I Lead the Progress of Civilization

Chapter 500 Factory speech

When reporting to Liu Qiming, Li Guodong was always full of vigor and stance.

Hear here.

Liu Qiming nodded repeatedly and asked Li Guodong directly: "Chief Engineer Li, now, the spacecraft manufacturing production line, as well as the laser cannon production line, and the photon shield production line drawings. Would you like to design it?"

Hearing this, Li Guodong immediately persuaded.

With so many things, it is not only in the "one-to-three-seven" period, but also in the knowledge, full understanding, strong control, and overall control of the entire industry before they can be designed!

The difficulty can be said to belong to the category of cutting-edge science!

"Ah no, no, no, chief teacher, this is for you to come here, I am actually a factory management, it is okay to do product quality, design is really not good, you put so much on me, it is estimated that I will be a year Can't figure it out

Hearing this Li Guodong, Liu Qiming laughed and said, "It’s good to know. Lao Li, since we have to pay attention to production, we have to pay close attention to quality. Understand that our original design has been simplified. Many, so in terms of quality, it must be excellent!"

"Okay, Master! I understand!"

After some conversation.

Liu Qiming started to work on the design of several other production lines!


For the entire industry situation, there are spacecraft, energy sources, laser cannons, and photon shields are also good. It can be said that the relevant near-air flight technology is barely available!

The rest is a productivity issue!

What Liu Qiming wants to build is a group of factories with super-capacity, and these are completely dependent on the production of only chemical industrial robots!

It can be said that this is a new level of production capacity upgrade, intelligent manufacturing!

Therefore, when Liu Qiming was designing, he did not only consider the Fan Guowei that the Big Mac can greatly transform, but thought of a very long-term future.

That is, the entire factory is unmanned and industrial robots control it!

Time is in a hurry, and a week has passed at the first sight!

this day.

When Liu Qiming completed all the designs, he checked the date, and it was also the time for Li Weiwei and others to fully start construction.

Liu Qiming took the drawing and went directly to the super factory!

Early in the morning, the super factory is very busy!

Li Guodong was giving all the workers management advice in the factory yard, and the morning meeting was held, and Liu Qiming arrived directly

As soon as he came over, Liu Qiming greeted everyone directly.

"Today I am fortunate to meet our chief designer Mr. Liu Qiming, let us all welcome Mr. Liu to speak!" Li Guodong said excitedly.

The management of many super factories, as well as the workers, applauded one after another.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Qiming is like a god-like existence, a mystery!

At this time, seeing real people, many people's eyes flashed with excitement, and some even took out their mobile phones and started recording videos.

Liu Qiming did not oppose everyone's enthusiasm, and came to the front very generously.

Looking at everyone, Liu Qiming smiled and said: "3.5 Hello, everyone, I am Liu Qiming."

Just a word, everyone suddenly boiled!

And this time.

Many news media seemed to have heard the news, like flies looking for food, they got the news in an instant and rushed over.

As soon as Liu Qiming started speaking, many reporters drove the car and rushed directly into the super factory.

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