I know this ancient god

Chapter 68 The Walking Dead and Prisoners

"General, the one favored by the gods is back."

Yin Huazang raised his eyebrows: "What news did they bring back?"

"[Magma] opened two doors. They can choose to leave or play games with Him. The time limit is one day."

Yin Huazang fell into a long silence.

a long while

He put his hands in front of him and raised his chin: "Inform us and activate all the space bombs in batches. If He wants one day, then we will wait one day."

"Anbei, I would like to call you the little prince seeking death."

Tang Xuan watched with a headache as the Q-version Anbei, who violated his instructions, got into the second aperture.

He recognized Anbei through the skill bar.

In addition to the basic attack key, Anbei also has four skills, all related to thunder and lightning, which are highly recognizable.

Tang Xuan was a little troubled because Anbei's self-awareness was too strong. When he did something against Anbei's own wishes, it only took a short time for Anbei to break free, which might become a trouble later.

In addition, [Magma] was something he didn't expect. That guy actually had a game of his own.

Playing games within games?

Matryoshka doll?

Tang Xuan raised his hand and smoothed his hair, calmed down and continued the game.

An Bei looked around him in confusion.

This is a bustling ancient street, but there seems to be an invisible barrier separating him from the surrounding people, preventing him from contacting the people around him.

Magma's voice rang in his ears.

"There used to be some overestimating ants who tried to challenge me. I imprisoned their souls here. Now they are almost as weak as you. Kill two of them and you will have a chance to challenge me like them."

The invisible barrier disappeared, the noisy sound entered An Bei's ears, and An Bei's body suddenly became tense.

Kill two prisoners in exchange for a chance to challenge?

Anbei carefully looked at the people around him. He found that the people around him seemed to be talking and laughing, but their eyes were dull, and the conversations in their mouths were vague and unclear, like puppets.

Are these people prisoners?

An Bei frowned.

He didn't feel any power similar to that of the God's Favorites from these people, nor did he see bulging muscles or other signs of exercise on their bodies.

An Bei carefully but boldly reached out and grabbed a lone man.

This man's reaction made An Bei feel cold.

After being stopped by An Bei, he didn't even look at An Bei. He still stepped as before and muttered vague words as he did just now. When An Bei let him go, he fell to the ground due to his unstable center of gravity. He still made the same stepping motion as when he was standing, and spoke inaudible words without any other reaction.

This is not even as good as a puppet.

It's just a walking corpse.

An Bei felt chills in his heart. He guessed that this might be the human being in Magma's eyes. He didn't understand or care about human life, and his attitude towards humans was like humans towards ants. Therefore, he had a unique role in this world created by him. Such a human being appears.

An Bei turned around and looked at the others. As he expected, these people seemed not to notice what was happening here. Anbei took a deep breath. He believed that these walking corpses were not the prisoners that Magma asked him to kill, because they did not have the same strength as Magma said.

So where are the real prisoners?

The ancient god factor in An Bei's body suddenly throbbed, and he raised his head to catch a gray figure that flashed away.

The gray figure disappeared at the entrance of an alley.

Anbei chased after him without thinking.

This is a dirty alley. A few meters from the entrance of the alley is a smelly garbage dump, and the gray figure just now has disappeared without a trace.

"Where did that man go?"

Anbei stood at the entrance of the alleyway. He cast his gaze into the darkness deep in the alleyway. The dead darkness deep in the alleyway gave him an ominous feeling. He was hesitant to explore further.

The Black Dragon suit emits ultrasonic waves into the tunnel, and then analyzes the reflected ultrasonic waves to construct a structural diagram of the tunnel for Anbei. It also displays the outline of a humanoid moving at high speed in the tunnel.

Anbei's hesitation was instantly dispelled. Bright blue-purple light swirled around his body and shot into the alleyway like thunder.

Rumble, rumble!

Aware of Anbei's pursuit, this man also accelerated his speed to exceed the limit of ordinary humans, but there was still a gap compared with Anbei, and the distance between the two was quickly shortened.

Finally, Anbei came to the door of a small courtyard. The black dragon suit clearly outlined an outline for him that was close to the door. An Bei roared and took action without thinking, and the blazing thunder and lightning was like a dragon raising its head and instantly smashed through the door panel and even the entire wall.


A very thin wave of blue air struck Anbei.

An Bei instinctively activated the thunder and lightning, and his body moved one meter to the side as if teleporting.


The crescent-like blue air wave cut into the alleyway wall, like a hot knife cutting butter, leaving a cut mark on the alleyway wall that could be seen on the other side.

An Bei's mind changed slightly, and many battle plans appeared in his mind. He subconsciously chose the simplest one.

Violent crushing!

In an instant, thunder broke through the shackles of An Bei's body, bright blue-violet light dominated the entire alleyway, and the violent thunder crashed into people's eardrums in the most domineering manner, causing people's consciousness to appear in a trance for a moment.

At this moment, An Bei's body was completely covered by thunder, as if he were a god incarnate in thunder, rushing headlong into the exposed man in gray.

No dialogue, no communication.

This collision was extremely simple, just a short shoulder collision like an ordinary rugby player, only faster and more powerful.

Anbei went all out when he came up. After this collision, only those who were standing were qualified to speak.

The man in gray showed extraordinary reaction speed, or perhaps he had anticipated Anbei's movements. A green wave of air as thick as a wall slowly rose in front of him.

An Bei was staggered by the blue air wave that suddenly appeared under his feet. He lost his accuracy and flew into the sky.

He looked down and stared at the man in gray.

The man in gray's ability is related to the wind. He raises his hand and shoots hundreds of palm-sized wind blades at Anbei. This offensive opportunity is almost perfect, and it happens to be stuck at the moment when Anbei's old strength has gone and new strength has not yet emerged.

An Bei was unafraid, his body was filled with lightning, and the extremely powerful lightning arc was like a whip, pulling away all the small wind blades that came close to him, leaving no trace behind.

Although the timing of the attack is good, Thunder is one of the most powerful elemental forces. In addition to facing the solid earth element and the unpredictable mysterious element, Thunder has obvious suppression of the extraordinary power of any other series.

An Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and once again accumulated powerful thunder power in his body, preparing to complete the battle.

"Wait! You can't kill me!"


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