The moment this grimace appeared, Zhao Kongcheng felt that the world was turned upside down, and an unprecedented sense of dizziness came to his heart.

He frowned tightly and tensed his body before he managed to stabilize his figure.

In his field of vision, everything in front of him is like a spinning kaleidoscope, scattered and untraceable.

\"Too can still use the Forbidden Ruins, and now I'm stumped...\" Zhao Kongcheng muttered to himself, and the words Wu Xiangnan said before the battle resurfaced in his mind.

\"... Forbidden Ruins Sequence 176, [Ghost Face], within the scope of Forbidden Ruins, can deceive the perception of all creatures whose realm is less than or equal to itself, and reverse the concept of space.

In the ghost face land, up and down, left and right, and front and back will change at any time according to the will of the ghost face king. Although to a certain extent, you can rely on your own consciousness and experience to contend, but there is no doubt that in this forbidden ruins, all of your own Attack methods will be affected, and combat power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, except for the captain who is also in the 'Chuan' realm, all other members cannot fight the Ghost Face King head-on, otherwise it will only be a dead end...\”

It really is an extremely disgusting Forbidden Ruins... Zhao Kongcheng, as a person who experienced it himself, truly realized the abnormality of this Forbidden Ruins.

So, in this forbidden ruins, the captain forcibly hacked the ghost-faced king into serious injuries?

He is also a pervert!

Zhao Kongcheng took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

\"Ho ho ho ho!!!\"

Roaring sounds came from all directions, and it was impossible to determine the location of the ghost-faced king. The ground trembled slightly, and Zhao Kongcheng could feel that the ghost-faced king was approaching rapidly!

Where will it come from?

In reality.

On the weird and hideous ghost face, Zhao Kongcheng closed his eyes, standing there like a statue, holding the knife in both hands and pointing forward, frowning.

He didn't notice at all that Ghost Face King had quietly moved behind him.

In Zhao Kongcheng's perception, the sight, hearing, smell, and touch are all changing rapidly, as if he was stuffed into a super powerful drum washing machine. Wrong information flooded his mind, making him unable to distinguish reality. everything in the world.

The ghost face king's eyes stared at Zhao Kongcheng who didn't know it, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his pale face.

It bent down slightly, and then smashed through the rain curtain like a giant cannonball. It was so fast that it dragged out an afterimage, and its sharp claws drew a few cold rays, and slashed towards Zhao Kongcheng's neck!

It seemed to have a premonition of the scene of warm blood gushing out and covering its body.

But just when its sharp claws were about to touch Zhao Kongcheng's body, a sudden change occurred!

Zhao Kongcheng's back seemed to have eyes, and he staggered away, narrowly avoiding the claws of the ghost face king!

Immediately afterwards, the straight knife in his hand drew a long arc in the rain, and took the ghost-faced king's head straight!


There was a sharp collision sound, and the Ghost Face King held Zhao Kongcheng's blade tightly with his hand, and then kicked out, kicking Zhao Kongcheng's whole body away like a sandbag!

But even so, it couldn't hide the shock in its eyes.

It couldn't figure out how Zhao Kongcheng sensed its attack.

Zhao Kongcheng fell heavily to the ground, screamed in pain, and struggled to get up from the ground, but the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

\"Are you surprised or surprised?\"

Zhao Kongcheng supported his body with a straight knife and smiled, his smile was full of sarcasm.

\"Your Forbidden Ruins is really perverted. Normally, I would have fallen for you and died in your hands. It's a pity...\"

Zhao Kongcheng stretched out a finger and pointed to the sky, \"It's raining today.\"

\"You can deceive the perception of creatures, but you can't hinder the rainwater falling by gravity. The rainwater falling on the surface of my skin will bring me a sense of touch.

You can change my sense of touch, making me feel that rain is falling on me from all directions... And I can also use this to deduce the real direction!

As long as you know a standard direction, the rest is much simpler. \”

Zhao Kongcheng grinned, spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and raised the straight knife in his hand, pointing the blade at the ghost-faced king.

\"It's not that I'm bragging, if I also have Forbidden Ruins, you'd have died 800 times!\"

\"Ho ho ho ho!!\"

The ghost-mask king was successfully enraged by Zhao Kongcheng, and ran towards him crazily. Zhao Kongcheng continued to close his eyes, predicting the direction of the ghost-mask king's coming.

Ding ding ding! !

Zhao Kongcheng and the ghost-faced king fought together. Relying on his own terrifying fighting intuition and experience, Zhao Kongcheng fought against the ghost-faced king several times!

But that's all.

Under the full attack of the Ghost Face King, the mortal Zhao Kongcheng couldn't hold on very quickly, and he seized the opportunity to hit his chest hard, directly smashing two ribs, and flew out backwards.

This time, it took Zhao Kongcheng five seconds to barely stand up.

If it wasn't for the straight knife to block part of the damage, this blow would have been enough to kill him.

\"Cough, cough...\" He coughed up several mouthfuls of blood one after another, and his face was extremely pale.

The figure of the ghost face king stood tall in the rain, with awe-inspiring eyes, approaching him step by step...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Zhao Kongcheng!

\"Zhao Kongcheng! Zhao Kongcheng!!

——Zhao Kongcheng! ! ! \”

Zhao Kongcheng was taken aback for a moment, he vaguely felt... the voice seemed familiar.

Wait, it's not fucking...

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he chose to remain silent.

His eyes are full of complexity.


At this moment, outside the 【No Ring Airspace】.

Lin Qiye stood near the open space, his hair was wet by the rain, but he didn't know it, and shouted at the top of his voice:

\"Zhao Kongcheng! Don't hide! I know you are near here!\"

After Lin Qiye shouted, he calmed down and listened for a while, but there was nothing but the sound of rain.

\"Damn it, the bat clearly saw a man in a cloak and a monster disappearing here, so why didn't it... Could it be that it was a mistake?\"

Lin Qiye frowned and looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

I saw three weird signboards standing there alone more than ten meters away from him.

Lin Qiye stepped forward, wiped off the rainwater on the notice board with his hands, and read the words on it softly.

\"Forbidden ahead? When did this sign stand here? And... this layout is too weird.\"

Lin Qiye lowered his head and pondered, suddenly, as if he remembered something, his eyes gradually lit up.

\"He seems to have said that his Forbidden Ruins is an auxiliary Forbidden Ruins that hides the battlefield. What does it seem to be called...【No Ring Space】?\"

Lin Qiye carefully looked at the three notice boards in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and shouted again at the top of his voice:

\"Zhao Kongcheng! I know you are in the Wujie airspace! You open the door and let me in!!\"

One second, two seconds...

Zhao Kongcheng's voice came faintly from behind the notice board:

\"You don't eat at night, you run out for a walk! Get out of me!!\"

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