I know this ancient god

Chapter 59 The Secret of [Heroic Power]

crackle crackle crackle

Sparks like swarms of fireflies flew into the lightless sky, and were eventually lost in the darkness. An Bei stood calmly beside the bonfire, with dazzling arcs of lightning shooting out of his body. He had just defeated seven or eight gods' favored ones from other places, and was now waiting for the next challenger to take the stage.

Time passed second after second, no one stood up again, it seemed that everyone had given up.

"This mission is of great significance. I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely." An Bei scanned the audience: "Who else is dissatisfied?"

There was silence.

The favored ones from other places remained silent. Only today did they realize that there is such a big gap between the powerful favored ones and the weak ones.

Wang Anya whispered: "Anbei is the first god's favored person to reach the level of inhumanity in the true sense. The other gods' favored ones are still a little behind."

Tang Xuan nodded slowly.

Most of the gods' favored ones may not be able to defeat the heavily armed veterans with bare hands. The Federation calls them to participate in the war because the ancient gods can predict the attacks of ordinary weapons. In conventional intense conflicts, only those who also have the ancient god factor in their body can Only those favored by the gods can cause effective damage to the ancient gods.

The Federation has equipped all God's Favorites with heavy armor that ordinary people cannot wear to enhance their strength, hoping that they can fight against the ancient gods.

Anbei walked back to the North Star to deal with Si's camp.

An officer stood up and said to everyone: "Everyone already understands the mission objectives and the importance of this mission to the Federation and even all mankind, so I hope everyone can work together to overcome the current disadvantages. When everyone returns triumphantly, everyone will be promoted to major The military rank and benefits are comparable to those of battalion-level cadres. At the same time, in order to relieve you of worries, your relatives have been admitted to the federal compound. If any of you here unfortunately die, the federation will ensure that your relatives have food and clothing for the rest of their lives. "

The gods' favored ones whispered.

They were neither notified of the mission rewards before coming, nor did they know that their relatives would be connected to the federal compound.

"But if anyone does not complete the mission seriously and hinders it, which will eventually lead to the failure of the mission." The officer suddenly said in a stern voice, "Then he will go to a military court and be punished for obstructing military operations, intentional homicide and crimes against humanity. Accept the closed trial!”

The person with secret intentions felt a thump in his heart.

Each of these three charges is more serious than the last, and the trial is still in closed court, which basically means the death penalty.

The jumping firelight reflected the outline of the officer's cheek. The officer said in a serious voice: "In the next few days, in order to successfully complete the mission and for your own safety, I hope you can become familiar with the equipment as soon as possible and try your best to cooperate with the combat rehearsal. .have you understood?"

An Bei took the lead and shouted: "I understand!"

He alone responded.

The officer's voice rose to a higher level; "Do you understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "I understand!"

The officer saluted everyone, then turned and left, and the dozen or so soldiers present followed suit and left silently.

"Oh, I knew it would be like this."

Tang Xuan heard someone complaining.

But this is also inevitable, and the change in thinking cannot be completed in a short time. These people were enjoying their happiness elsewhere, but were suddenly drawn to participate in the dangerous 'god-killing'. Just thinking about it would make them feel scared and angry.

A few minutes later, the atmosphere in the court warmed up again.

"If you have wine today, you will get drunk today!"

“Tomorrow’s worries will come tomorrow’s worries!”

"Brothers! Drink from a big bowl! Eat meat with a big mouth!"

"Anbei, come here."

After Tang Xuan thought for a while, he turned around and asked Lin Wan who was sitting next to him: "Do you think there are heroes in the world? I mean the kind who can stand up and save the world at critical moments."

"Stand up to save the world?" Lin Wan frowned: "I never expect others to stand up. I think it is better to count on yourself than to count on heroes. Everyone is his own hero."

Following Lin Wan's answer, a long-lost strange voice sounded deep in Tang Xuan's mind.

[Hero Power] is being activated!

You meet this criteria!

because you have become

【Lone Wolf】!

【Lone Wolf】: Anything done by you alone will double the final effect! (Note: Please explore the applicable scope by yourself. When the proficiency reaches 100,000 points for the first time, this name can be initially upgraded.)

Since you have used [Hero Power] twice, you will learn some secrets about [Hero Power].

These secret fragments are sealed by space-time coins and are affected by powerful external forces and can only be shown to you once.

With no room for resistance, Tang Xuan's thoughts were dragged away from his body by some invisible force. A warm golden light enveloped his consciousness and flew towards the depths of unspeakable nothingness.

He 'came' to a vast sea.

He saw two hazy figures standing on the sea, and a ball of golden light floating between them. This ball of golden light was very similar to the golden light that enveloped him at this time, but it was much stronger in brightness and volume.

"Did we fail?"

one of them asked.

After asking, the air fell into a long silence. Time passed quickly, and after the sun rose and set three times in the sky, the other person finally answered.

"No, not yet."

Is this voice? !

Tang Xuan was shocked when he heard this. He stared directly at the speaker, trying to see through the hazy light and shadow to see the face hidden underneath.

"We got the hope of all sentient beings, but" the voice was blurred here for a few seconds, "we have no time, everything is over."

"I have a solution."

The secret clip has finished playing.

Like rewinding a movie, countless images were far away from Tang Xuan's sight, bringing his thoughts back to reality.

Tang Xuan was in a daze.

I just seemed to be pulled back to the moment when [Hero Power] was first created. I met the creator of [Hero Power] and heard a conversation between them.

The creator calls [Heroic Power] the hope of all living beings, although there is a part missing. But it can be heard that they created [Hero Power] to deal with an urgent matter, but due to some reasons, [Hero Power] cannot be used, and they seem to be looking for a solution.

Tang Xuan thought about whether that incident was related to the collective sleep of the ancient gods. Was there a solution in the end? What happened during the period that made [Heroic Power] finally become a game reward?

Suddenly, the voice of [Heroic Power] sounded:

Due to unknown reasons, [Hero Power] has been severely damaged and currently can only support you to become five different heroes. Please use it with caution.

Tang Xuan came to his senses slightly.

Can only be used five times because of damage?

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