I know this ancient god

Chapter 97 [Harmony and Friendship-2]

Tang Xuan waved to Lin Wan.

Lin Wan came back with Xiao Zhengtai in hand.

Xiao Zhengtai first threw herself into Guo Lisi's arms, then turned to cast a very unfriendly look at Tang Xuan.

"Ahan, he is not a bad person." Lin Wan paused, "He also asked me to buy you the 8024 limited collection of Iron Man."

Little Shota was stunned.

The thing Lin Wan mentioned was a precious figure that he had longed for and wished for. It's not a question of more money and less money, but that only five sets of this figure have been issued in the entire federation. The three sets that the manufacturer has sold so far have all fallen into the hands of people like him who are not short of money. Buyers have been found for the four units, and he has been tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep whenever he thinks about them these past two days.

Xiao Zhengtai said in surprise: "Really?"

Lin Wan smiled and nodded.

Although this set of figures is very precious, it is not difficult for someone of her status to obtain one. She can even urge the manufacturer to sell another set 'specifically' for Xiao Shota.

Tang Xuan winked at Guo Lisi.

Guo Lisi immediately said: "Yes, this big brother is a good man, you have misunderstood him."

Xiao Zhengtai immediately said to Tang Xuan with a grateful face: "I'm sorry! Brother, I misunderstood you. Thank you for letting Sister Wan'er buy me a figure. How much do you want, please tell me!"

Open a number? ! Tang Xuan was startled for a moment, thinking, is this the aura of Hao?

If you say that, then I won’t be your guest.

Lin Wan suddenly said: "Ahan, don't always use money to measure people and things. Big brother is not short of money, he just likes you."

Xiao Zhengtai looked at Tang Xuan with his big dark eyes, and he asked with some confusion: "Really?"

Tang Xuan held back his inner thoughts.

He smiled and said: "Of course!"

Xiao Zhengtai said in surprise: "Dad said that only those who don't talk about money with me can be my friends. Big brother, can you be my friend?"

Lin Wan nodded to Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan saw Lin Wan's signal, but he said: "Ahan, if someone doesn't talk to you about money, you should be wary, because he may want more than the person talking about money."

Xiao Zhengtai tilted his head in confusion: "Brother, I don't quite understand what you mean. Don't you want to be my friend?"

Tang Xuan reached out and rubbed his hair: "You will understand in the future. Let's wait until we grow up to talk about being friends."

Xiao Zhengtai nodded as if understanding.

Lin Wan looked at Tang Xuan in surprise. She was surprised that Tang Xuan would say such a thing.

Tang Xuan said to Guo Lisi again: "Do you remember what we just talked about?"

Guo Lisi nodded: "I don't dare to forget a word."

Tang Xuan stared at Guo Lisi's face for two seconds, making sure that Guo Lisi's expression was sincere enough, and then he felt relieved.

He turned to Lin Wan and said, "Let's go."

Lin Wan silently glanced at her watch, then raised her head and smiled sweetly: "Okay!"

Tang Xuan took Lin Wan and walked outside the square.

Guo Lisi's matter has come to an end for the time being. He believes that Guo Lisi will never dare to harm mankind again, but how to squeeze Guo Lisi's value needs to be considered in the long term.

Tang Xuan whispered: "Don't spread the news about that person, he doesn't want to join the God-Slaying Division."

Lin Wan nodded obediently: "I'll listen to you."

Tang Xuan took a deep breath: "Thank you!"

Lin Wan rolled her eyes and quietly took Tang Xuan's hand. Tang Xuan only struggled symbolically for two times before giving up.

Lin Wan was secretly happy. In order to relieve the embarrassment, she asked, "Do you know who that little boy was just now?"

Tang Xuan said nonchalantly: "He knows you, he must be a rich second generation!"

Lin Wan whispered: "His family is an arms manufacturer. They are the number one arms dealer in the Federation and produce two-fifths of the arms in the Federation. The Fuxi was built by their family."

Tang Xuan's expression gradually solidified.

Lin Wan added: "The little boy just now is the only child in their family, and he will inherit the family business in the future."

Tang Xuan seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking.

He had a new understanding of Lin Wan's social circle.

Lin Wan winked playfully: "Repent?"

Tang Xuan pursed his lips. He would be lying if he said he didn't regret it, but it was impossible for him to admit that he regretted it. He said in a strange way: "It's enough for me to have you."

Lin Wan's eyes widened.

Tang Xuan gritted his teeth in embarrassment. He felt his face burning. He didn't know how these words came out of his mouth.

"Well, let's go shopping?"

Lin Wan murmured: "Okay"

For the next half day, Lin Wan seemed to be sleepwalking. Sometimes she didn't even hear Tang Xuan talking to her.

This situation continued until Tang Xuan's watch vibrated.

"Tang Xuan, where are you?"

A serious face popped up in the watch.

Tang Xuan said seriously: "I was shopping with Lin Wan in Shang'anmen Commercial District, what happened?"

The serious face said: "Your leisure time is over. Now you have a new mission. Come back and pack your things. The spacecraft to pick you up has docked at Daxing Space City."

Tang Xuan looked at Lin Wan calmly from the corner of his eyes, and Lin Wan silently nodded to him.

Tang Xuan responded: "Understood! I'll go back right now."

beep (communication hung up)

Lin Wan whispered: "I have arranged everything for you, just go and go with confidence. Wait for me over there, I will be there soon."

They fly back to base on a space motorcycle.

As soon as Tang Xuan stepped through the door, he heard the sound of the game board vibrating crazily.

He stepped forward and opened it.

mission name:

【Harmony and Friendship-2】

Mission introduction:

This is a series of stories that resolve grievances for [Jigu].

Many years ago, [Jigu] did a small thing, which caused all the ancient gods who revived in the world to have a little misunderstanding with him.

Task tips:

When you have a distinguished status, people often cannot see the real you.

mission rewards:

If the number of failures is less than ten, the reward is [Light and Dark Sword and Shield Set]; if the number of failures is less than 100, the reward is [Bath of Light and Dark God’s Blood]; if the number of failures is less than 1,000, the reward is [Strong Kidneys].

Task notes:

You don’t need to have any extra thoughts about [strong kidneys], because you will be rewarded with [strong heart], [healthy liver], etc. in the future.

New task format is optional:

Time loop ①

Space-time interference ②

Your choice is____

(Aba Aba Aba)

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