know? You also have a mission." Lin Wan tried hard to smile, "You have to teach everyone some vocabulary that can communicate with the ancient gods."

Tang Xuan said in surprise: "Isn't the plan to launch a strike with space-based weapons? What is the point of communicating after the strike?"

Do you want to beat someone up and then negotiate peace with them?

Tang Xuan suddenly remembered that there were indeed many wars in the history of the Federation in which the enemy was defeated first and then negotiated. They were known as 'might makes right', 'power comes from the barrel of a gun', and 'if you can do it, don't make a fuss' , 'Strong Power Diplomacy'.

Fighting first and then talking seems to be a traditional art in the Federation.

Tang Xuan felt dumbfounded, but he was also proud to live in a group with 'justice'.

The two of them walked and talked.

When walking with Wang Anya, Tang Xuan was always the one who took the initiative. Various topics came up at his fingertips, making Wang Anya laugh continuously. But walking with Lin Wan, the situation was completely reversed. Lin Wan became the person who was familiar with all kinds of topics, from various ball games to games from major manufacturers. The conversation made Tang Xuan feel comfortable.

Tang Xuan was constantly surprised that she actually understood this. Before that, he had always thought that Lin Wan was a science and engineering girl who had no idea what was happening outside the window.

The two walked into the elevator of the main building.

Lin Wan pressed the button for the target floor: "You know, during this summer vacation, I came to Northern Star to participate in the quadrennial federal motorcycle riding competition and won the championship."

Tang Xuan was surprised: "Are you so powerful?!"

The motorcycle riding competition is the largest event in the flying motorcycle industry. Many powerful riders participate in the competition every year. Although he does not pay attention to this, he also knows that it is very difficult to win this event.

Lin Wan suddenly laughed slyly.

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