I Learn To Kill Gods In A Mental Hospital

Chapter 37 The Girl Who Won God

The mental hospital of the gods.

In the spacious and tidy yard, Nyx was sitting in a rocking chair with a vase in his arms, in a daze.

A boy in a white coat walked through the corridor, carrying a few bottles of medicine, and walked to her side.

\"You came to see me, Thanadus, my child.\" Nix turned his head to look at Lin Qiye, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Qiye sat down beside her, hummed,

\"It's time to take medicine.\"

He poured out the medicine in the bottle, carefully divided it into small piles, and placed them in Nyx's hand.

\"Hey, take the medicine first.\"

Without hesitation, Nyx swallowed the medicine in his hand, then stared at Lin Qiye, his eyes were full of love.

\"Danadus, you seem to have something on your mind?\"

Lin Qiye was taken aback, he didn't expect Nyx, a mental patient, to be able to see through his state at a glance. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

\"That's right.\"

\"Is there anything I can do to help you?\"

\"Unfortunately, you can't help me with this matter.\" Lin Qiye shook his head.

How could it be possible for outsiders to help you run away from home and feel sad all by yourself?

Nix was a little frustrated, and then, she seemed to think of something, and said:

\"In that case, Thanadus, I have a present for you.\"

\"Gift?\" Lin Qiye was taken aback.

\"Yes, I will give you my bracelet, and you can wear it by your side in the future, and you will be able to...\" Nix reached out and touched his wrist...

touched again,

She looked down at her bare wrist, where was the bracelet?

\"My bracelet...where is my bracelet?\"

Lin Qiye: ...

Sure enough, Nyx was seriously ill!

Nyx tilted his head and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Just when Lin Qiye was about to get up and leave, Nix suddenly said: \"I remembered.\"

\"What do you remember?\"

\"My bracelet was won.\"

\"Win away?\"Lin Qiye was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and seemed to have never seen the story of the bracelet in any mythology, \"Which god won it away?\"

\"Not God.\" Nix shook his head, pointed to Lin Qiye, \"She is the same as you.\"

\"Same as me...is also your child?\" Lin Qiye tried to think about the problem in the way of Nix.

\"No, she is wearing this white dress just like you.\"

Lin Qiye's pupils contracted and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

\"You mean, before me, someone else entered your room wearing this dress and won your bracelet?\"

Nyx nodded.

Lin Qiye's expression gradually became serious.

Unintentionally, he actually got such important information from Nix.

Judging from her statement, before she knocked on the door of this mental hospital and released Nyx, there should be another person who came here and opened the door of Nyx!

I... am not the only master here?

But this hospital is clearly in his mind, how could someone else come in?

Lin Qiye suddenly thought that the first time he had a dream about knocking on the door of a mental hospital was five years ago...

Five years ago, it came to my dream so abruptly and mysteriously.

Could it be... five years ago, before I dreamed of the hospital, there were other people here?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiye immediately sat back and said solemnly: \"How did she win your bracelet away?\"

Nix recalled for a while, and said: \"She said, she wants to compete with me, if I win, she will give me back my child, if I lose, she will give her my bracelet .\"

\"What did you compare?\"

Two words slowly spit out from Nyx's mouth: \"Creation.\"

\"Creation? You lost in the end? How is this possible?\"Lin Qiye's eyes were full of surprise, \"You are the goddess of the night, one of the five gods who created the world, how could you lose to others?\"

\"I don't know, but I did lose.\" Nyx shook his head.

\"Do you remember what she looked like?\"

\"Remember, she seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old at the time, with long black hair, very beautiful, and there is a strange pattern here.\" Nix pointed to the back of his hand.

\"A little girl of twelve or thirteen years old, won you in creation? \"Lin Qiye's eyeballs are about to drop, \"Even if your godhead is damaged now, it's unlikely, right?\"

Nix sat there, seemingly lost in memory again.

Lin Qiye calmed down and continued to ask: \"About her, what do you remember? What about her name?\"

\"I don't know... I only know that her surname seems to be... Ji?\" Nix said with some uncertainty.

\"Ji...\" Lin Qiye muttered this word.

\"Finally, she went there before I went back to the room.\" Nix thought for a while, then pointed to a certain room on the third floor.

\"I see, you have a good rest.\"Lin Qiye looked up at the room, gave some instructions, turned around and ran to the corridor.

After a while, Lin Qiye came to the room Nix was pointing at.

On the door plate, there are three big characters written.

--Dean chamber.

Lin Qiye frowned slightly, pushed the door open and entered.

Behind the door is a small office, which looks a bit messy.

He had entered this room before, and he took the white coat from the hanger inside, but he didn't seem to find anything when he entered.

Since Nyx says the girl walked into the room, it's likely that some important clues were left behind.

This time, he will search this place thoroughly!

He didn't choose to rummage through the boxes, but sat down on the spot and slowly closed his eyes.

With the God Market that Seraph gave him, he can easily perceive all the items in this room, which is much more efficient than searching through boxes and chests.

After a few seconds, he snapped his eyes open.

He stood up and walked to the desk, reached out and groped in the interlayer of the last drawer, and took out a letter that was somewhat yellowed.

Sure enough there is!

Lin Qiye quickly opened the envelope and took out the letter paper with a strange expression on his face.

Hiss... This word seems a bit ugly!

Crooked, like a primary school student just learning to write.

\" to someone:

I don't know who you are, but I know that you are the real master here.

When you find this letter, it should have been several years. Don't laugh at my current handwriting. After all, I am still young, and it will be fine when I grow up.

I'm sorry, I forcibly detained your hospital here for a while, but since it has been returned to its original owner, don't blame me!

Also, I borrowed something from some of your patients, and I will return it to you when I find you again, don't worry!

Finally, I would like to remind you that there is another place under this office~

When I grow up, I will come to you, stranger, after all, you are my hope of returning home.



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