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The 159th Minmin Temoor's knife was at this moment when the giant dragon suddenly appeared in front of them and let out a loud roar again.

In an instant, Minmin Temoor vomited a mouthful of blood, and it could be seen that Minmin Temoor had reached a state of being about to collapse.

She kept yelling and yelling, and it seemed that she was about to be overwhelmed, and now he has been showing a particularly panic color on his face. It can be seen that Minmin Temoor is really terrified. Such a powerful coercion.

Ye Xuan has always expressed a particularly calm state.It seems that he is not afraid of such a coercion at all.In fact, he is really not afraid of this coercion.

Although this coercion looks particularly powerful, many players can't bear it, but he has a particularly powerful external system, and he also has a particularly strong physical quality, and Some powerful abilities in some other aspects.

His ability to withstand pressure is still good, so he can withstand such a pressure in front of him.

Although I can be touched by myself, I don't feel much.

"It's too painful, it's too painful, I can't bear it anymore"

Minmin Temoor kept rolling,,,It looked really uncomfortable, and she now kept some blood in her mouth, and he could see that he was really going to be unable to bear it anymore.

But Ye Xuan could see that even if he couldn't help, Minmin Temoor would not die, and Minmin Temoor would only become stronger little by little.

Of course, the most important thing for him now is...to deal with that behemoth, that is, the dragon.

This giant dragon unexpectedly appeared suddenly This period is very unexpected, and I am particularly wondering why this giant dragon suddenly appeared here.

It stands to reason that there really shouldn't be any living things within a hundred miles of this dialect, but there is a giant dragon here.

This kind of thing is too unreasonable, and the only explanation is that this giant dragon is indeed not sentenced, and I just destroyed the big one.

If this thing is not afraid of the big one at all, it means that this guy is indeed the same as that...big guy, and the strength of the two guys is about the same.

Otherwise, that... the giant dragon has already been wiped out early, and it can be seen that this giant dragon does have great abilities.

And myself, I also discovered this through the huge dragon and the roar of this dragon.Although this guy looks particularly ugly, but this guy does have a strong deterrent, and there is also a particularly powerful strength.

There is no way to make myself despise this point, and my own hopes to be able to deal with this guy properly.

In any case, these make me feel special and sincere, and I now especially hope to change these as soon as possible. For him, this is particularly good, and I must teach this guy well now. .

Ye Xuan silently picked up his proud Azure Dragon Sabre.

That knife is particularly sharp, and it cuts the iron like mud.It is really suitable for dealing with such a rough and thick skin.

To be honest, this sentence is too rough for me, and the flesh is thicker.If I use ordinary weapons, it will only destroy the weapon in vain, and it will not hurt this guy's fur at all.

On the contrary, the use of this Azure Dragon Knife is of great value.If this is the case, I can make a great achievement, and recently he also hopes to use this Azure Dragon Knife to clean up this guy.

After seeing this scene before him, Ye Xuan felt very happy in his heart. To be honest, he also wanted to deal with this guy. And now, I especially hope that I can use this guy to practice his hands. They are already able to deal with that... big, it is especially easy for me as a guy, and yourself, you have now discovered the lifeblood of this guy at the first glance, which is this guy's left ear.

This guy doesn't seem to be constructed like a human being.This guy seems to be able to determine the direction through his left ear, and also as an eye to look forward.

Because he found that there was no light in this guy's eyes, it seemed that this guy didn't use his eyes to pay attention to anything, and he also proved this through some methods.

I deliberately just waved my hand in front of this guy's eyes, only to find that this guy's eyes didn't even blink.

On the contrary, this guy's ears moved a bit, especially the left ear moved even more, which means that the ears are equivalent to the eyes and can be used.

If you can destroy this ear, it is equivalent to destroying this guy's eyes, and this guy's vision will also be hindered to a certain extent.

It can be seen that as long as he can chop off this guy's ears, then this guy will lose a role in hearing and vision.

I figured it out, this point of wisdom is difficult, and I am determined to get this guy's ears off. Then this guy will have no hearing and eyesight, which means that I can't see or touch anything in this house. , In such a state, can't I squeeze this guy into a round? It was a yelling word next to this guy, this guy couldn't hear it, and as long as it was his own breath, it was enough.

What do you want to do then.

This guy can only attack everywhere without any regularity, and he can completely grasp the lifeline of this guy, and he can completely attack this guy, and he can learn a lesson.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, in fact, this move has indeed been used many times, and he also understands this aspect.

After understanding this, Ye Xuan had already made a decision.

If this is the case, then he can also conquer Minmin Temuir's weapons.

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