I Learn To Kill Gods In A Mental Hospital

Chapter 35 We Are Regular Army

Under the warm light, the tip of the spear radiated a little cold light.

What the hell... She actually hid a spear in her room? !

Lin Qiye swallowed, and hurriedly said: \"No, Sister Hongying...I just want to ask...do you have paper and pen here?\"

Hongying was taken aback, \"It's late at night, why do you need a pen and paper?\"

\"write a letter.\"

\"Well...it seems to be, you wait here a moment!\" Hongying put the spear in her hand aside, and went back to the room to rummage through the boxes.

Standing at the door, Lin Qiye could clearly see what was going on in Hongying's room.

Unexpectedly, Hongying's room is very simple, even crude.

In this room, there is only a hard board bed, a lamp, a desk, and a plush doll beside the bed.

There is no extra decoration, no expensive Simmons, no sofa, no air conditioner... It is hard for Lin Qiye to imagine that in such a luxurious villa, Hongying's room can be so simple.

Rather than saying it is the master bedroom of a villa, it is more appropriate to say it is an ascetic monk's thatched cottage.

Only that cute plush doll is the only thing in this room that matches Hongying's age.

\"Paper...paper, paper...found!\" Hongying's eyes lit up, she walked to the door with a pen and a few pieces of paper, and handed them to Lin Qiye.

\"Sister Hongying, you usually... sleep here?\"

Hongying glanced back and nodded, \"As a night watchman, you can't be too indulged in material enjoyment, you have to hone your will all the time... If this villa is not my parents' legacy and needs to be taken care of frequently, I might have sold it long ago and went back to the dormitory.\”

Lin Qiye was silent for a moment, \"I see, thank you...good night.\"

\"Good night, you go to bed early too.\" Hongying smiled and waved to him, and gently closed the door.

Lin Qiye went downstairs, sat down on the chair in the living room, and turned on a bright light above his head.

On the table is a piece of paper and a pen.

The lonely chirping of cicadas sounded faintly outside the window, the scorching heat of the summer night was swept away after the rain, and the silhouettes of leaves were projected on the table by the moonlight...

Lin Qiye sat at the table with a pen in his hand, motionless.

I don't know how long it has passed, he is writing lightly,

Write the first line on paper.

\"To aunt, Yang Jin...\"



Yang Jin shook his aunt who was sleeping on the dining table, and shouted softly.

My aunt opened her hazy eyes, raised her head slowly, rubbed her sore neck with one hand and asked: \"What's wrong? Is your brother back?\"

Yang Jin shook his head, \"No, but there is a letter under the door.\"


\"Well! It seems to be written by my brother.\"

\"Xiao Qi? Come on, open it and have a look!\" Auntie said anxiously, and opened the letter while looking at Yang Jin and said: \"This child, he didn't come back all night, and he didn't say hello. He even arrived at the door. don't come in,

He... What does he mean by inserting a letter? \”

Yang Jin opened the letter, and his aunt took it, and the two got together and read it carefully.

After a while, my aunt put down the letter with trembling hands, and sat there blankly.

\"Mom, my brother said he went to join the army.\" Yang Jin picked up the letter and turned to look at his aunt.

\"Joining the army...Joining the army? Why...he went to join the army suddenly?\"The aunt murmured to herself,\"I never heard him talk about it...\"

\"No, brother said it.\" Yang Jin nodded seriously.

\"Did he say that?\"

\"In the past, he often told me in private that his biggest dream was to join the army, but his eyes were not good, so he gave up this dream for the time being.\" Yang Jin paused, and then pointed to a few words on the letter word said,

\"And you see, my brother also said in the letter that after his eyes recovered, he secretly reported to join the army, but he didn't tell you because he was afraid that you would stop him. Last night, he secretly took the train to Qiqihar... ...\”

\"its not right.\"

\"What's wrong?\"

\"You just got this letter this morning. According to the letter, he should be on the train!\"Auntie's head suddenly lighted up!

\"Er...\" Yang Jin scratched his head, \"Actually, I just found this letter this morning, maybe it was there last night, I just didn't see it.\"

\"But, but this is too sudden!\"Auntie can't accept this fact,\"and the child Qiye's eyes are just right, what if he relapses when he goes to serve as a soldier?

No... no! I'm worried!

I'm going to the government, I want my nephew back! \”

My aunt stood up anxiously, regardless of her slippers, opened the door and hurried out.

Suddenly, she stopped.

Outside the house, two men in military uniforms were standing awkwardly, as if they were about to knock on the door.

If Lin Qiye was here, he would immediately recognize that these two were Chen Muye and Wen Qimo.

\"Who are you?\" asked the aunt frowning.

Chen Muye and Wen Qimo looked at each other, and a gentle smile appeared on Wen Qimo's face, and he saluted his aunt with a not-so-standard military salute.

\"Hello, is this Lin Qiye's guardian, Ms. Wang Fang?\"

\"Yes, I am.\"

\"We are organized by the Cangnan Military and Political Bureau, here to send you some procedures and subsidies for Lin Qiye to join the army.\"

\"Military and political office?\"Aunt asked suspiciously, \"What is that place?\"

\"It is...specially responsible for recruits enlisting in the army.\"

\"Oh...then, then you come and sit first.\"Aunt stepped back a few steps, let the two come in, turned around and made tea for them,\"I just wanted to find you, this thing is not right!\"

As soon as Chen Muye and Wen Qimo sat down, the latter broke out in cold sweat when he heard these words.

Wen Qimo quietly leaned into Chen Muye's ear, and whispered: \"Captain, can we... really be fooled?\"

\"What are you afraid of, our procedures are all distributed from the regular army, and they are all true!\"

\"Yes, but you just submitted Lin Qiye's application for joining yesterday, so there is no reason for the documents to come so quickly, right? Are you sure...these are true?\"

\"...\" The corners of Chen Muye's mouth twitched slightly, \"Soon, they will become real.\"

\"But I don't understand, we can obviously wait for the official documents to come down, why are you in such a hurry?\"

\"It's not us who are in a hurry, it's Lin Qiye who is in a hurry.\" Chen Muye glanced at his aunt who was busy in the kitchen, and said in a low voice, \"He was afraid that his aunt would not believe what was in the letter, so he went directly to the government for verification, but the government Those cadres at the bottom don't know our existence...you know what I mean?\"


Wen Qimo nodded, sat up straight, and showed a standard smile.

\"Ms. Wang Fang, don't worry, we are a regular army, Lin Qiye went to Ulu Muqi to enlist in the army is also approved, there is no problem!\"

Yang Jin on the side helplessly held his forehead.

The aunt who was making tea trembled, and the teacup in her hand fell directly on the table. She turned around stiffly, her eyes widened and she said:

\"He, didn't he go to Kiki Hal?!\"

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