I know this ancient god

Chapter 62 Dictionary Verification

After a few seconds, Anbei's voice returned to normal.

"Everything about this suit is good, but there's just one problem." He said distressedly, "This intelligence is a chatterbox! How can you shut it up?"

Anbei turned on the voice playback function.

"You entered my body!"

"From today on, I am my man!"

"I'm so happy!"

"Fuck with me, and I will take you to fight Shi Tiao Gai!"

"By the way, Dieyin is so cool, why don't you like it?"

"Where is the enemy?"

"My iron fist is already so thirsty!"

Not only is he talkative, but his tone is also very philosophical. He has the thick voice of a middle-aged man and the passionate youthful playfulness.

An Bei silently turned off the audio playback.

The air fell into a deathly silence.

Lin Wan instinctively stood up to defend her own product when it caused such a reaction.

"Actually, this type of suit is still in the laboratory stage and is not a finished product. It has two problems. One is the high cost, and the other is the abnormal intelligence of the suit." Lin Wan looked slightly embarrassed, "But I Based on the reputation of the Lin Group, its performance is definitely the best among all the suits currently, and as long as you don’t particularly hate chatting, there are no safety risks caused by the machine itself. "

Even after Lin Wan explained, the eyes of the God's Favored Ones still looked strange when they looked at this suit.

Lin Wan added: "Heilong Intelligence is actually quite good at chatting. If you have been with him for a long time, you might like him."

Everyone's eyes became even weirder.

Lin Wan sighed helplessly.

She tried her best.

The officer looked at An Bei who was wearing the Black Dragon Suit and said: "Your mission goal today is to skillfully use the various functions of the Black Dragon Suit to ensure that you will not be sacrificed due to the gravity coefficient and air composition. At the same time, you can use the Black Dragon Suit to perform produce stronger combat power.”

"Let's start now."

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of gnar cabins lit up with blue and white federal emblems at the same time, and thick white mist poured out from them, causing the temperature in the venue to drop significantly.

The officer said calmly: "Each suit is equipped with cutting-edge nanotechnology. You don't have to worry about whether it fits properly. You can just choose one and wear it."

"Also, who is Tang Xuan?"

The officer suddenly called Tang Xuan's name.

Tang Xuan raised his hand: "Here we go!"

The officer said; "You have other tasks, come with me."

Tang Xuan followed the officer to a quiet office. There was only a set of tables and chairs in this office, and a stack of stapled A4 papers on the table.

"Comrade Tang Xuan, the Federation has organized a team of experts. They compiled a simple dictionary of ancient divine languages ​​using the translations you provided previously." The officer said slowly, "Your task is to verify this dictionary. Before you Circle the words you are unsure about and put a cross on the words you think are wrong.”

Tang Xuan nodded to express his understanding.

The officer said; "Time is tight now, so I hope you can finish it as soon as possible."

After saying this, the officer left quickly. He had other work.

Tang Xuan sat at the table and picked up the stack of A4 paper. The paper body is still warm, indicating that it has just been printed.

The Federation went behind his back to make a dictionary.

Although he was a little surprised, this incident was within his expectation. Because as early as when he asked for leave to go to Chao Singxing to find Tang Miaomiao without any obstruction, he guessed that the federation might be organizing people to crack [Common Language] behind his back.

Whether it is at the research or communication level, mastering the language of your opponent is of great significance, so someone has to do it.

If it's not him, then it's someone else.

By translating the inscriptions, Tang Xuan provided the Federation with accurate explanations of thousands of [Common Language] characters. With so many texts as a basis, combined with other ancient god inscriptions, although it is still a difficult task to reverse the entire [Common Language], it is actually feasible.

The people who participated in the compilation of the Dictionary of Ancient Divine Languages ​​this time are all Taishan Beidou in the circle, and everyone has rich linguistic experience. They had been suffering from a lack of vision and had no idea how to start, so they never achieved results. Now that someone has opened the situation for them, they can use their powerful energy to push the translation progress forward.

In fact, when there is a certain amount of text as a reference, Tang Xuan himself is no longer so important.

After all, Tang Xuan himself also 'guessed'.

The Federation initially planned to let Tang Xuan join the expert team for compiling the dictionary, but later found out that he had a close relationship with Lin Wan, and that he was still a student who had not even finished college. They were worried that he would delay the progress of the entire project, so they simply Leave him alone.

Tang Xuan looked through the newly released ancient divine language dictionary, and said to himself: "Let me read it, do you want me to check for omissions and fill in the gaps?"

The members of the expert group must have reached an agreement with each other, and that's why he had this dictionary of ancient divine languages ​​in front of him, which was simply bound on A4 paper. They themselves can no longer see what is wrong, so they need an outsider who also has a certain understanding of the ancient divine language to find the mistakes for them.

Perhaps there were considerations in not recruiting him into the team.

Tang Xuan simply flipped through the stack of A4 papers.

It has to be said that scholars who grew up under the orthodox scientific system are indeed extraordinary. After reading the entire book, Tang Xuan found that most of the words he saw were correct. A small number of them had deviations in meaning, but it had little impact. Only a few words contain significant errors.

Tang Xuan picked up the pen, knowing what he should do.

On the basis of helping the federation improve the translation, Tang Xuan properly hid his clumsiness. He consciously slowed down his speed, first pointed out the words with major errors, and then deliberately underlined some uncontroversial words. It took a whole morning to complete.

Tang Xuan's stomach growled.

He put down his pen and left the office.

rumble rumble

As soon as he walked out of the soundproof door, he heard a huge thunder. Tang Xuan knew who was around without looking. But what surprised him was that Anbei actually flew in the sky, like a real thunder and lightning.

The blue-purple thunder that An Bei transformed into moved in the air, covering tens of meters in the blink of an eye. Normal people's sight could not keep up with his movement speed.

Many of the gods' loved ones looked up at him with envy.

Tang Xuan was surprised.

After getting the boost from the Black Dragon Suit, Anbei can already break free from the gravitational pull of the Northern Star? He remembered that there was a pair of boxing gloves in the Museum of Ancient Gods. If Anbei wore boxing gloves and a suit at the same time, his strength would definitely reach a higher level.

Just as Tang Xuan was thinking about whether it was possible for conventional force to defeat such an individual life, a murderous radio sound suddenly came to his ears.

"Special Executive Officer Anbei!"

"Bazooka strike ready!"

"Please avoid!"

What blow?

Tang Xuan looked blankly in the direction from which the sound came.

Boom boom boom boom!

The sound of rocket launchers is endless, and thousands of rocket launchers drag orange tail flames into the sky like thunder, like a large retrograde meteor shower chasing a blue fish.

Number of hot updates on the shelves: 1

Number of manuscripts currently saved: 6

Although I don’t save many manuscripts, and the speed of saving is not fast, the speed of explosion is slower, so I think I should hold on, la la la~

It’s definitely impossible to update chapter 60. I guess chapter 30 will be enough!

For everyone's health consideration, future updates will be moved to 7 o'clock in the morning.

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