I know this ancient god

Chapter 71 Stop fighting and help me free myself


Red blood gushes from the wound.

The man in gray looked down at the dagger that penetrated his chest in disbelief. Severe pain and suffocation rushed into his mind through his nerves. He had no way and no need to maintain the Wind Lock. An Bei broke free from the Wind Lock and gently avoided a black light that was aimed at his throat.

The man in gray couldn't figure out why Jing Ming's family wanted to kill An Bei instead of him, and he had no chance to figure it out.

An Bei opened his right hand to the man in gray.


A thick thunderbolt hit the upper body of the man in gray, splitting his head into charcoal. An Bei looked at the body of the man in gray falling, feeling a sense of joy in his heart.

Whoosh whoosh——

The sharp sound of breaking through the air came from An Bei's ears.

Anbei didn't have time to think about where he got the pleasure from. He immediately stepped back to avoid three flying knives that shot at his head, throat and heart.

Swish, swish - another string of flying knives

An Bei lost sight of the assassin at this time, and logically he should have been shot, but as if he had eyes all over his body, he shook his body a few times and avoided all the flying knives.

The sounds of breaking through the air are repeated one after another, and the flying knives are like splashing.

Anbei was flying in the air like a butterfly.

Seeing that the stone bricks on the ground had been shot out of space, not a single flying knife could hit Anbei. On the contrary, Anbei was tumbling more and more vigorously in the air.

Until finally, the assassin himself gave up.

Anbei landed smoothly.


He tilted his head.

There was no killing intent on this lonely flying knife, it was just the assassin's final stubbornness.

An Bei raised his head and looked across.

The assassin is a petite girl wearing a black veil.

She gasped and cursed: "Pervert!"

An Bei saw a scroll taller than herself standing next to her, but at this time the scroll was empty.

An Bei whispered: "Girl, times have changed."

The red light in the black dragon suit's eye sockets flickered, and the trace lines on An Bei's retina quickly faded.

You have hidden weapons, I have technology.

The assassin suddenly said: "No more fighting, please help me get out."

In Anbei's surprised eyes, she threw her dagger directly to Anbei.

An Bei subconsciously reached out to catch the dagger.

He looked at the dagger in his hand and felt confused.

The assassin pointed at his chest and said, "The dagger is tempered with the saliva of the God of Plague. It's a little disgusting, but it kills people very quickly."

Anbei looked at her confused.

"After killing that guy, I recalled some things." The assassin sighed, "There is no god damn good thing. Bastard Magma, even if you kill me, you still want to play with me."

An Bei probed: "Do you know you are dead?"


The assassin rolled his eyes, then raised his hand and pulled off the black gauze covering his face, revealing an extremely delicate face under An Bei's surprised gaze. Just looking at this face, absolutely no one can connect her with the ruthless assassin.

"After I killed him, the aura that Magma left on him was transferred to me." The assassin sat on the stone pier next to him, "Now you kill me and transfer the aura that Magma left to us. Take them all and you can go see Magma."

An Bei couldn't help but ask: "What about you?"

If the assassin fought with him and was killed by him in the end, he would never ask more questions. But the assassin not only captured him without help, but also offered him a knife. He didn't know what to do.

The assassin took out a small wine bottle from nowhere. She did not answer An Bei, but just raised her head and poured wine into her mouth.

An Bei stood aside silently without disturbing her.

Time was tight, but he was willing to give the assassin the respect he deserved. The time wasted in the meantime was treated as a fight between the assassin and him.

After a while, the assassin asked drunkenly: "What are you wearing? It looks quite scary. I've been wandering around the universe all year round, why have I never seen it before?"

Anbei was silent for two seconds and then replied: "The era I live in is at least several billion years away from yours. The battle suit I am wearing is a type of individual combat equipment that we have only recently developed to suit the gods' favored ones. "

The assassin's expression visibly paused for a moment.

She asked in surprise: "How long has it been since?"

An Bei shook his head: "Not sure, but at least a few billion years."

Whether it is the dead man in gray or the assassin holding a wine flask in front of him, they can all be called the ancestors of mankind.

The assassin suddenly became excited, a clear blush appeared on her face, and her voice trembled slightly: "I didn't expect that so much time has passed outside."

She lightly dropped a bomb on Anbei.

"Is humanity liberated?"

Anbei was stunned.

This is only a six-word question, but the blood and tears behind this six-word question may not be fully described in six million words.

Who would ask this question?

The assassin stood up suddenly and flashed in front of An Bei like a ghost. She grabbed An Bei's neck with one hand and yelled at him roughly: "I'm asking you a question!"

Her voice was loud, but the strength in her hands was very light, and the hope in her eyes was very fragile.

Anbei seemed to see suppressed tears.

He stuttered and replied: "liberated."

Hearing this answer, a smile as bright as spring broke out on the assassin's face, but tears also fell quietly.

"It's good to be liberated."

she said with relief.

The assassin let go of An Bei, and she turned her back and lowered her head, her shoulders shaking slightly, and intermittent laughter coming from her mouth.

Anbei didn't know what the assassin had gone through, but his mood became complicated as the assassin cried and laughed.

The air is filled with joy and sadness at the same time. You have to breathe the air here to understand this strange feeling. It beats your heart with low sobs, but when you look at it, it shows a bright smile. Every tear of the assassin pays tribute to an old friend, and every chuckle responds to a wish. And behind the crying and laughing, there are mountains of people and rivers of blood.

Anbei felt overwhelmed.

Should he go up and give the assassin a hug?

Or quietly do nothing?

Time passed by, and the assassin wiped away her tears and turned around. She stared at Anbei and hesitated for a long time, and finally asked expectantly: "Can you tell me how humans are liberated?"

Anbei was silent.

After a few seconds, he whispered: "That piece of history is lost."

The assassin's eyes widened: "Lost?!"

Anbei lowered his head in guilt, he could not face the assassin. There is no doubt that that period of history should be the most important history of all mankind, but they lost that period of history.

The assassin said melancholy, "Forget it, just lose it. There is no need for you to understand the dark things in the past. Just move forward with our wishes."

After pausing for a few seconds, she suddenly reacted to something. She asked: "Strange, since humans have been liberated, why are guys like [Magma] still alive?"

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