I Learn To Kill Gods In A Mental Hospital

Chapter 42 How About My Talent?

\"It smells so good...\" Lin Qiye, who was in pain all over, staggered out of the training room, smelling the fragrance coming from the activity room, his eyes like ashes rekindled.

The corners of Wen Qimo's mouth raised slightly, \"It seems that your morning beating was not in vain...\"

Lin Qiye went straight to the activity room, just when he opened the door and entered, four pairs of resentful eyes swept over him.

\"...\" Lin Qiye felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, \"Why...?\"

\"It's nothing, just sit down and eat.\" Chen Muye glanced at him and said lightly.


When Lin Qiye sat down, Hongying looked at Chen Muye helplessly, feeling indescribably pitiful.

\"Let's eat.\" Finally, Chen Muye said the words that everyone had been waiting for for a long time.

Several people shot one after another, like wolves that had been starved for several days, their eyes were red.

\"Sister Hongying, the food of your night watchmen...has always been this good?\" Lin Qiye looked at the table full of food and asked in a low voice.

Hongying answered angrily: \"I don't want to talk to you now.\"

After Hongying finished speaking, she thought about it again, and added: \"I will talk to you after eating!\"

Lin Qiye: ...

\"Lin Qiye.\"

\"Yes, Captain.\"

\"Have you gained anything after training today?\"

\"Yes, I have gained a lot.\"

\"Well.\" Chen Muye nodded, paused, and continued, \"Does it hurt?\"

\"...sort of.\"

\"Xiao Nan, help him heal later.\"

Si Xiaonan pouted, nodded obediently, \"OK.\"

Chen Muye thought for a while, and added, \"It doesn't need to be completely cured, as long as you can still be beaten tomorrow.\"

Lin Qiye: ...


The two pairs of chopsticks collided in the bone broth, making a slight noise.

The two pairs of chopsticks were locked in a deadlock, no one would give way to the piece of meat they were holding.

Hongying and Wu Xiangnan stared and stared at each other, just like this, their eyes seemed to collide with a series of sparks in the air.

\"Wu Xiangnan, this piece of meat was the one I saw first.\" Hongying said with a stare.

Wu Xiangnan said calmly: \"I caught it first.\"

\"You let go.\"

\"I won't let it go.\"


\"Hold on!\"

Stab la la la...

The sparks of collision between the two became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Leng Xuan, who was eating in silence, stared at the piece of meat, and reached out to touch his waist...

Pulled out an MP5 submachine gun,

Put it on the table.

\"Let go.\" he said calmly.

Hongying: ...

Wu Xiangnan: ...

Leng Xuan naturally stretched out his chopsticks, picked up the biggest piece of meat, and after hesitating for a moment, put it into Lin Qiye's bowl.

\"New here, eat more, and practice guns later.\"

Leng Xuan put away the submachine gun and said coldly.

\"Ah? Oh...okay.\"Lin Qiye didn't react for a while, and then stared blankly at Leng Xuan who was buried in his meal...

good guy,

What does it mean that people don't talk too much?

That's why people don't talk too much!

\"Leng Xuan, try not to draw a gun on the dining table next time.\" Chen Muye reminded,

\"If something goes wrong...it would be a pity for this table of food.\"

Leng Xuan nodded, \"Oh.\"

Hongying and Wu Xiangnan looked at each other, and at the same time obediently bowed their heads to eat.

After Lin Qiye ate all the food in the bowl, Leng Xuan stood up and walked to his side, and said lightly:

\"I am full?\"


\"Let's practice guns.\"

\"it is good!\"

Seeing the backs of the two people gradually disappearing in the aisle, Wen Qimo sighed and turned to look at Si Xiaonan.

\"Xiao Nan.\"

\"What's wrong?\"

\"Your group pet status has been replaced.\"

Si Xiaonan:  ̄へ ̄


\"A gun is a thermal weapon and the crystallization of human wisdom.\"

In the shooting room, Leng Xuan stood in front of a wall neatly hung with various guns, and said expressionlessly.

\"For high-level mythical creatures, they can play very little role, but for low-level mythical creatures, guns are often more effective than cold weapons.

