\"Oh.\" Lin Qiye's expression was very calm.

Wen Qimo looked at him in surprise, \"Oh? Gone?\"

\"What else is there?\"

\"Is there no feeling of excitement and enthusiasm at all?\"

\"A little bit, but only a little bit.\" Lin Qiye replied lightly, \"I am not interested in promotion or anything.\"

Wen Qimo gave him a weird look, \"Forgot that you are a 'heretic' who will betray the Night Watchman ten years later.\"

Lin Qiye was noncommittal, and continued to ask: \"According to your words, these four special teams are already the ceiling of Great Xia's combat power?\"

\"Of course not, they may be the ceiling of the team's combat power among the night watchmen, but they are definitely not the ceiling of Da Xia's combat power.\"

\"You mean, in Daxia, there are organizations like the Night Watchman?\"

\"No, there is only one night watchman in Daxia, but above the night watchman, there are five human ceilings.\"

\"Human Ceiling?\"

\"As the name suggests, it is the peak combat power that human beings can achieve. Because the strength is close to the ancient gods in mythology, they are also called 'half gods'.\"

\"With a mortal body, comparable to a god?\"

\"Although I know you are applying classic lines from film and television, it is indeed the case.\"Wen Qimo looked up at the night sky, eyes full of admiration,

\"These five people are the pillars of mankind, and also the only hope that mankind can see in this vast fog.\"

\"who are they?\"

\"I don't know, they are too far away from us, few people have seen their appearance and know their names, but... there are some interesting rumors.\"

\"What rumor?\"

\"These five human ceilings are called a sword, a horse, a statue, a nothingness, and a master.\"

\"Sword, cavalry, honor, nothingness, master... What kind of rumor is this? There is no useful information at all, right?\"

\"It is said that the supreme commander of our night watchman is 'one' of the five human ceilings, but... no one has seen him take action for a long, long time.\"

\"I have a question.\"

\"go ahead.\"

\"Have humans...killed gods until now?\" Lin Qiye pointed to the sky, \"It's not that kind of weird mythical creature, it exists in mythology, a real ancient god!\"

Wen Qimo was silent for a moment, then shook his head, \"I don't know, but I don't think there should be...

In the vast fog, human beings are like blindfolded lambs. We don't know what happened in this world, and we don't know when the end will come.

In this era when the existence of gods has been confirmed, if humans really kill a god, it will inevitably cause panic among all other gods. In this way, they are likely to join hands to destroy humans first. The situation is even more serious! \”

Lin Qiye nodded, \"I understand.\"

\"Anything else to ask?\"

Lin Qiye pondered for a moment, \"Is there any welfare subsidy for the temporary team members?\"


\"Then there is no other problem.\"

\"So you ask so many questions, only the last one is the most concerned?\"

\"Of course.\" Lin Qiye nodded as a matter of course, \"What kind of special team, human ceiling... those things are too far away from me, I like to keep my feet on the ground.\"

\"Okay...\" Wen Qimo turned his head and asked: \"Are you sleepy?\"

\"not sleepy.\"

\"Then I will take you to a place.\"

\"Is it serious in the middle of the night?\"

\"...serious.\"Wen Qimo's mouth twitched.

\"That's fine.\" Lin Qiye said, \"Don't forget, I'm still underage.\"

Wen Qimo: ...


A few minutes later, the car slowly stopped in a deserted wilderness.

Lin Qiye opened the door and got off the car, looked around, looking at Wen Qimo with vigilance.

\"Why did you bring me here?\"

Wen Qimo silently rolled his eyes, pointed to a cemetery not far away, \"There.\"

Lin Qiye looked in the direction of his finger and fell silent.

He could vaguely guess why Wen Qimo brought him here.

The two walked straight along the narrow path, and soon came to the periphery of the cemetery.

This cemetery is not big. Compared with the cemetery on the edge of the city, it is obviously a lot smaller, but whether it is the workmanship of the tombstones or the spacing between the tombstones, it is far from what ordinary cemeteries can compare.

The tombstones here seem to be more refined and orderly.

\"here is……\"

\"The cemetery of the night watchman stationed in Cangnan City.\"Wen Qimo said calmly, \"From the 1936 Daxia Special Biological Response Team officially transformed into the 'Night Watchman', after adopting the management form of one city and one team, This place was classified as the final destination of the night watchmen in Cangnan City after they died in battle.

Of course, this is only the default destination. When everyone formally joins the Night Watchman squad, they can state whether they will enter the Night Watchman Cemetery after death, be cremated, or be buried in their hometown, etc...

At that time, Zhao Kongcheng chose to be buried in the cemetery of the night watchman. He said that he had too much blood on his body, and if he went back to the cemetery of his ancestors, he was afraid that he would scare the ancestors. \”

As he spoke, Wen Qimo smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if he saw the scene when Zhao Kongcheng said this heartlessly again.

Lin Qiye silently looked at the tombstones everywhere, frowning slightly: \"So many...\"

In this cemetery, there are at least sixty or seventy different tombstones, and most of them are new ones.

\"From 1936 to the present, it has been 85 years.\"Wen Qimo said with emotion, \"In the beginning, our sacrifices were really not many. After all, there will not be a few mythical creatures in each city every year. Even if there are , the realm is not high.

But as time went by, the mythical creatures descended faster and faster, and their strength became more and more terrifying, and our casualties... more and more.

Nearly half of the tombstones you see were sacrificed in the past two decades.

Before Captain Chen Muye came to guard Cangnan City, it was said that two players would die here every year. It was not until the captain came that the death rate dropped significantly. \”

The taciturn figure in black appeared in Lin Qiye's mind, and he couldn't help admiring him.

\"But Zhao Kongcheng just died tonight, and his tombstone has already been done?" Lin Qiye suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously.


\"Then we come here...\"

Wen Qimo raised his hand and pointed to the distance, \"Look at that.\"

Lin Qiye looked along his hand, and saw a glimmer of light in the dark cemetery.

Under the dim light, Hongying sat beside an open space with red eyes, holding a tablet without characters in her hand, and a carving pen in her right hand, carving little by little.

Tears slid down her cheeks onto the monument, and she hastily wiped them away.

At this moment, how can she still have half of the vitality before?

\"She... didn't she say to practice guns?\" Lin Qiye stared blankly at this scene.

\"She lied.\"Wen Qimo shook his head,\"The tombstone of the night watchman is carved by the deceased's teammates. This is an unwritten rule. Originally, this monument should be carved by me.

Although she didn't say it, I knew very well in my heart that she was actually the one who most wanted to help Zhao Kongcheng carve a stele.

They have a good relationship, really good.

So even though she lied and said such nonsense, I still turned a blind eye and let her engrave the stele secretly. \”

Lin Qiye and Wen Qimo stood there quietly, staring at Hongying who was engraving the stele, without speaking for a long time.

under the hazy moonlight,

In the silent cemetery,

Only the carving knife in Hongying's hand let out a slight mournful cry.

\"Aren't you going to say hello?\" After a while, Lin Qiye asked Wen Qimo.

\"Going to say hello now will embarrass her, her skin is too thin.\"

\"But we are like this... It feels like a pervert who is peeping at other people's secrets.\" Lin Qiye felt a little awkward.

Wen Qimo turned to look at him, with a smile in his eyes,

\"Do you think...the only 'perverts' peeping beside us are the two of us?\"

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