The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The corners of Wang Mian's mouth twitched wildly under Wang Mian's mask, Qiangwei's fist hardened, and the faces of the instructors present were also extremely exciting!

Only the recruits stood there blankly, a little confused.

Is this kneeling? is this? No way?

what is he doing

They may have guessed what happened, but they didn't dare to think in that direction at all. They were trying to find a reasonable explanation for everything they saw...

Please, this is [Masquerade], how could it be possible to make such a low-level mistake? !

Everyone's eyes fell on the whirlpool.

Uzumaki knelt there, took a second to recognize the reality, hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised his hands...

He bowed his hands to all the new students.

\"Masquerade Squad Whirlpool, wish you all an early year!\"

After finishing speaking, he stood up abruptly, stood proudly, and pretended nothing had happened.

Lin Qiye: ...

Baili Pangpang thought for a while, and leaned into Lin Qiye's ear seriously, \"Qiye, tell me... Is this instructor out of budget? He couldn't hire a real [Masquerade] team, so he found a high-level imitation?\”

\"...Probably not.\" Lin Qiye's eyes fell on Wang Mian, who was at the front of the seven people, and his face gradually became serious.

Lin Qiye could feel that the man on the stage exuded a faint divine power.

Others may not be aware of it, but Lin Qiye can.

Because they are all representatives of the gods.

At the same time, Wang Mian on the stage seemed to be aware of Lin Qiye's existence, and their gazes collided.

After a while, Wang Mian looked away, and slowly finished the lines just now:

\"We are [Masked] special team.\"

Everyone gasped!

The corner of Yuan Gang's mouth raised slightly, and his voice echoed in the training ground again:

\"Since you are not convinced, I will give you a chance, a chance to recognize yourself, a chance to really get in touch with top talents!

It is now 2:30 in the afternoon, before 9:00 in the evening, all of you 239 recruits, no matter what method you use, as long as you can take off the mask of any one of the [Masked] team, you will win!

If you win, it will prove that you are really good, and there is no need for this year's training camp. I will apply to let you graduate tomorrow!

But if no one can do it before nine o'clock, throw all your ridiculous pride and conceit into the latrine for me! No matter what requirements we put forward during the training camp, you must implement them! !

Understand? ! \”

Hearing Yuan Gang's words, all the recruits present immediately exploded!

Soon, some people protested: \"This is not fair! They are basically strong in the 'Sichuan' or 'Sea' territory, and we are all in the 'Zhan' territory, how can we fight?\"

\"In this battle, all members of the [Masquerade] team will suppress their realm to the 'Zhan' realm!

Under the same realm, 239 people played against 7 people!

You... dare not? ! \”

The audience was in an uproar!

Everyone is in the \"zhan\" environment, so naturally there is no distinction between strength and weakness in the fundamental sense. The rest is nothing more than tactical coordination, strategy, and combat literacy. Even if the members of the [Masked] team are all strong and famous , but they also have a full 239 people!

Heaping can also kill them, right? !

The breathing of the recruits suddenly became rapid!

Just because of the huge difference in the number of people, there is no reason to lose!

If you win...not only can you save this year's training camp, but it will also give yourself a lot of face!

\"it is good!!\"

\"I agree!\"

\"It's a deal!!\"


The atmosphere of the recruits was immediately ignited, and they stared at the seven gray-clothed figures on the stage with burning eyes.

As if sensing their high spirited fighting spirit, Wang Mian squinted his eyes and said quietly:

\"To deal with you... you don't need 7 people at all,

We, only need 5 people to defeat all of you! \”

As soon as this sentence came out, the recruits' emotions were detonated again. They responded fiercely to the provocation of the king's face, and the whole scene was in chaos.

\"Are they so arrogant? \" Baili Pangpang asked in surprise.

\"They are not arrogant, on the contrary, they are pursuing safety." Lin Qiye shook his head.

Baili Pangpang was taken aback, \"If only 5 people will kill us all, isn't that arrogant?\"

\"The rule of this battle is that if any one of them takes off their mask, they will win, so the more people they play, the more likely they will lose.\" Seeing that Baili Pangpang still didn't understand, Lin Qiye continued. :

\"A team of 7 people must have their own strengths and weaknesses. Once this shortcoming is exposed, under the collective siege of 239 people, it is very likely that the shortcoming will be broken. If the board is left on the sidelines, there will be no such problem.\”

\"You mean... They are worried that some players are not good at fighting, so they simply let them not play, so that they have no weaknesses?\"

\"This is the truth.\"

\"So it seems that they are actually jealous of us? We have a good chance of winning?\"

\"Not necessarily.\" Lin Qiye glanced at the excited crowd in front of him, and said lightly: \"Although we have the advantage in terms of numbers, we are all a group of uncooperative mobs. In this case, the number has become our disadvantage .

The 5 people in the mask are a sharp knife, but the 239 of us are just a mess. \”

\"Okay...\" Baili Pangpang sighed.

\"Whether we can win the mask does not depend on how many people we have...but how many smart people we have.\" Lin Qiye glanced at the surrounding recruits.

Yuan Gang saw that the momentum of the people below had been accumulated, and said: \"The weapons you need can be found in Curry, and the next seven hours belong to you only!

Don't care how many facilities are damaged, how many buildings are destroyed, no matter what you make this place look like, we can restore it...

Next... let me see your abilities. \”

After Yuan Gang finished his last sentence, he turned around and left with all the instructors.

\"According to the original plan, I, the whirlpool, Qiangwei, Tianping, and the moon ghost are five people, go back and rest.\" Wang Mian turned and said a few words to the other two members, and they followed the instructor and left.

In the end, there were only 239 recruits and the five members of Mask left in the field.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

All the recruits looked at the five masks on the stage with ill intentions. Someone in the crowd stretched out his hand and asked:

\"Excuse me, when can we start?\"

Tian Ping smiled slightly, stretched out a finger, and pointed away towards the crowd.

The next moment, as if the questioner had been hit in the chest by an invisible giant hammer, he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards!

During the turmoil, Wang Mian quietly said:

\"Is what the instructor said just now not clear enough?

From two o'clock to nine o'clock, that is to say...

Now, it has begun. \”

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