I know this ancient god

Chapter 73 Give it a try

After the sound of [Magma] hit the ground, the air began to heat up rapidly. In just ten seconds, it climbed from 70 degrees Celsius to 2000 degrees Celsius and was still rising sharply. In such a high temperature environment, even steel will be easily melted into molten iron.

"Warning! The outside temperature changes abnormally!"

"Warning! The temperature control system is about to fail!"

"Warning! Please stay away from high temperature sources immediately!"

Three eye-catching red warning fonts flashed rapidly at the highest point of Anbei's horizon, reminding Anbei that he was in danger. Anbei also saw a countdown, which was the countdown to the failure of the temperature control system. If the heating rate of the surrounding environment remains unchanged, the temperature control system of the Black Dragon suit will collapse in just 19 seconds, with obvious consequences.

There is no chance to test it, so we can only give it a try!

Anbei no longer ran away aimlessly. He turned around and rushed towards Magma. At the same time, he said calmly: "Request to unlock GS-0621, authorization code: 020A8364!"

"Authorization passed!"

"Tear off the hand armor!"


The left and right hands of the black dragon suit fell into the magma and were swallowed up. An Bei silently activated the power of thunder to protect his exposed hands.

Looking at Anbei flying towards him, [Magma] had a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

Hua Hua Hua——

The magma under His feet flowed rapidly with a sound like a stream. They floated into the air and flew higher and higher to form a wall made of magma, and then pushed towards Anbei like a jade pillar pushing down a mountain of gold.

Magma muttered: "Stupid humans."

He pricked up his ears, hoping to hear Anbei's screams. He had been sleeping for too long and missed this sweet sound very much.

The wall of magma is about to collapse.

His eyes glowed with greedy red light.

But what came first was a deafening thunder.

Boom! ! !

The roar of thunder hit [Magma]'s ears in the most domineering manner, causing his head to buzz.

Immediately afterwards, with another huge thunder, a large hole was blasted through the thick magma wall, and a human-shaped thunder passed through the hole. He held up a completely solidified thunder spear and rushed towards [ Magma] throat.

[Magma]'s expression stopped at this second.


A large hole several meters in diameter was blown out of his throat.

Magma fell all over the sky.

The surroundings fell into dead silence.

An Bei gasped: "Did it succeed?"

A green piece of data in his field of vision showed that the surrounding high temperature, which had climbed to 5560 degrees Celsius, was gradually falling.

There was no movement from Magma.

Did he really kill the gods?

A strange rhythm spread from [Magma]'s wound to the surroundings. Anbei's eyes gradually became trance-like. Without warning, he flew to Magma's head and sat down on Magma's head while holding the assassin's body in his arms.

Anbei said to himself: "How should we get out now?"

He didn't notice that the light on the altar was getting stronger.

A few seconds later, the top of [Magma's] head suddenly collapsed, and the inside was filled with hot magma. Anbei, who was in a daze, was instantly swallowed up.

[Magma] The wound on the throat healed quickly.

He sneered: "Weak human being, you know nothing about real power."

He turned his head and looked into the distance. His sight was divided into dozens of windows. In each window were members of the God-Slaying Division who bravely participated in the game, but most of them had fallen, and the remaining dozen or so were also in critical condition. In the struggle, defeat is only a matter of time.

Of all the members of the God-killing Division, Anbei was the only one who rushed in front of Magma, and finally fell into Magma's trap.

[Magma]'s expression was frozen at this moment.

mission failed!

Time to restart!

Tang Xuan picked up the water glass and took a sip, his brows furrowed tightly. The female assassin touched him greatly. The moment the female assassin took the initiative to hit the blade in the scene, he felt that his heart was being pulled.

But it failed in the end.

Magma had a strange bewitching skill, and finally completely deprived Anbei of his control and killed Anbei directly.

Tang Xuan felt very powerless.

He can control all members of the God-Slaying Division, but only one at a time. Anbei is the strongest god-favorite of the God-killing Division. If even Anbei is defeated without any resistance, the God-killing Division has no chance of winning. Where is the breaking point of this game?

The ancient god who talked a lot of nonsense last time didn't absorb any planetary energy after he came out, and ran away directly against the Legion's concentrated fire. [Magma]'s performance will definitely not be worse than that of the ancient god last time.

(The plaintive erhu sound sounded quietly)

Where is the breaking point?

At this time, the game screen started to move again.

Tang Xuan put down the water glass and started operating again.

This time he changed his mind. He tried to help other members of the God-Slaying Division pass the assessment, and by constantly switching characters, Anbei and more than a dozen people reached the space where Magma was at the same time. The battle this time was much more intense than when Anbei entered alone. Other members of the God-killing Division besides Anbei also used their own methods to leave many scars on [Magma], but in the end they still failed to defeat Magma. Ma's persistence is not much longer than that of Anbei alone.

The other members of the God-killing Division are not even the enemies of [Magma]. [Magma] can kill whoever it wants, and the damage they cause to [Magma] is not painful. In the end, Anbei violently rushed into [Magma]'s mouth and exploded himself, but still failed to kill [Magma].

The God-killing Division is destroyed!

Tang Xuan pulled a piece of hair from his forehead irritably.

"This game is too difficult."

Tang Xuan tried hard to force himself to think about whether he had missed something. The game board couldn't give him a task that he couldn't complete, but why couldn't [Magma] be killed like he was immortal?

He knows too little about [Magma].

If only I could know more about Him.

Tang Xuan's eyes lit up. He remembered that the [Ancient Gods Illustrated Book] could help him understand the ancient gods, but it had never been triggered yet. If Tang Miaomiao is because the identity of the ancient god is not clear, then [Magma] has already clarified his identity as the ancient god. If he can see [Magma] with his own eyes, he will definitely trigger the [Ancient God Illustrated Book].

But how should he meet [Magma]?

The game board vibrated slightly.

Small golden letters: I can help you enter the kingdom of [Magma] and reach Him directly past His low-level games, but you have to find your own way to the ground.

Tang Xuan took a deep breath: "If I die, will time restart?"

In small gold letters: Of course.

Tang Xuan silently stuffed the game board into his backpack, then stood up and walked out.

He was also ready to give it a try.

Since his colleagues in the God-Slaying Division can sacrifice their lives for the Federation without knowing the time loop, what reason does he have to shrink back?

He must end the game within ten times this time.

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