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After Qin Xuan took this guy's life with a single blow, he turned his target to another position.He knew that there were some other people waiting for him in this place.If he was not careful, then the consequences would be real. It's unimaginable, and I have to deal with all these people.

It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of footsteps again, and Qin Xuan also immediately got a twelve-point spirit. He knew that he was about to join a battle right now. If he couldn't be more careful, Then there will be some problems at that time, and I also subconsciously made a defensive action.

It didn't take long for a group of people to rush over, and all of them seemed to be particularly fierce. Now, I also discovered that these people didn't seem to have much energy.After seeing this scene before him, Qin Xuan suddenly smiled.To be honest, he certainly did not expect that these people did not have much of my ability.

In such a place where a strong person is like a forest, if you don't have much ability, you may suffer a loss, and these people actually rushed towards themselves. Is this not putting yourself in the eyes, don't you know yourself? Is it a God of War? Qin Xuan has no doubt that these people are all people who come to die. Because these people simply don't have much abilities, I am a son who doesn't bother me too much for people like me, how about you? , Even dealing with characters like Thunder Wars is very easy.

Both himself and Lei Zhan can easily recruit, and they have never suffered anything in the hands of Lei Zhan.

But now these people will actually rush over. These people don't have that great ability. Wouldn't it be as difficult as climbing to the sky to deal with themselves? After seeing this scene, Qin Xuan's heart was a little calmer. After a moment, he didn't think that these people were actually some mercenaries, so-called mercenaries, that is...a group of desperadoes, and these people have no feelings.

They have only one thing to complete the task, and they now regard themselves as a task goal, as long as they kill themselves, it is estimated that they will complete the task.

However, how can I let these mercenaries complete the task?If the task completed by these mercenaries is equivalent to facing death, and myself, I also don't want such a thing to happen to me. Body.

If a person lives in this world, who wants to be killed? If it is killed by others, wouldn't it be a great shame, and if I live well, naturally I don't want anything to be felt for him. It's special, but he, now I have seen this group of people, in fact, there is nothing at all that they can do everything in order to be able to complete the task, especially these mercenaries who don't seem to have a particularly strong killing spirit. Some people who have just started this business, it is estimated that these people have not been fighting on this kind of killing battlefield for many years.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have such a superficial killing air in my body.If I didn't feel it carefully, I wouldn't be able to feel it at all.This made me very surprised, and I had to face these things well, for him. It is obviously very important to say this.If you can handle all of these, then the result will make you particularly satisfied.

"Huo, I didn't expect that there are some guys who are not afraid of death, but it doesn't matter. Since you are all here, then don't even think about going back."

Qin Xuan said with a smile, the smile that can be seen is particularly irritating to Mei Shanmu, but, although he is smiling, but he has a particularly strong heart of killing, and he can see that it is really special and terrifying. .

Although he has a particularly bright and sunny smile on his face, everyone has a particularly shuddering feeling after seeing his smile. Such a smile pose brings a particularly terrifying feeling to people. Just like a demon from the Yin Cao Jifu, this guy is simply...a demon, it is really terrifying, and it brings them a particularly shocking feeling.

After seeing this scene, a few mercenaries were shocked. They didn't expect that there would be such a thing. In their eyes, this really shocked them, and the expressions of their people also came from I was particularly surprised inside, I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"kill him!"

One of the mercenaries picked up a knife and said loudly. In an instant, a group of mercenaries rushed towards it. Holding the mercenary was particularly neat and tidy, and he took the lead to tear it with the knife. Qin Xuan, but Qin Xuan is a person who is afraid.

He has never worried about these problems, and he is not afraid of these little guys at all. Soon he wandered among these mercenaries, and soon he started fighting with these mercenaries, it seems His position didn't look flustered at all.

And he is not panicked at all, not scared at all, it seems that it is in his eyes, this is especially easy, and he is also able to move around in it, and go desperately among this group of people. Fighting, it seems that I really don't worry about anything at all, and I am now fighting these guys as much as possible.

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