! (Please order)

Time passed by, and the collision of ice and fire was still there: his heart continued.

The hot mist like magma desperately swallowed a cold current in his body, and his cold current was not far behind, and he did not succumb to the hot mist like magma.

The air of the cold current resisted desperately, using their biting cold hard to fight against the hot mist like magma.

The strong cold current and the magma-like hot mist fought in Ye Xuan's body.

This is a bitter Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's expression became more and more painful, and it seemed that he was already suffering from human torture. This pain was really hard for him to bear. The tearing pain and the collision of ice and fire made him feel unhappy. The intense pain made him unable to faint completely.

Although he still has no way to come and open his eyes, his divine consciousness still maintains a mental state.

Suffering! Absolute suffering! He is almost unable to bear it now, but he has to bear it.

It's like being tortured.Every time when you are about to faint, an enemy will always pour cold water over to keep yourself calm.At this time, a whip will fall again, making you feel unhappy.

I tore the pain that is generally unbearable, and I have to feel it, but I can't survive or die.

Ye Xuan gritted his teeth tightly and bit his lip within a short time, but the pain on his lips compared with the heart-piercing pain in his body was... insignificant.

There was no way to endure this kind of pain, but he had to endure it again.

Nowadays, a thin layer of sweat has emerged on his forehead, densely packed, and looks particularly shocking, and his face is also showing a pale color, and it looks particularly scary.

"Ye Xuan! Ye Xuan how are you doing!"

Minmin Temuir yelled in a particularly anxious manner, but she couldn't wake Ye Xuan at all, and Ye Xuan couldn't hear her calling, and the scene fell into a particularly rigid state for a while.

As for the dragon, it has been roaring here, but it didn't do anything against Minmin Temoor, I don't know why.

The dragon was actually there all the time: roaring on the spot, but it didn't hurt Minmin Temoor at all.Minmin Temoor was a little relieved when he saw it.

However, she still maintained a state of high tension.

If it is because of such a reason that he has lost his wealth and life, then he is really guilty. Waiting for Ye Xuan to wake up and see that he is dead, then it will be special. In short, he does not want Ye Xuan to be because of this. I worry about things and don't want this to happen to me.

For him, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible, and he has not left here, has been watching the movement of the dragon, and has been staring at Ye Xuan's situation, you can see It can be concluded that his mental power has entered a state of high tension.

The dragon kept roaring and looking at the drowsy Ye Xuan in front of him.

Just now, but this human being has been: provoking him, he has lived for more than 400 years, and has never met such a person.

This person actually dared to provoke his dignity, he definitely had to take care of this guy, but he couldn't cause any attack on this guy at all.

This makes him really angry, and he really has no way now.He can only watch the guy in front of him in a hurry.

He doesn't know what the barrier on Ye Xuan is. If he knows, if he knows how to remove that barrier, he must tear the barrier to pieces, and then he must tear Ye Xuan. Tear it to pieces and let Ye Xuan become an atom in the air.

At that time, he must make Ye Xuan pay the price of his life, to see who dares to challenge him, such a thing is absolutely impossible to happen again.

On Ye Xuan's side, he was once again in the deep and fierce waters.

These two different forces collide with each other, and each collision can bring a great impact to his body, and his meridians have been constantly changing under the collision of ice and fire.

Under the collision of these two powerful forces, the meridians were quickly expanded a lot, and that powerful force always made the meridians unbearable, causing the meridians to break up all at once.

The vitality brought by that strong force can prompt the rapid recovery of the meridians.

To be precise, it is restored to a broader extent than before.

Now his meridians have been washed away by this powerful force, I don't know how many times, and his meridians have been destroyed and repeated again and again, slowly becoming particularly rough.

Now if someone can recognize the condition of his meridians today, he will definitely find that his meridians have reached the level of indestructibility.No matter how the two powerful forces are washed, there is no way to make his meridians suffer any more impact.

Obviously, his meridians have reached an indestructible level, and this situation is definitely something people have never seen before.

After a period of running-in and collision, the power of ice and fire continued to wear away.It didn't take long for these two powerful forces to slowly become weak, and now these two powerful forces It has slowly become two small ones.

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in the body of difficulty, and the two small ones between his prompts quickly merged into a group, and then slowly dissipated in Ye Xuan's body.

Now Ye Xuan's brows are also slowly stretched, and the fine beads of sweat on his forehead no longer increase.

Because he no longer has the pain of the bone spur and the heart and lungs, the only pain he has is just the kind of pain caused by being bitten in the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and now his eyes were full of clarity.

The sharp rays of light bloomed in his eyes, and they looked particularly shocking.

The sharp light in the deep eyes can definitely bring a strong shock to people.

He stared at the giant dragon silently, as if he was going to put the giant dragon to death with his eyes.

And when the giant dragon saw this scene before him, he subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and he suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

Maybe I will die here today.

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