The three of them looked at each other, then ran towards the alley where Wang Shao left.

Lin Qiye stood alone on the spot, frowning and looking at the dark path, with a dignified expression.

Although he didn't know what happened, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

On the outskirts of the old city, perverted murderers, strange stench, screaming...

something is wrong

He hesitated on the spot for a while, and after some psychological struggle, he sighed helplessly, and finally picked up the guide stick in his hand and rushed towards the alleyway

If it was normal, Lin Qiye would never meddle in such a situation, instead he would run in the opposite direction, as far as he could!

Since everyone is screaming, it must be a bad thing.

Not a good thing, that means trouble.

Robbery, murder, or witnessing a murder scene... whatever, Lin Qiye doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

He doesn't have such a strong curiosity, he doesn't want to know what happened; he doesn't have overflowing sympathy, he doesn't want to be a hero.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to fight, so what if he gave his life away?

But the present situation is different.

If they hadn't taken the initiative to escort Lin Qiye home, perhaps Wang Shao would have gone back by another road, or returned a few minutes earlier, so this situation would not have happened?

He really doesn't like to be nosy, but he doesn't like to owe favors even more.

In any case, he at least went to see what happened, and he did his best. If he encountered any danger, he would just run away.

Lin Qiye was blindfolded, but his speed was not slow at all. The closer he got to the place where the scream came from, the tighter his frown became.

The smell is getting stronger and stronger.


A second scream came from around the corner ahead, only this time it was a woman's voice.

Jiang Qian!

Lin Qiye abruptly stopped at the corner of the alleyway, and Jiang Qian and the three appeared within the scope of his mental perception

Not far in front of him, Jiang Qian was slumped on the ground, her mouth was wide open, she was looking ahead in horror, her whole body was trembling!

In front of her, Liu Yuan and Li Yifei were frozen there like stone sculptures, their eyes fixed on the front, trembling as well!

No matter how far away... Lin Qiye couldn't sense it anymore.

His eyes couldn't be opened yet, he couldn't see the world with his own vision, and the range of his mental perception was only ten meters, so this created an extremely embarrassing situation.

Within ten meters, he sees everything, and ten meters away, he is a real blind man

What did the three of Jiang Qian see to be so frightened?

Although he couldn't see, his hearing was very sensitive. He could clearly hear rustling sounds not far away.

It was as if someone was gnawing on something, gnawing wildly and with great relish.

Hmm...sounds the same as a little black mang gnawing on a bone.

"What happened?" Lin Qiye lowered his voice and asked.

Jiang Qian seemed to be taken aback by Lin Qiye's appearance, her hands frantically grabbed the hem of his clothes, her teeth were chattering!

"The monster... The monster is gnawing on Wang Shao's face!"

Lin Qiye's face suddenly changed!


Lin Qiye and Li Yifei shouted at the same time!

As soon as the word came out, Liu Yuan was like a crazy wild dog, turning his head and running backwards. After being hit by Lin Qiye's shoulder and staggering, he quickly got up again and ran desperately!

"Monster... help! Come here!! Monster!" He screamed loudly while running.

Lin Qiye was caught off guard by such a bump, and his figure staggered. Just as he stabilized his body, there was a dull impact sound from a distance.

It was like a brown bear stomped on the ground and rushed towards him.

Jiang Qian's pupils shrank suddenly, and she got up from the ground like lightning, and ran away screaming.

As for Li Yifei...he ran away after calling out the word to run, faster than Liu Yuan who pushed Lin Qiye away.

If Liu Yuan hadn't stumbled into Lin Qiye just now, he would have run a long way now.

But with such a short delay, he was already at the end just like Jiang Qian.

At this time, it seemed that everyone had forgotten Lin Qiye's status as a "disabled person". The classmates who had just vowed to escort him back had completely forgotten about him.

Facing such a bloody and terrifying scene before them, fear occupied everyone's mind.

When Lin Qiye just ran a few steps, something broke in within ten meters of his mental perception.

It's like a person, but it's not like a person.

It is said to be human because it has limbs and head like a human, and it is not human because it is like a hyena at the moment, running on the ground with all four limbs, and its body is as big as a brown bear!

Most importantly, there is a grimace on its head.

Pale, twisted.

The long, pointed and scarlet tongue was like a long snake, extending half a meter from the mouth, twisting flexibly.

Lin Qiye's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

Its speed was too fast, within a few steps, it flew from ten meters away to the range of his mental perception, and was still approaching him at an astonishing speed!

He could already feel a gust of wind blowing from behind.

Jiang Qian on the side also felt the same way. Her face turned pale instantly, and her heart was filled with fear and panic. She turned her head stiffly, wanting to see how far the monster was from her.

It should be... still far away, right?

"Don't look back!" Lin Qiye's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

But it was still too late, Jiang Qian's pupils shrank suddenly, and that hideous grimace was almost close to her face, and she could feel the strong bloody aura on the opponent's body!


The screams resounded through the alleyway again, she closed her eyes abruptly, turned around and wanted to take off her schoolbag and smash it on the ghost-masked man.

She panicked completely.

A schoolbag is not a weapon, and she is not a trained warrior.

At this moment of life and death, whoever loses his calm first will lose his way of life.

The ghost-masked man grabbed the strap of the schoolbag, and the tyrannical force was transmitted to Jiang Qian. She suddenly lost her center of gravity and staggered to the ground!

A heavy black shadow suddenly fell and landed on her body...

The next moment, blood stained the night into scarlet.

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