\"Lucifer...\" Lin Qiye hadn't reacted to the huge amount of information sent by Zhao Kongcheng, and was stunned for a long time.

\"So, you mean...after the appearance of that fog, the gods in the myth have inexplicably appeared one after another?\"

\"That's right, the high-level has been exploring the reasons behind this incident, and speculated that there are two possibilities.\"Zhao Kongcheng stretched out two fingers:

\"The first type, these gods themselves do not exist, but when the mist appears, some mysterious changes occur, making them concrete from the mythology.\"

\"The second type, the myth is not the fantasy of the ancients, but a real existence. After the human beings became more active, they were lurking somewhere on the earth for some reason, and the sudden appearance of the fog awakened them.\"

Lin Qiye nodded, \"Then what do you mean by not all gods exist?\"

\"There are not many gods that exist on the earth now, and not all mythical creatures have descended here. What appears now is only a small part of the huge mythological system. We don't know why they are, and it has nothing to do with strength , has nothing to do with the spread of the story, has nothing to do with good and evil, and has nothing to do with national boundaries. Their appearance seems to be irregular, just randomly generated.

Not only the "Bible", Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Cthulhu mythology... Among the gods known to mankind, it covers all mythological systems. \”

\"Since it is all the mythology system, what about the gods of our Great Xia?" Lin Qiye asked curiously: \"For example, the Monkey King, the third prince, the four heavenly kings, the Jade Emperor... Where are they? If they If it exists, it must be able to hang up the Western mythology, right?\”

After a short silence, Zhao Kongcheng shook his head, \"We have thought about what you think, and in the past hundred years, we have explored countless times in the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom, trying to find their whereabouts...

But for a whole hundred years, we haven't found it, not even a land father-in-law.

Some people say that this is because the fog has not swallowed Daxia, so the myth of Daxia will not appear.

There are also people who say...\"

Lin Qiye couldn't help asking: \"What did someone say?\"

\"There are also those who say...they've been there.\"

\"always there?\"

\"Why do you think the whole earth is engulfed by the mist, and only Daxia survived? The mist has come around Daxia, but it is blocked by the border and cannot enter?\"

Lin Qiye opened his mouth wide, \"You mean...\"

\"This is just a guess, or... a beautiful fantasy. \"Zhao Kongcheng shook his head, \"In any case, we have not found any trace of the Great Xia God.\"

\"All right.\"

Just from the amount of information he heard now, Lin Qiye already felt that his worldview had collapsed. If he hadn't witnessed the existence of Seraphim, he might have called the mental hospital to drag Zhao Kongcheng away.

This disease is worse than he was back then!

\"Then last night, what was the golden beam of light that emanated from my body? \" Lin Qiye asked the next question.

\"Forbidden Ruins.\" Zhao Kongcheng replied, \"After the mist covered the earth, the changes that took place were not limited to the appearance of gods. These mist also seemed to have a mysterious effect on our human body.

Although these mists have not entered the territory of Daxia, it seems to contain some kind of energy similar to radiation inside, which has a catalytic effect on some people's bodies. Children born after the fall of the mists have a chance to produce a strange kind of energy in their bodies. the power of.

After some specific environmental influences, these forces will be stimulated to form a special force that can affect the real environment, just like a field, and the characteristics of these forces vary from person to person.

And this kind of extraordinary field that can affect the surroundings by itself is called the 'Forbidden Ruins'. \”

Lin Qiye was thoughtful.

To put it simply, \"Forbidden Ruins\" is the super power domain of some lucky people.

From this point of view, I can use a method similar to spiritual perception to perceive everything within a radius of 20 meters. At the same time, I have extremely strong dynamic vision, and I can also use the power of the blazing angel, which is also a manifestation of the Forbidden Ruins.

\"Can this forbidden market grow?\"

\"Yes, the ability, scope, and specificity of the Forbidden Ruins will all increase with the increase of the owner's spiritual power. Spiritual power is an important criterion affecting the strength of the Forbidden Ruins.

Through spiritual power, we divided the Forbidden Ruins into six realms.

Mental power is like a cup of water, less and not moving, it is called the first state "zhan" state;

Mental power is like the water in a pond, it is too much and does not move, so it is called the second state 'Pond' state;

If it is like a river of water, it is abundant and flowing, and it is called the third realm, the "river" realm;

If it is like the water of the ocean, vast and vast, it is called the fourth realm "sea" realm;

If the spiritual power is almost endless, vast and majestic, it is the fifth state of "immeasurable";

If the spiritual power is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, breaking the dimension of space, similar to a Klein bottle, it is the sixth state 'Klein'. \”

\"What about me? What state am I now?\" Lin Qiye asked.

\"You? You are now a 'Zhan' state, just a newcomer who has just been able to use the Forbidden Ruins. \"Zhao Kongcheng seems to like the feeling of hitting Lin Qiye very much,\"It can only be regarded as...um...slightly powerful Ordinary people.\”

Lin Qiye was speechless immediately.

From this point of view, the reason why he was able to open the door of the mental hospital in his mind last night should be because he broke through into the \"zhan\" realm, which is also the reason why he was able to open the door of Nyx's ward.

Does that mean that every time he breaks through to a new level in the future, he will be able to release another patient?

\"What about you? You are so powerful, what level is it?\" Lin Qiye looked at Zhao Kongcheng and asked.

Zhao Kongcheng blushed, and turned his head to look out the window in embarrassment, \"I, myself... Without the Forbidden Ruins, I naturally have no spiritual power.\"

\"You don't have Forbidden Ruins?\" Lin Qiye stared wide-eyed, \"Then how did you kill that monster?\"

Lin Qiye was really shocked. Even he with abnormal dynamic vision could barely deal with that kind of monster. At that time, Zhao Kongcheng was completely suppressing the opponent. How could such a fierce person not have the Forbidden Ruins?

\"That thing is called a ghost-faced man.\"Zhao Kongcheng corrected,\"I killed it only by relying on years of training and rich combat experience. Before joining the night watchman, I was a special soldier, proficient in melee combat.\"

Zhao Kongcheng continued to add: \"There are three ways to obtain the Forbidden Ruins, one is what I just said, only a small number of lucky people can be born with the talent to use the Forbidden Ruins;

The second is to use the items that have the Forbidden Ruins. It is not only people who can be affected by the fog to possess Forbidden Ruins, some items will also possess Forbidden Ruins by chance. This kind of Forbidden Ruins is generally extremely special and rare. If humans can control them, they can also use the power of Forbidden Ruins.

I belong to the second type, but the forbidden items I own are not offensive items, but the unique standard auxiliary forbidden items of the night watchman, the 'signpost', which has only one function...

Just open the 【No Ring Airspace】! \”


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