Especially for newcomers, it is very necessary to learn to use guns without a strong melee level. \”

Leng Xuan took down a pistol from the wall behind him and placed it in front of Lin Qiye.

\"I only teach you two things, one is shooting skills, and the other is the composition principle of firearms. If you don't plan to specialize in firearms in the future, this is enough for you.\"

Lin Qiye nodded one after another.

\"Now, take this gun and shoot at the target, let me see your talent.\" Leng Xuan pointed to the target not far away.

Lin Qiye nodded, picked up the pistol, and stood still in front of the shooting platform.

take a deep breath,

Learn the movements you see on TV,

Raise the gun,




With a gunshot, the two faces suddenly darkened.


Leng Xuan walked up to the target, double-checked that there were no bullet holes, his expression seemed a bit ugly, \"A 30-meter target can miss the target? This...\"

Lin Qiye put down the gun, coughed twice, \"Well... how about my talent?\"

Leng Xuan glanced at him and closed his eyes in despair.

\"You? You have a knitting talent.\"

Lin Qiye: ...


Back at Hongying's big villa, Lin Qiye fell weakly on the sofa, rubbing the corners of his tired eyes.

After this day's training, it can be said that he suffered both physically and mentally.

Although the firearms class in the evening was not tiring, it repeatedly rubbed his self-esteem on the ground...

He really has no talent for guns.

After this night's training, when he walked out of the training room, Lin Qiye obviously felt that Leng Xuan was more tired than him, and most importantly, the light in his eyes... was gone.

In the end, Leng Xuan comforted him, saying that it was not too outrageous for a novice to do so, and asked him to work hard in the future.

But as he talked, it turned into Lin Qiye comforting him.

\"Don't worry, I think my lack of talent is temporary, just practice more.\"

\"You have to have confidence in me and yourself, your marksmanship is so powerful, why can't you teach me?\"

\"Time, the most important thing is time...be patient...\"

\"Be optimistic, at least within 20 meters, I can still hit the target, and I can still be saved!\"


Just when Lin Qiye was sad, a beautiful figure quietly walked in front of him.

\"Brother Qiye, are you tired?\" Hongying was wearing plush pajamas, holding a cup of tea in her hand, and handed it to Lin Qiye with a smile.

Lin Qiye forced a smile, took the tea, \"Thank you.\"

\"In fact, it's okay, although tired, but very fulfilling.\" Lin Qiye took a sip of tea, looked around, \"Where is Xiaonan?\"

\"She seemed to be a little angry at you for taking the position of her pet, and went back to the house.\"

\"No wonder, when she was treating me just now, she always pinched my flesh, I thought it was a normal procedure.\" Lin Qiye touched the bruises and bruises on his arms, and suddenly realized.

Hongying burst out laughing.

\"Actually, the captain is so strict with everyone. When I first came here, even though I was a girl, he didn't hold back at all, and beat me to tears abruptly.\" Hongying looked up at the window, as if Recalling something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

\"A bit ruthless.\"

\"Not ruthless, not ruthless at all.\" Hongying shook her head, \"The decrease in the death rate of the night watchmen in Cangnan City is basically the captain's credit, one is because of his own strength, and the other is... he Be accountable enough to other team members.

The harder he hits you, the more you will remember the pain and grow faster.

He would rather his team members hate him than die on the battlefield because of their lack of strength... Do you understand? \”

Lin Qiye was silent for a long time, seeming to recall Chen Muye's sharp eyes in the morning, and nodded slowly.

\"I know.\"

The corners of Hongying's mouth raised slightly, she touched Lin Qiye's hair like a big sister, and said softly: "Okay, go to rest early if you are tired, good night."

\"Good night.\"

Lin Qiye said goodbye to Hongying, returned to her room, dragged her exhausted body to lie on the bed, staring at the empty ceiling in a daze.

After a while, he slowly got up from the bed again...

Withdraw the straight knife from its sheath,

With the knife in one hand and the sheath in the other,

I closed my eyes and recalled every saber technique that Chen Muye used today,

In the hazy moonlight,

Swing one knife after another!

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