! (Please order)

No. 182, this is the blood capital! But now Minmin Temoor gave herself so many diamonds, these should be regarded as the blood capital for Minmin Temoor, she did not expect Minmin Temu to speak of it. Cape Irvine: With Ken, I have given myself such a big capital.

Speaking of it, Minmin Temoor is usually enough for Tsundere, and every time he likes to take a small bargain, every time he finds something after he meets himself, this guy wants to go and ask for some, every time. It was the request of thick eyelids, and I was embarrassed not to give it.

So naturally, I was willing to give these things, but I never gave any diamonds at the time. At that time, Minmin Temoor himself had been working hard to complete various tasks, through such a task. After completing the reward, I got a lot of diamonds.

In this way, 200 diamonds were accumulated, but now this guy actually gave himself more than 100 diamonds.

I know that I am particularly surprised. Diamonds are the most important thing for these players. It is the most useful to redeem some coupons or other cards and the like.

On the other hand, in some equipment, there are some high-level equipment, but they are not suitable for this player at all, because the attributes of each player are different.

So naturally, they need some particularly suitable equipment, and they exchange cards, coupons, and some diamonds such as cards, which are very useful.

As long as they can exchange a lot of cards, coupons and cards through diamonds, they can come, collect as many equipment as possible, there are enough cards, and they can come after a certain number of them. Exchange some equipment they want.

And the attributes are set by them, no matter

Whether it is attack attribute or defensive attribute, they can all be selected, and physical defense tower defense can be selected, and even some auxiliary equipment are all customizable by them.

If they can meet a certain amount, they can actually choose the equipment that is particularly suitable for them. Of course, the card must be enough. This is why they have been working hard to collect all kinds of diamonds. .

Regardless of

Whether it is a blue diamond or a white diamond, they are all taken as per order, and generally blue diamonds are generally used.A blue diamond is equivalent to a diamond, and a white diamond is equivalent to 100 diamonds.

It's a pity that Min Min Te Moore only got more than 200 blue diamonds, and he has never got a white diamond. This makes Min Min Te Moore particularly disappointed.

To be honest, Minmin Temoor's luck is not very good. Although he has not suffered any major injuries, and his level has improved very quickly, but he has not obtained a lot, and the number of diamonds has also been slightly reduced. .

On the other hand, all the other players have white diamonds, which can be displayed, although they can't tell how many color diamonds these people have.

But it can be seen that there are manifestations on these people, there are things like white diamonds, and white diamonds can be exchanged for more things, and some.

There are also some cards that can only be exchanged for white diamonds, while blue diamonds cannot be exchanged at all.

Moreover, no matter how many blue diamonds there are, they cannot be exchanged for white diamonds.This is why people desperately get white diamonds, and these players also treat these diamonds as treasures.

In the absence of enough white diamonds, they are desperately trying to accumulate blue diamonds, and they can get blue diamonds when they complete some tasks, and of course, they also have a chance to get blue when they swipe the treasure chest. Of diamonds.

It's just that the possibility of getting it is not very great.It depends on luck.In fact, they have already bought a lot of treasure chests, but every time there is no diamond in the treasure chest.

On the contrary, the system gave him some diamonds, otherwise he didn't actually have any diamonds.In fact, for him, this also made him somewhat helpless.

I didn't expect that my luck was so bad that I couldn't find a diamond.Fortunately, there was only a particularly powerful system.Otherwise, I didn't even have a diamond. Wouldn't it be particularly embarrassing.

After all, do you have...Diamonds will be displayed on your own page. It is suitable for others to look at their own pages to check their attributes, and they can also check whether they have blue diamonds and white diamonds.

The result is now better. Although I have blue, I don’t have white diamonds. I am afraid that many people will roll their eyes. After all, white diamonds are a symbol of a person's strength. Generally speaking, people who are particularly strong tend to There are white diamonds, only those... who have been resurrected can't come, there is such a kind of good luck.

Because people who have been resurrected have no chance to get white diamonds, and even if their strength competition reaches a certain level, and they can return to their original state, the possibility of getting white diamonds does not exist at all.

Only after completing some specific tasks can you get diamonds, but those... specific tasks are often particularly difficult, requiring them to pay the price of nine deaths. It is possible that these people dare not take risks at all, and they are likely to just After accepting the task, it didn't take long for him to retreat.

"Well, I'll transfer these diamonds to you, of course, if I pay a lot for you next, if you feel uncomfortable, you can give me some equipment, even if I can't use it: it's your heart. , How can you say that you have paid some price, so it's okay.

After all, you now have too few diamonds. I know how many diamonds you have, so you don't have to embarrass yourself, and I don't need too many diamonds."

What Ye Xuan said is true. He didn't lack these diamonds in the first place. He owns a lot of diamonds, and he doesn't have much feeling about these diamonds.

In fact, for him, diamonds can be exchanged for some cards, as well as card coupons. Card coupons can only be exchanged for some favorite equipment, and he already has enough equipment now, so naturally These diamonds are not very useful.

Even carrying cards and cards is of no use to him.In his eyes, these are of no value at all, and it is not as useful as experience.

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