I know this ancient god

Chapter 66 [Harmony and Friendship-1]

"We have arrived at the target location and are ready to drop troops!"

"Circling to explore the terrain!"


Anbei stood next to the open hatch, ready to jump down at any moment upon command.

His headphones suddenly made a noise.

(buzz buzz)

"A violent energy reaction occurred in Super Volcano No. 4!"


"I doubt that the ancient god will revive in advance!"

"The third tactical rehearsal becomes official"


"This! Don't act! Practice!"

The voice was choppy and unclear, but the basic meaning was conveyed. An Bei's eyes became solemn because he knew that from this moment on, the real battle began.

The open hatch closed automatically, and the voice of the team commander came from the headphones.

"Tactical rehearsal turns into official action!"

"We are heading towards Super Volcano No. 4!"

"All units please check equipment! Be on standby!"

"This is not a drill!"


"This is not a drill!"

The commander's calm voice gave everyone a shot in the arm. The panicked soldiers quickly settled down and began to check their weapons and equipment.

Buzz (game board vibrates)

Tang Xuan silently put down the water glass.

He stood in front of the space glass and looked at Ironmast in the distance. The red planet still looked calm, but he knew that this was just an illusion and that the ancient god had revived.

He was not on Iron Guard, he was left behind on the Fuxi. And it wasn't just him, Lin Yun and Lin Wan were also there.

Lin Yun has been bored in his room for the past two days and lost his temper. Because she wanted to participate in the tactical rehearsal with Anbei, but was stopped by Yin Huazang, and the reason was that there was no reason.

Anyone can go, but not her.

Lin Yun was so angry.

However, Yin Hua Zang was a veteran general after all, and even a glare was not something ordinary people could bear. Lin Yun's face turned pale with a few harsh words.

In the end, Lin Yun could only accept the order.

This incident was expected by Tang Xuan.

Once anything happens to Lin Yun or Lin Wan, the Lin family will definitely be shaken, which is not a good thing for the federation with stable needs.

It was impossible for the Federation to arrange for the second daughter of the Lin family to go to the battlefield, especially in such a bloody battle that could be expected to be extremely intense. In this kind of battle, more than two of them is not enough, and less than two of them is not enough. If you send them up, there is a high probability that they will die. The Federation didn't even think of letting them go to the battlefield.

Even if Tang Xuan is sent up, they will not be sent up either.

Tang Xuan opened the game board.

As soon as the virtual light screen took shape, a volcano with both form and spirit jumped out. However, the volcano shape only lasted for two seconds, and then it twisted into the shape of an altar, and at the same time densely packed low buildings appeared around it.

Tang Xuan was confused: "What does this mean?"

The light above the volcano was distorted.

mission name:

【Harmony and Friendship-1】

Mission introduction:

This is a series of stories that resolve grievances for [Jigu].

Many years ago, [Jigu] did a small thing, which caused all the ancient gods who revived in the world to have a little misunderstanding with him.

However, as we all know

[Jigu] is an ancient god who is kind-hearted and low-key. He does not need his deeds to be widely circulated, and he does not want God to be troubled because of him. Because it would make Him feel very guilty.

Tang Xuan had a question mark on his face.

Game board you dodge if kidnapped?

The small words on the screen are still scrolling.

As the spokesperson of [Jigu] in the present world, you have the obligation to help [Jigu] resolve those small misunderstandings in the past, so as to quickly and well build good interpersonal relationships and reduce the resentment of the ancient god group towards the great god [Jigu] .

The following is a message from the [extremely ancient] god

See words as face

Hi, Tang Xuan!

Oh, I'm sorry to complain to you right off the bat, but this thing really bothers me.

I am also doing it for their own good, why can't they understand me? Alas, maybe this is the gap between gods and mortal gods. To tell you something I have never said to other gods, I sometimes feel like I am their father.

Alas, I really don’t know why they don’t like me.

Due to some inconvenient reasons, I cannot reach the distant future where you are, so I have to trouble you about this matter.

Although they misunderstood my actions, I did not resent them. Alas, he is a god after all, so it is understandable that he has a bad temper. As the most tolerant, magnanimous, and merciful ancient god in history, I just hope that they can shut up and stop spreading my deeds around. After all, family scandals cannot be made public.

Available methods include but are not limited to eternal destruction, entropic solution, physical salvation, forced death, and assisted suicide. Just use whichever one is convenient for you. Alas, I don't care anymore, as long as I can shut them up.

There seems to be nothing else to say.


【Magma】It’s delicious!


He is one of the very few ancient gods who can maintain a high temperature in his body at all times. Not only is he non-toxic, sterile and parasite-free, he is also full of nutrients and juice. The most important thing is that he can be chewed when held in his arms, and the quality of his meat is the best among all the ancient gods. Be among the best.

It's a pity that I can't eat it now, but you can try it, you will definitely like it. I thought for a while and thought that there really was nothing else to do this time, so we would be destined to meet again.

Task tips:

Everything [Ji Gu] said is right, just do what [Ji Gu] said.

mission rewards:

If the number of failures is less than ten, the reward is [Hero's Heart]; if the number of failures is less than one hundred, the reward is [Hero Arms]; if the number of failures is less than one thousand, the reward is [Small Physical Strength].

Task notes:

Clear up one misunderstanding and there will be thousands of misunderstandings. That's right, you have started the real first chapter of the main quest. From today on, every once in a while you need to help [Jigu] resolve a small misunderstanding.

Tang Xuan blinked as he stared at these words. He did not expect to get an [Ancient] message in this game.

The image of [Jigu] was very inconsistent with what he expected.

He originally thought that [Ji Gu] should be very serious, after all, he came to power by killing his father. But in this message, he couldn't read the slightest bit of seriousness. On the contrary, frivolity, cunning, shamelessness and ruthlessness are mixed together to form a very strange feeling.

What made him most incredible was that [Ji Gu] actually said [Magma] was delicious, and gave the reason in a serious manner. He even said that [Magma]'s meat quality was among the best among all the ancient gods.

Combined with the tone in the message, he was bragging about his kindness and saying, "I don't care anymore, as long as they all die."

Tang Xuan felt shuddering.

However, his stance is similar to [Ji Gu].

[Ji Gu] wants to resolve the misunderstanding, he wants to protect his compatriots, and they want the ancient god to die.

A line of small golden words scrolls out: The current time period has been cut out of the long river of time and become an independent space-time loop structure. You will be trapped here and keep trying until you complete the task.

Suddenly there was a burst of bright light outside the window.

Tang Xuan looked outside.


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