I know this ancient god

Chapter 92 Famous Erhu Players in the Square

The reason why I didn't consider this in the past was because at that time, he didn't have much fighting ability. It didn't matter whether he was free or not. Anyway, he mainly relied on the game board. Now that he has a certain ability to act independently, his need for freedom has increased accordingly.

The two came to the entrance of the base.

Lin Wan's motorcycle is still parked here, covered with a thin layer of gray, and the flowing metallic luster has also become dim.

Lin Wan clicked a few times on her watch.

The locomotive's headlights came on.

The beast, which had been sleeping for a long time, opened its eyes. It let out a low roar and shook its body to shake off all the dust on its fur.

The motorcycle has a new look.

Lin Wan rode on the car and patted the back seat of the car towards Tang Xuan: "Sit on, I'll take you to heaven."

After saying that, she shook her long hair valiantly.

Tang Xuan didn't have stage fright. He walked to the back and sat down generously, but he didn't know where to put his hands.

The locomotive floated steadily into the air.

Lin Wan put on her helmet, a hint of successful cunning flashed through her eyes, and then she suddenly turned the accelerator.


Tang Xuan exclaimed and subconsciously hugged Lin Wan's waist. Only then did he gradually realize that something was wrong. But the motorcycle had already risen more than ten meters into the air, and he had no chance to get off.

Lin Wan said with a little joy: "Hold me tight, don't fall!"

Tang Xuan looked helpless.

He guessed that Lin Wan must have done it on purpose.

But in order to prevent him from falling, he had to hold Lin Wan's slender waist tightly, which could only be grasped.


Tang Xuan felt a slight shock in his legs.

Several materialized light belts secure his ankles, calves, and thighs to the motorcycle. These are safety measures that come with the motorcycle. Logically speaking, there should also be light belts to stabilize the upper body.

Tang Xuan sat behind and couldn't see Lin Wan's expression, but he knew that it probably wouldn't happen.

(About light materialization)

"Hold me tight! I'm going to heaven!"

Lin Wan slowly turned the throttle, and the ion thruster at the rear of the motorcycle spewed out a stream of scarlet ions that gradually deepened in color.

They shot across the sky like shooting stars.

What happened next was completely beyond the expectations of Tang Xuan, a novice who had never ridden a space motorcycle.

The suffocating wind blew against his face, and Tang Xuan was forced to press his cheek against Lin Wan, because only in this way could he have room to breathe. As the speed increased, he had to hug Lin Wan harder if he didn't want his body to fall backwards and hit him at a 90-degree angle.

Tang Xuan only had one sentence in his mind:

I suffered a loss!

The two bodies were tightly stuck together. Tang Xuan could clearly feel Lin Wan's warmth and softness, and Lin Wan could also feel Tang Xuan's broad chest and beating heart.

The two people walked around the city with red faces and no one speaking.

The blood was very hot, but the air was very cold, and Tang Xuan couldn't stand the cold anymore. He raised his voice and shouted in the wind: "Didn't that TV tower just look familiar? I've seen it four or five times in my mind, right?!"

Lin Wan shouted: "Then go down and take a look!"

Lin Wan avoided the unfamiliar question, and Tang Xuan tacitly agreed not to ask further questions. Because both of them knew whether they were lost or on purpose.

Lin Wan slowed down the speed of the motorcycle, lowered it into the continuous building complex, and soon found the correct path to Shang'anmen Square.


The scarlet ion current gradually became thinner.

The two landed outside the square and heard a melodious erhu sound before they even got out of the car.

Different from the sad and sad erhu in their impression, the erhu sound this time was not only pleasant, but also lively, and every sound was full of spirituality. If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear the businessmen's intrigues, the treachery of the philistines, and the comfort of the common people. The various emotions are blended together in a complex but not chaotic way, just like the erhu has become a spirit.

Lin Wan couldn't help but sigh: "This erhu is amazing!"

"There are indeed two brushes." Tang Xuan paused, "But should you let go of my hand first?"

Tang Xuan's hand was wrapped around Lin Wan's waist, while Lin Wan's hand was holding Tang Xuan's hand tightly to prevent him from letting go.


Lin Wan feigned panic and let go of Tang Xuan's hand. Tang Xuan smiled bitterly and took out his hand, thinking that this was the 'beauty's grace' often mentioned in ancient books?

The band of light that bound the body dissipated.

Tang Xuan got off the motorcycle first, and Lin Wan stretched out a hand towards him. He naturally extended his arm to Lin Wan to help him get off the motorcycle.

Lin Wan's face was flushed. She didn't know whether it was because she was tired from riding the bike or because she was excited about asking Tang Xuan out.

Lin Wan said softly: "Thank you."

Tang Xuan smiled: "Let's go see this strange man playing the erhu. To be honest, there is no erhu sound of this level even on Xiaopo Station."

Lin Wan was a little curious: "Do you like to listen to the erhu?"

Tang Xuan rubbed his hair: "No, I was just interested in the erhu for a while."

Lin Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She is a talented piano girl and doesn't want to learn to play the erhu.

The two walked into the square, looked in the direction where the erhu sound was coming from, and immediately saw an unusually crowded crowd somewhere.

[Wallis Guo] This period of time has been very nourishing.

Although there was only one believer, and he did not dare to let this believer perform sacrificial rituals that might lead to him being arrested, he still accumulated some magical power and initially improved his life.

For example, taking Erhu skills from entry point to master.

A true Erhu star!

These days, even old artists in the city come to his place to listen to music, and each time they spend generously, which frees him from the miserable situation of being forced to defraud children out of money while having cramps in his hands while not having enough to eat.

He now only plays two songs a day, not even one when the weather is bad. Gone are the days when I had to insist on playing the erhu in order to have enough food and clothing in the pouring rain.

Same today.

This was his first song. After finishing it, he sat here and chatted with people. I'll wait until the afternoon to play another song and call it a day.

But today is different too.

Because he found that there was a young man in the crowd who had been staring at him with strange eyes, as if he had some plot against him. [Wallis Guo] kept playing the piano, but he was muttering in his heart, is this guy trying to rob me?

Why don't we finish work early today?

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